Photobucket - warning 3rd party linking isn't no longer supported

Started by Maurits71, June 30, 2017, 02:22:43 PM

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 :veryangry: :veryangry: :veryangry: :veryangry: :veryangry: :veryangry: photobucket

If you use like me Photobucket to store your photo's and use Photobucket to link photo's into topics you will get a problem as PB doesn't support 3rd party linking any more.

so apologies, any photo's I have posted over the last years are No longer visible. I will upload all photo;s to flick but will not be able to restore all links, sorry for this..

I will close down my PB account on a short notice as I feel that what they have done is not within my personal comfort zone.
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They started to brass me off a few years ago so I switched to 'Dropbox' but they limit you to 2GB space

Ian Morton

Wonderful terms and conditions at Photobucket including this little beauty:

Photobucket reserves the right to terminate your Membership at any time (even if you've paid a monthly or annual subscription), without warning for any or no reason, with or without prior notice or explanation and without liability.

Nice people.  :no:

Ben A

Hi Maurits

What a coincidence - I was looking through the Horseley Fields thread earlier to see if I could find that image of the steel terminal that someone was after and noticed your pics were no longer visible.  I assumed you'd migrated to a different provider and hadn't got around to de/re-linking.

This reminds me of the fotopic fiasco of a few years ago.  What is it with photo hosting sites?


Ben A.


Yes, just found out about this through another (non-railway) forum. The forum had it's own Photobucket account that all of the members had access to (it's a very small forum with less than 20 regularly active members) so all the pictures were stored there.

Now suddenly they want £300+ for the level of account you need to use 3rd party linking. Oh, and until you pay, you can't download your own pictures to move them elsewhere!!!


I have only ever used them specifically to post to forums. they have got really bad lately, almost unuseable due to the amount of spam that pops up on their page.

I will be deactivating my account as it is now pointless.



Seems to be working? I have never paid them a penny. Still a rubbish site though.



Anyone taking bets that 'cloud' storage will be next?



I have up on Photobucket years ago when they lost all the photos I had with them when I changed my email address.

Luckily none were important or not stored elsewhere, and I now do not use remote storage or Clouds but simply keep my own files at home on my devices, and fully backed up.

Clouds. Ephemeral things. Here one minute. Gone the next.

Sufferin' succotash!


Well I'd certainly never rely on any sort of hosting site or cloud as the repository for the only copy of stuff.   I have a network drive for all our media, which gets backed up regularly and the backup stored away from the house.
Nick.   2021 celebrating the 25th anniversary of "Königshafen" exhibition layout!

port perran

I only iused photobucket to post on here so it's no great loss.
I certainly will not be held to sansom by them so all of my photos have now disappeared from the forum. So be it.
If I want to add a photo now, what should I do now please?
I'm sure I'll get used to cream first soon.


Quote from: port perran on July 02, 2017, 09:02:01 PM
If I want to add a photo now, what should I do now please?
Use a different photo hosting site,  host it on your own web pages (I do that for a few things for other sites) or upload it to this forum using the "Add image to post and upload to gallery" link right above the text window where I'm typing this reply, and add as a random photo.  That's what I do for all the photos I've posted on this forum so far.

Nick.   2021 celebrating the 25th anniversary of "Königshafen" exhibition layout!


Quote from: port perran on July 02, 2017, 09:02:01 PM
I only iused photobucket to post on here so it's no great loss.
I certainly will not be held to sansom by them so all of my photos have now disappeared from the forum. So be it.
If I want to add a photo now, what should I do now please?

All the personal photos I post on here come directly from my iPad photo facility. I just click on 'Add image to post and upload to gallery' found just above the box I am currently typing this reply in, and put a name for it, assign it to Random Photos, and then select it from my Photo app and thus insert it in the post.
I assume you can do the same from a PC or other tablet.

Just as Nick has said as I was typing this! :D

Sufferin' succotash!


This is good news. I hate PB and have been meaning to change for ages but this will force me to. What are other's doing for hosting? Might give Flickr another go, although I recall it not being good for video. I've just tried embedding a video from Flickr, which gives me a still only. Is there a way of embedding the actual video?
Askham Battersby MKII - NE/Midland Modular Layout

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Specifically for vids I use Dropbox, which allows you 2GB free hosting. Stills I either hold on my laptop or an external drive and load them up to the forum as and when necessary.

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