Terry Pratchett is Raising Steam

Started by Adam1701D, November 07, 2013, 07:37:49 PM

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Rejoice...the new Discworld book is out today - "Raising Steam". Yes, the railways are coming to Ankh Morpork.

I've just downloaded this to my Kindle - smashing stuff and totally recommended.  :thumbsup:
Best Regards,
Adam Warr
Peterborough, UK


I am old fashion enough to prefer my books on paper, but I'm just glad he can still write.



As a Prachett fan I have been looking forward to this.

So pleased he is still writing. Have met the man several times. an absolute charmer. I was at school with Steve Briggs, the guy who wrote the plays based on the novels and so used to get invites to opening nights before I emigrated. Do miss that pleasure.


My "hard copy" is due tomorrow! 40 books on and it still seems "better than life"!!


I can feel the need to get hold of a "hard copy" as well, not least for the marvellous Discworld railway map that is included.
Best Regards,
Adam Warr
Peterborough, UK


Never read a Pratchett book however i'm really glad he is still able to write, and long may it continue

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Quote from: OwL on November 07, 2013, 10:26:27 PM
Never read a Pratchett book however i'm really glad he is still able to write, and long may it continue

I think you've missed out! Pratchett and modelling (no not that sort, I haven't got the legs for it) are both about creating a believeable reality. Give his books a try, you won't be sorry.


I wonder - if and  when Terry does eventually shuffle of this mortal coil (not for sometime hopefully) will he get a personal attendance by "Death" similar to wizards and other heros ?

Maybe he could be offered a place alongside Albert keeping the library in order.


Quote from: captainelectra on November 07, 2013, 09:56:01 PM
I can feel the need to get hold of a "hard copy" as well, not least for the marvellous Discworld railway map that is included.
Is the map in the hard or soft cover?
I know one prezzie I will get this christmas. :bounce:
To be called pompous and arrogant - hell of a come down.
I tried so hard to be snobbish and haughty.

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Don't know where the map is in the physical books but it looks really good on the Kindle!

There has been at least one Discworld-based layout that I know of...after this book, there is going to be real potential for a lot more. I won't say more, as I haven't finished it yet and I don't want to give anything away...

Best Regards,
Adam Warr
Peterborough, UK


Quote from: griffo49 on November 07, 2013, 10:51:21 PM
Quote from: OwL on November 07, 2013, 10:26:27 PM
Never read a Pratchett book however i'm really glad he is still able to write, and long may it continue

I think you've missed out! Pratchett and modelling (no not that sort, I haven't got the legs for it) are both about creating a believeable reality. Give his books a try, you won't be sorry.

I don't think you've missed anything ;)

Despite being a fan of this sort of fiction - read The Hobbit and LOTR, made my way through two excellent series of books by Maggie Furey and now reading the third current series) I have tried on two occasions to read Pratchett books (can't remember which ones now?), both times I found them very hard going and quickly lost interest :unimpressed:

Having said that everyone is different and you should give it a try and judge for yourself :)



Quote from: NinOz on November 08, 2013, 06:59:39 AM
Is the map in the hard or soft cover?

As it's only just been released, I would say the hardback - the softcover won't be released for at least 6 months, (if ever - it depends on the release date for the softback).

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