A misconception!

Started by petercharlesfagg, August 02, 2016, 03:32:19 PM

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Friends, I a EXTREMELY grateful for all the messages cards and end emails regarding my illness.

But there are those members who appear to have grasped the wrong ens of the thread!!!

I am NOT going to get better, I am suffering from terminal  cancer, it has already killed my Pancreas and I must expect that ovetr a period of time it will also kill all of my other organs!

My eyesight is already suffering as is my digestion, it is only a matter of time!

I just try to be happy in my last days bit gets more and more difficult!

Warmest regards, Peter Charles Fagg.
Each can do but little, BUT if each did that little, ALL would be done!

Life is like a new sewer pipe, what you get out of it depends on what you put into it!

A day without laughter is a day wasted!


Thank you for your honest post,I hope that you can really enjoy your remaining time however long that maybe, I also hope that you are getting plenty of palative care from the good old NHS.
Diane Tape

Rob H


It is with great regret that I've read your latest post, and it comes as no great surprise that you are handling the situation the way you are, with grace and humility.

You probably won't remember but I had the great pleasure to speak to you on a couple of occasions when you took the trouble to ring me after I sent you a couple of bits of wire that you were after, I bet the call cost more than the wire did but that was you, a true gentleman.

I'm sure there will be many on here that will want to add their own messages and thoughts and thats because you were a breath of fresh air to the NGF with your posts, I just wanted you to know that you are very much in my thoughts,

Stay strong Buddy,

They say that love is more important than money but have you ever tried to pay a bill with a hug ?

Bob Tidbury

 :sorrysign: To read your last post, and I wish there was a cure for this dreadful disease, I admire your courage and I hope you are well enough to visit us at TINGS  this year . It makes me very cross to see and hear of people and governments wasting enormous amounts of money on things like Art, Football players and the like earning huge amounts of money .All the money spent on usless road systems etc etc etc ,and yet we only spend a small amount trying to fight illnesses like cancer it doesn't make sense to me.
I hope you manage to fulfill some of your ambitions before the disease takes over completely.


Peter, I do not think anyone can add to what has been said. My thoughts will be with you. John.


Peter, thanks for such a straight forward and honest statement, which is typical of you.
Stay strong my friend, our thought s and prayers will be with you.



My thoughts are with you...
Gerard  :wave:


Oh, Peter! As one of the ones who got hold of the 'wrong end of the thread', I was so sorry to read your latest post. All I can say is, wring every last drop of enjoyment out of life that you can, which is what we all ought to be doing. Keep your spirits up and know that there are a lot of folk on this forum who have never met you, but will still be rooting for you.

Warmest regards,



I can't add to what has been said above except to say keep smiling. It's wonderful therapy for you and those around you.
You know you're getting older when your mind makes commitments your body can't meet.
https://www.ngaugeforum.co.uk/SMFN/index.php?topic=24101.0 Off on a journey


So sorry to read your post. I hope too that you enjoy every moment of the time you have left. I shall be praying for you.
KISS = Keep it simple stupid

lil chris

Peter has another of those who got the wrong end of the stick.my thoughts are with you make the most of this hobby while you can.
Lil Chris
My new layout  East Lancashire Railway
My old layout was Irwell Valley Railway.
Layout previous was East Lancashire Lines, changed this new one. My new layout here.



Im very sorry to be reading this thread..............

I dont often post and I should do more. But I would like to :thankyousign: :thankyousign:  for all your posts, as I have struggled to get my layout out of the planning stage. But your trials & tribulations with your layout & Life...on this forum do inspire me to keep at it and not throw the :censored: whole thing out the window..... :laugh3:

All the Very Best to You and your family


P.S hope to see lots more posts from you

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