Scottish trip day 1 4.8.22

Started by Newportnobby, August 07, 2022, 10:57:06 AM

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Courtesy of fellow member 'Lawrence' and his good lady Della, I've just spent a couple of days in and around Forfar so have some pics to post for anyone interested. We all know the system for pics here is a real PITA as they all have to be resized before uploading and then they get the order in which they were uploaded reversed, so I won't be posting all the pics I took.
Our first stop Thursday morning was the Falkirk Wheel, which I've seen on the telly but never imagined the actual size of it :goggleeyes:

More info can be found here..........................

Then we headed to the Scottish Railway Preservation Society museum. What i liked about it was, although they had a few locos, more emphasis seemed to be placed on rolling stock so there was much unusual stuff to be seen.

A train heating boiler and generator van


Ballast brake van

Gunpowder van

Shock wagon

Question (for anyone still awake) there any reason why a wagon would have a peaked roof as  opposed to the 'normal' curved one??

And how about this little petrol engine gizmo for handshunting wagons ;D

And so to the locos..................

Odds and sods
Old and 'new'

Map of early Glasgow underground system

In the workshops.............

More info can be found here.............

Day 2 to follow................................


Sounds fun. How was your journey to and from Dundee


Excellent stuff, Mick. I had a feeling that you were up north.

Love the Falkirk Wheel!

I see they had an elcheapo Kato steeple cab loco in the museum!

Keep 'em coming, mate!  :thumbsup:
Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.

Bob G

Quote from: Newportnobby on August 07, 2022, 10:57:06 AM
Question (for anyone still awake) there any reason why a wagon would have a peaked roof as  opposed to the 'normal' curved one??

OK so I'm not an historian (I failed O level history twice) or a pre WW2 modelling expert, but I understand that the loads that were carried in wagons with peaked roofs were either salt or lime.
I believe that these loads were originally carried in open 5 and 7 plank Private Owner wagons but for rain protection the roofs were added to the PO wagons as a later modification, and probably seen as a more permanent version of a tarpaulin, and therefore less likely to leak onto the precious load.
This is more likely to have happened for salt traffic (in former 7 plank wagons) than for lime traffic, as I remember from long ago a big debate regarding the Dowlow Lime wagon that Peco used to produce. The Dowlow Lime Company owners had no knowledge or record of their wagons ever having peaked roofs, so this could have been a Peco invention.


PS Why is a curved roof normal and a peaked roof not? Whatever happened to #Nobbysupportsdiversity?


As a child I used to see the Fairfield's electric loco travelling along the road out side my school carrying freight from the Govan goods yard and I think from the Harland and Wolf foundry next to it.

Jerry Howlett

As an infrequent visitor to these pages nowadays it is great to see you are out and about and mixing with "That Northern chap".  Great Pictures Mick I last visited the SRPS back in the late 70's when they were at Falkirk in the old goods yard , that today is TESCOs.  Did manage to come away the next morning with a major hangover.  Even back then their Carriage and Wagon was on a par with us at Didcot...
Anyway Happy Travels.
Some days its just not worth gnawing through the straps.

The Q

 What no picture of the Kelpies?
So I'll add one

Nice to see my old Home town, and the Bo'ness and Kinneil Railway..
A good selection of pictures..

I worked there in my spare time during the period of their move from the old yard in Falkirk (now a Tesco) to Bo'ness. That means I've been a member of SRPS for 48 years.. where did the time go...

Was last there about a month ago..

Waiting for more photos.


Many thanks for that @The Q
We'd chosen 3 attractions to visit including the Kelpies but time just ran out.
They are stunning.

Bob G

Quote from: Newportnobby on August 07, 2022, 10:12:27 PM
Many thanks for that @The Q
We'd chosen 3 attractions to visit including the Kelpies but time just ran out.
They are stunning.

Didn't you go past them on the train? I remember that the train does run past them? Or is that an incorrect memory?


Quote from: Newportnobby on August 07, 2022, 10:12:27 PM
Many thanks for that @The Q
We'd chosen 3 attractions to visit including the Kelpies but time just ran out.
They are stunning.

I decided to take Mick back over the new Forth Bridge (whatever they call it) but may go there when he visits again


After his misadventures getting there and back, I do hope there is a next time!  ;)
Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


Seeing as I have an 'open invite' it will happen, if only for Lawrence's cooking. :drool:

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