An Eventful Christmas at Trevelver Castle

Started by Chris in Prague, December 28, 2023, 08:50:31 AM

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Chris in Prague

Quote from: crewearpley40 on March 10, 2024, 05:51:56 PMHopefully some more cant cove one day. Absorbing storylines

Thanks, Chris. I'm very busy but when I have some free time I will be posting in Cant Cove.

Chris in Prague

As each guest entered the grand drawing room, Huw greeted them and recited the choice of aperitifs.

"Good evening, Lisa, Riccardo. What can I offer you for pre-dinner drinks?"

"What do you have, Huw?" asked Riccardo with a smile.

"I can offer you Martini, either dry or sweet vermouth; the classic gin and tonic; a Negroni made with gin, vermouth, and Campari; an Aperol Spritz made from Aperol, Prosecco, and soda water; a Kir Royale, that is champagne with a splash of crème de cassis; a sherry, dry or sweet; a Dubonnet served with a twist of lemon or orange; an Americano, that's Campari, sweet vermouth, and soda water; vermouth on the rocks, either dry or sweet; and last but by no means least, white port and tonic."

In the refined and opulent setting of the grand drawing room, Lisa and Riccardo stood side by side, smiling. Amidst the gentle clinking of crystal glasses and the soft glow of candlelight, they engaged in polite conversation, savouring their classic aperitifs amid the sophisticated ambience surrounding them.

Laughter and conversation echoed off the stone walls of the castle as the dinner guests shared stories and exchanged whispered revelations about other attendees from the morning. Amidst the opulent surroundings of antique furnishings, sparkling crystal chandeliers, and attractive paintings, the dinner guests found themselves enveloped in the rich tapestry of the castle's history and grandeur.

As the last rays of daylight fade, casting a warm, golden glow over the wintry landscape outside, Lisa and Riccardo raise their glasses in a toast to the evening ahead. With each sip of their aperitifs—a Negroni for him, an Aperol Spritz for her—they savour the moment, creating memories that would linger long after the night had ended.

"Isn't this setting just breathtaking, Riccardo?" smiled Lisa.

"Absolutely stunning, Lisa. The ambience here is unlike anything I've experienced before," Riccardo replies.

"Lady Trevelver has such impeccable taste, doesn't she? I feel like I've stepped into a fairy tale."

"Indeed, she does, Lisa. And speaking of fairy tales, you seem positively radiant tonight, Lisa. Something's changed."

Lisa, blushing, replied, "Oh, thank you, Riccardo. I had the most enlightening conversation with Lady Trevelver earlier. She has a way of making you see things in a different light."

"I can certainly see that. You seem more confident, more at ease," her companion replies.

"It's amazing what a little encouragement can do, isn't it? I feel like I'm stepping into a new chapter of my life."

Riccardo hesitantly: "Well, to new beginnings, then, Lisa?"

Chris in Prague

Lady Penelope, accompanied by her husband, Charles, was very pensive as she joined the guests. While they sipped their classic Italian Aperol Spritzes, she reflected on her lost younger sister.

"Charles, as we join our guests this evening, after my earlier meeting with Lisa, I can't help but think of my dear sister, Eleanor. She so loved such occasions."

"Yes, she most certainly did, Penny. Do you remember, how, on the first Christmas after our wedding, Eleanor surprised us all?"

"Oh, Charles, how could I forget? It was such a magical moment."

"Indeed. Unknown to anyone except Huw and Gwen, she had dressed up as the Christmas tree fairy and swung from that trapeze she rigged up in the Great Hall's ceiling with the help of Huw, who, like his wife, had been sworn to secrecy."

"Yes, Eleanor looked absolutely enchanting with all those twinkling lights around her silvery wings and her sparkling tiara."

"And the way she descended from the ceiling with that invisible rope attached to the harness under her fairy costume, it was quite the spectacle!"

