Peco price rise

Started by 1936ace, September 27, 2014, 11:21:05 AM

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Hi all
Got an email from rails stating that peco is about to increase their prices. Does any one know what it will be


5% price rise from Monday 29th according to the Gaugemaster e-zine :thumbsup:


Ian Morton

I've just extracted the full list for N related items:

Don't forget those are retail prices, including VAT, in pounds. Other prices, taxes and currencies are available!


I wonder what say hattons will increase the price for example their code 80 med insulting point is currently £8. Will it be the full increase


By chance I just ordered 7 large radius code 55 points from hattons this morning at the normal..£9.50 each price..assuming in the next few weeks this could creep to £10 a piece.. We shall see..


I will make the assumption the cost of raw materials has increased so they are passing on the price rise to their products. All of the news and documentation says that wages have and are not keeping apace with price rises,so, I will make another assumption. That many modellers they will have, or start to cut back slightly on what they would like to  have bought. It seems the Peco rise is significantly less the the Bachfar one, which for me broaches the question is China now as competitive/attractive a production base as it was previously?

Obviously there will always be those who are either in a position to pay whatever price, or will go without what others deem necessary to have a model/s in their possession.Taken across the broader spectrum of modellers though I think sales will dip a bit in what is after all just a hobby, and not a mandatory outgoing. I may of course be totally wrong...

Ian Morton

Bear in mind that Peco have held their prices for 2 years so they have been doing their best to absorb the rising costs of materials and energy.

The Bachmann/Farish price rises for some items were much larger for a variety of reasons. Other items, such as the figures, were largely unaffected.

Every time that prices rise people wonder if it will mean the end of the hobby but the answer is no, it may change it, but not finish it off. Over the past decade we have become used to high quality and low prices. Go back to the 1970s and most people couldn't boast the huge number of locomotives that many people do today. As the pennies get tighter you just have to ask yourself what you actually need rather than what you would like to have on a whim.


Quote from: 1936ace on September 27, 2014, 11:40:45 AM
I wonder what say hattons will increase the price for example their code 80 med insulting point is currently £8. Will it be the full increase

Doncha just love predictive text :no:
If any of my points insult me they'll get what's coming to them >:D


Yes you can end up with some funny words must work out how to turn it off one day or get skinnier fingers😃
I spoke to hattons via their chat line and they said they had not been told by peco of a price rise and that they have no intention of increasing price for now.
I was starting to worry as I need to buy 40points but have spent up a bit lately and need to save up again made worse by a pay cut at work


Is all/any of Peco's kit made in the UK?, then I'm quite happy to 'cough up'.john.

Ian Morton

Quote from: painbrook on September 28, 2014, 09:13:27 PM
Is all/any of Peco's kit made in the UK?, then I'm quite happy to 'cough up'.john.
It's all made at their factory in Devon.

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