"It certainly was, Charles. Eleanor's spirit was always one of adventure and daring. As she descended to the gasps of our guests, she waved her fairy wand, sprinkling fairy dust glitter as she bestowed her blessings upon us and our first Christmas together, wishing us many more to come with such heartfelt joy."

"Afterwards, her laughter filled the room, bringing such warmth and merriment to our celebration. It was a moment of pure magic, my dear, a testament to Eleanor's irrepressible spirit and her love for us."

"Indeed, Eleanor had a way of making even the simplest moments unforgettable. Despite our very different temperaments, we shared a deep bond forged through our childhood adventures and shared secrets. Her absence still weighs heavy on my heart, Charles."

"I know, my dear. We all miss her. She was a force of nature, was Eleanor. Always seeking new thrills and experiences while you, my dear, were known for the grace, wisdom, and aura of authority you carried as the future matriarch of the family."

"And yet, her disappearance remains a mystery. I often wonder what became of her."


This, (brilliant), tale has got more twists than a 60's disco!  ;)  :thumbsup:
I used to be indecisive - now I'm not - I don't think.
If a friend seems distant, catch up with them.

Chris in Prague

Quote from: dannyboy on March 11, 2024, 07:47:59 PMThis, (brilliant), tale has got more twists than a 60's disco!  ;)  :thumbsup:

Thank you! I'm glad that you're enjoying it. There are, I have noted, other anonymous regular readers.

Chris in Prague

"We may never know, my dear. But her memory will always live on in our hearts."

"Yes, Charles. And now, more than ever, I cherish the time we have together."

"As do I, my dear. Let us enjoy the evening and honour Eleanor's memory in our own way."

"Charles, do you recall our wedding day when you became the lord of Trevelver Castle following our family's ancient matrilineal inheritance tradition?"

"I most certainly do, Penny!"

"It was a pivotal moment for us, cementing our esteemed status in society. And then there was Eleanor, my fiercely independent younger sister," his wife smiled sadly. "Remember how, during her increasingly infrequent visits, she never failed to enchant us with her adventurous spirit, regaling us with tales and films of her expeditions to far-off lands."

"Ah, yes! But that brings us to Eleanor's last expedition into the remote Andes Mountains of South America."

"Yes, she was so excited, wasn't she? Driven by tales of ancient civilisations and lost cities veiled in mist, as always, she eagerly pursued her thirst for adventure and discovery. She faced treacherous terrain and harsh weather as she journeyed into the heart of the Andes, seeking elusive archaeological sites and remnants of forgotten civilizations. Her exploration led her into uncharted territory, where she hoped to unravel the secrets of the past and unlock the mysteries of ancient cultures."

"My dear Penelope, from what information the British Consul was able to gather, it was there that fate took a cruel turn for your courageous sister. Trapped in the clutches of a sudden storm, it seemed that she became separated from her guide and porters. Lost and alone amidst the towering mountains and swirling mists, I have no doubt that Eleanor fought valiantly against the elements, clinging to hope even as her strength dwindled."

"Charles, it breaks my heart to imagine the tragic fate that must have befallen Eleanor. Despite her assuredly brave struggle against the elements, the unforgiving wilderness of the Andes claimed her life, leaving behind a void that can never be filled. Her hopes of unravelling the mysteries of those mountains were tragically cut short, leaving us only with fragments of her untold adventures and the haunting mysteries surrounding her final moments."

Chris in Prague

"Alas, despite our best efforts, Eleanor's body was never recovered. It's a pain that cuts deep, especially for you, my love, as her elder sister. But in the midst of our mourning, there's a glimmer of solace in the fact that Eleanor's spirit lives on through her daughter, Lisa, whom fate has brought under our roof this Christmastime. She's a beacon of hope, a reminder of the irrepressible love of life that Eleanor brought into this world."

"Charles, you remember how Eleanor always challenged conventions as she embraced her life of adventure?"

"I most certainly do, my dear." Her husband gently wiped the tears forming in the corners of her deep brown eyes.

"Yet it was that very same adventurous spirit that ultimately led her down a tragic path, wasn't it?" Lady Penelope responded, her tone reflecting a mix of admiration and sorrow. "It was a shocking revelation when she found herself with child, the result of a passionate but secret love affair. Disowned by our parents and ostracised by society, Eleanor promptly disappeared without a trace, abandoning her past life. With her enigmatic partner, she vanished to an undisclosed location, determined to start life anew away from the prying eyes of a judgemental society."

"Alas, so. Penny, it's still vivid in my memory how devastated we were when we heard of Eleanor's presumed death after learning, from an address-less plain postcard, that she had given birth to a daughter. All we know, despite further extensive investigations, is that when news of Eleanor's presumed demise finally reached the couple's remote hideaway, her heartbroken partner made the harrowing decision to give up their infant daughter, Lisa, for adoption before succumbing to the weight of his grief by ending his life off the cliffs of Lands' End, in his partner's beloved Cornwall."

"That poor man. A man whose identity we never knew. Charles, you recall how devastated I was by Eleanor's loss and the uncertainty about her daughter's fate. You know how I vowed to care for Eleanor's daughter if we ever found her, but despite all our efforts with the very best investigators, we simply could not locate her. The unanswered questions about Eleanor and her child continued to weigh heavily on my heart."

"Indeed, I know, dearest. But now, having Lisa with us so unexpectedly brings a profound sense of comfort and solace. She's a living reminder of the enduring bonds of family and the strength of the human spirit."

"Yes, indeed, Charles, and Lisa is a credit to her mother."

Chris in Prague

Across the room from the Trevelvers another conversation was continuing. "To new beginnings, Riccardo," Lisa raises her glass, smiling gently at Riccardo, although the once-familiar flutter in her heart is fading fast.

As Lisa and Riccardo engage in polite conversation amidst the elegant surroundings of the castle's grand drawing room, they both sense a subtle shift in their relationship. The initial spark of attraction that had ignited a fierce flame of passion between them now seemed to flicker with uncertainty.

With each passing moment, they became increasingly aware that Riccardo's frequent absences from London had largely driven their relationship. In his absence, their minds had romanticised the moments they shared, creating an illusion of a deeper connection and a stronger affection.

However, now that they have found themselves together again, reality falls short of their fond memories. They begin to realise that their mutual attraction was perhaps more of an infatuation, blossoming in the void created by Riccardo's prolonged absences.

As they exchange polite pleasantries and forced smiles, disappointment settles between them. The magic they once felt seems to fade away, replaced by a sobering awareness of the fleeting nature of their connection.

Though they have shared moments of passionate intimacy and longing in the past, they find themselves facing uncertainty, unsure of where their relationship now stands.

Riccardo clears his throat awkwardly. "So, um, how are you finding your stay at Trevelver Castle so far, Lisa?"

Lisa nervously twirls a strand of her shoulder-length medium-blonde hair. "Oh, it's been wonderful, Riccardo, truly. The surroundings are exquisite, and everyone has been so welcoming, and my evening dress is... simply wonderful." She beams.

"That's great to hear," Riccardo replies. "I must say, you do look stunning tonight."

Lisa gives a polite smile and a twirl of her evening dress. "Thank you, Riccardo. You're too kind."

Riccardo shifts uncomfortably. "Listen, Lisa, I've been meaning to talk to you about something..."

Lisa's heart sank, sensing the impending conversation. "Yes, Riccardo?"

"I... I think we need to talk about us," Riccardo said, taking a deep breath. "I had plenty of time, on my own, this morning, I mean at the party, to think things over."

Lisa tried to maintain her composure. "Oh?"

"It's just... I've been doing a lot of thinking, and with everything going on in my life right now, I'm not sure if... I can give you the attention you deserve," Riccardo explains quickly. "My vineyards and my wine business need my full-time attention. I took out a bank loan, you see, and I need to make the monthly payments."

Lisa feels a mix of disappointment and relief. "I understand, Riccardo. It's been a whirlwind, hasn't it?"

"Yes, exactly," Riccardo agreed. "I hope you're not too upset, Lisa."

She forces a smile. "No, not at all, Riccardo. Perhaps it's for the best. It's been fun, hasn't it?"

Riccardo awkwardly nods. "Right. Well, I'll leave you to enjoy the rest of the evening."

Watching him go, Lisa feels a weight lifted off her shoulders. "Goodbye, Riccardo, and thanks... for everything."

Chris in Prague


As he walks away, Riccardo wonders where Sophie Andres is. At the Christmas Eve-Morning party, she had drawn all eyes with her revealing ball gown. Sophie's stunning red dress was a vision of allure and sophistication, capturing the attention of all who saw it. Crafted from luxurious scarlet silk, the fabric cascaded in graceful folds, draping elegantly over her slender yet curvaceous figure. The vibrant hue of the gown seemed to set the room ablaze, radiating warmth and vitality.

The most striking feature of the dress was its daring neckline, which plunged low at the front to reveal an arousing view of Sophie's décolletage. The bodice was expertly tailored to accentuate her feminine curves, hugging her torso snugly before flaring out into a flowing skirt that pooled at her feet.

Adding to its allure, the dress featured daring side slits that revealed glimpses of her toned legs with each graceful step she took. The slender openings, carefully placed to accentuate her natural grace, imbued the gown with an air of sensuality and sophistication.

The designer dress, despite its daring design, exuded undeniable elegance. It was a masterpiece, seamlessly blending timeless glamour with daring allure, creating a look that was truly unforgettable. She had commissioned the tailor-made ballgown with Riccardo in mind, aiming to captivate and entice him with her alluring appearance.

Sophie had spared no expense either when selecting the luxurious lingerie to wear under her eye-catching Givenchy gown. Having made a special trip to Paris, she visited Cadolle, the finest lingerie boutique founded in 1889 by Herminie Cadolle, renowned for its exquisite craftsmanship and opulent designs.

The lingerie she chose was a masterpiece of sensuality and sophistication, crafted from the finest silk and delicate lace. The bralette boasted intricate lace detailing, with delicate floral motifs cascading over the cups and straps. The soft silk fabric hugged her curves, providing gentle support while accentuating her natural allure.

Matching panties completed the ensemble, featuring the same intricate lace detailing and sumptuous silk fabric. The underwear was designed to sit low on her hips, with a flattering cut that elongated her legs and accentuated her curves.

Every detail of the lingerie was meticulously chosen to complement Sophie's figure and enhance the allure of her tantalising red gown. From the luxurious fabric to the delicate lace accents, each element contributed to the overall sense of luxury and sophistication.

Chris in Prague

As Sophie had slipped into her French undergarments, she felt a surge of confidence and empowerment. The exquisite craftsmanship and attention to detail made her feel like a goddess, ready to captivate and enchant all who beheld her.

As Riccardo saw Sophie in her alluring red gown, his breath caught in his throat, and his heart skipped a beat. The sight of her was utterly captivating, and he found himself momentarily transfixed by her beauty.

With each step she took, the gown hugged her curves in all the right places, accentuating her slim yet curvaceous figure. The plunging neckline revealed an alluring view of her full bust, while the daring slits at the sides teased with the promise of more beneath the fabric.

Riccardo's eyes widened slightly as he took in the sight, his gaze lingering on the daring downward sweep of the neckline and the graceful curve of her exposed leg. He felt a surge of desire stir within him, and his admiration for Sophie's beauty mingled with a renewed longing.

Unable to tear his gaze away, Riccardo found himself drawn to Sophie like a moth to a flame. Her allure was undeniable, her presence commanding, leaving him momentarily mesmerised.

At that moment, Riccardo realised that Sophie was more than just strikingly beautiful – she was utterly captivating, a vision of elegance and sensuality that left him breathless and wanting more.

But as he admired Sophie in her alluring red gown, a wave of memories flooded his mind. He remembered his previous conversations in Trevelver Castle with Gwen, then Sylvia, and Eli. Despite Sophie's undeniable allure and their undeniable chemistry, he could not help feeling that her intentions were not entirely genuine.

The thought lingered in his mind as he watched her move gracefully through the room, her gown swaying with each step, drawing admiring glances from those around her. Had she chosen this gown solely to tantalise him, to reignite the spark between them? Or was there something more beneath the surface? Sophie was no stranger to expert entrapment.

As he pondered these questions, Riccardo could not ignore the realisation that persisted at the back of his mind. No matter how captivating Sophie appeared, deep down, he knew that their relationship rested on shaky foundations. Apart from their time in Turkey, their encounters had been fleeting, their conversations superficial, and their connection brief if passionate.

With a heavy heart, Riccardo realised anew that, as alluring as Sophie undoubtedly was, there was no future for them together. The sooner he accepted this, both with his heart and his head, the better. As he had been told, it was time to move on and focus on finding someone with whom he could build a meaningful and lasting connection. But first, his priority must now be his vineyards and his wine business.

Chris in Prague

As Sophie's gaze lingered on Riccardo, a flicker of surprise crossed her beautiful face, mingling with a hint of unaccustomed frustration. Despite the undeniable allure of her striking red French evening gown, meticulously chosen to accentuate her curves and command attention, she felt a pang of disbelief as she observed him, seemingly unaffected by her charms.

At that moment, a host of thoughts raced through her mind, questioning her own allure and the depth of Riccardo's resolve. Did he not see the effort she had put into her appearance? Was her beauty not captivating enough to hold his attention for more than a moment? Or perhaps, she mused, there was more to Riccardo than met the eye, a complexity that intrigued her even as it eluded her comprehension.

Despite the twinge of frustration, Sophie found herself oddly drawn to the mystery of Riccardo's apparent indifference. It was a challenge she was not accustomed to facing, yet one that ignited a spark of curiosity within her. As she continued to study him from across the room, a subtle determination took root in her heart. If Riccardo was unmoved by her allure, then perhaps she simply needed to discover what truly captivated him.

But then, as Sophie's mind churned with thoughts of Riccardo's apparent indifference, she suddenly felt a surge of determination as the realisation dawned upon her: she has far more pressing matters to attend to than fret over Riccardo's surprising lack of response to her allure. With a resolute nod to herself, she acknowledged the importance of her top-secret work for Admiral Tregowan, a duty that demanded her full attention and dedication. With a renewed sense of purpose, she determined to shift her focus away from Riccardo and back to her clandestine responsibilities, knowing that her skills and expertise were far more valuable in the service of her country than in the pursuit of romantic intrigue.

Chris in Prague

As Lady Trevelver observes Riccardo parting ways with Lisa, a subtle sense of curiosity stirs within her. She notices the fleeting glances exchanged between them, the unspoken words lingering in the air. There's a quiet intensity in Riccardo's demeanour, a hint of something unspoken that piques Lady Trevelver's interest.

However, her attention quickly shifts as she observes Riccardo's subsequent interaction with Sophie. Despite Sophie's evident allure and the striking allure of her gown, Lady Trevelver detects a subtle shift in Riccardo's demeanour. His composure remains unchanged, his gaze steady and unwavering. Lady Trevelver senses a depth of resolve in Riccardo, an inner strength that remains unswayed by external temptations.

As she watches Riccardo's steadfast response to Sophie's allure, Lady Trevelver cannot help but admire his integrity and self-possession. She silently acknowledges that Riccardo is a man of substance, someone who remains true to his convictions even in the face of temptation. This quality resonates with Lady Trevelver, reaffirming her respect for him and deepening her appreciation of his strength of character.

Chris in Prague

As Lady Trevelver observes the evening unfold, a sense of disappointment lingers in her heart. Despite the immense effort she went through to bring Lisa and Riccardo together at the castle, their connection does not seem as strong as she had hoped. There is a subtle shift in the air, a palpable distance between them that was not there when Lisa first greeted Riccardo after her arrival.

Lady Penelope cannot help but feel a twinge of regret at the outcome. She had envisioned sparks flying between Lisa and Riccardo, their chemistry undeniable as they reunited in the grandeur of Trevelver Castle. Yet, as the evening progresses, she notices a lack of the once-present warmth and affection between them.

Despite her disappointment, Lady Trevelver remains composed, hiding her emotions behind a mask of grace and poise. She reminds herself that matters of the heart are complex and unpredictable and that sometimes, despite her best efforts, things do not unfold as planned.

Deep down, however, Lady Penelope feels a sense of sadness lingering. She had hoped for a reunion filled with joy and passion but instead witnesses a quiet unravelling of the connection she had worked so hard to nurture. It is a bitter pill to swallow, but she knows that, ultimately, love cannot be forced and that perhaps, in time, things will find their rightful place once again.

Chris in Prague

Christmas Day evening finds Lady Penelope standing with her husband, observing their guests, and contemplating the previous evening and early morning's events, Italian Aperol Spritz in hand.

"I couldn't help but notice your attentive demeanour this morning, my dear. You seemed particularly focused on Lisa and Riccardo last night and then on Sophie and Riccardo", remarks Lord Trevelver.

"Yes, I was, Charles. I wanted everything to go smoothly, especially after we went to such lengths to bring Lisa here."


"Everyone involved did a remarkable job, Charles. But there seems to have been a shift in the atmosphere. I'm sure that you noticed it."

"Yes, I did, Penny. Sophie's very obvious attempts to capture Riccardo's attention didn't go unnoticed by anyone who was paying the slightest attention, and, in that dress, that was everyone!" Her husband laughed. "Certainly, any man with a pulse, my dear!"

"Indeed, Charles. I was concerned about how it might affect Lisa and Riccardo and then how they were getting on after it was clear that Riccardo was no longer entranced by Sophie. Observing them this evening, there seems to be a definite cooling between both Riccardo and Sophie, which, of course, is to be welcomed, but also, sadly, between Riccardo and Lisa."

"It is a delicate situation, to be sure, Penny. But I have every confidence in your ability to handle it with your customary grace and poise."

"Thank you, my dear. Your support means a great deal to me."

"As always, we're in this together, my love. Whatever challenges arise, we'll face them as a team."

"Indeed, we will. Thank you, Charles, for always being by my side."

"Thank you, too, my dear. Now, talking of keeping people 'on side'. We must not forget that Admiral Tregowan is expecting a detailed report summarising everyone's impression of Miss Silverwood and any hint of, as preposterous as that clearly is, any possibility that she is a Communist agent sent to infiltrate all of us with links to his department."

Chris in Prague

As she talks with her husband, a nagging thought creeps into Lady Penelope's mind. Could her conversation with Lisa, where she revealed the young woman's hidden inheritance and powers, have influenced her feelings for Riccardo? It is a possibility she had not considered before, but now it weighs heavily on her mind.

Lady Trevelver recalls the way Lisa's demeanour changed after their private discussion. Lisa now has a newfound confidence and a sense of some greater purpose. Could this newfound awareness of her own identity have altered her perception of Riccardo?

The thought troubles Lady Trevelver deeply. She had hoped that bringing Lisa to the castle would reignite the spark between her and Riccardo and not complicate matters further. But now, she wonders if her revelation may have inadvertently changed their dynamics.

Despite her concerns, Lady Trevelver knows she cannot dwell on what-ifs. She made a decision based on what she believed was best for Lisa, and now she must trust that it will all unfold as it is meant to. Still, the lingering uncertainty leaves a sense of unease in her heart, casting a shadow over the once-promising reunion she had envisioned.

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