Moon landing - 50 years

Started by Bealman, July 11, 2019, 07:54:18 AM

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Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


2stories about Neil Armstrong

1) He said that he was sitting in the apollo 11 module on the top of a Saturn 5 ( the biggest firework in history), and thought that there were 1 million parts on the rocket, all from the cheapest supplier!

2 ) on the moon, the LEM was about to take off. one fail safe switch for the rocket engine broke - no spares within a million miles! launch due in seconds...

he stuck the end of a metal marker in the switch to make contact and pressed the launch button - and it worked!!
Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done and what I had toiled to achieve, everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind;
Ecclesiastes 2:11

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It may contain alternative facts

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That lowest bidder quote has been attributed to a number of astronauts, including Alan Shepard and John Glenn. I'm tempted to go with Alan Shepard, as Gene Kranz, one of NASA's longest serving and distinguished flight directors, claims it was Shepard in his book "Failure is not an option"
Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


Oooh, I have that book too  :claphappy:

Quote from: themadhippy on July 11, 2019, 11:33:22 PM
QuoteSomeone had to bring conspiracy theories up
conspiracy theory??? All the proof you need to prove  landings were infact staged.

Interesting new set of pictures I haven't seen before. This may throw new light on things.

Did you know why the sky in the moon landing photos is always pitch black? It's to cover up the presence of the UN black helicopters.

Anyway the moon landing programme was just part of an elaborate attempt to establish the existence of a so-called "moon" in people's minds:

QuoteIt amazes me that so many allegedly "educated" people have fallen so quickly and so hard for a fraudulent fabrication of such laughable proportions. The very idea that a gigantic ball of rock happens to orbit our planet, showing itself in neat, four-week cycles -- with the same side facing us all the time -- is ludicrous. Furthermore, it is an insult to common sense and a damnable affront to intellectual honesty and integrity. That people actually believe it is evidence that the liberals have wrested the last vestiges of control of our public school system from decent, God-fearing Americans (as if any further evidence was needed! Daddy's Roommate? God Almighty!)

Documentaries such as Enemy of the State have accurately portrayed the elaborate, byzantine network of surveillance satellites that the liberals have sent into space to spy on law-abiding Americans. Equipped with technology developed by Handgun Control, Inc., these satellites have the ability to detect firearms from hundreds of kilometers up. That's right, neighbors .. the next time you're out in the backyard exercising your Second Amendment rights, the liberals will see it! These satellites are sensitive enough to tell the difference between a Colt .45 and a .38 Special! And when they detect you with a firearm, their computers cross-reference the address to figure out your name, and then an enormous database housed at Berkeley is updated with information about you.

Of course, this all works fine during the day, but what about at night? Even the liberals can't control the rotation of the Earth to prevent nightfall from setting in (only Joshua was able to ask for that particular favor!) That's where the "moon" comes in. Powered by nuclear reactors, the "moon" is nothing more than an enormous balloon, emitting trillions of candlepower of gun-revealing light. Piloted by key members of the liberal community, the "moon" is strategically moved across the country, pointing out those who dare to make use of their God-given rights at night!

Yes, I know this probably sounds paranoid and preposterous, but consider this. Despite what the revisionist historians tell you, there is no mention of the "moon" anywhere in literature or historical documents -- anywhere -- before 1950. That is when it was initially launched. When President Josef Kennedy, at the State of the Union address, proclaimed "We choose to go to the moon", he may as well have said "We choose to go to the weather balloon." The subsequent faking of a "moon" landing on national TV was the first step in a long history of the erosion of our constitutional rights by leftists in this country. No longer can we hide from our government when the sun goes down.


Quote from: railsquid on July 12, 2019, 01:28:01 AM
Oooh, I have that book too  :claphappy:

Quote from: themadhippy on July 11, 2019, 11:33:22 PM
QuoteSomeone had to bring conspiracy theories up
conspiracy theory??? All the proof you need to prove  landings were infact staged.

Interesting new set of pictures I haven't seen before. This may throw new light on things.

Did you know why the sky in the moon landing photos is always pitch black? It's to cover up the presence of the UN black helicopters.

Anyway the moon landing programme was just part of an elaborate attempt to establish the existence of a so-called "moon" in people's minds:

QuoteIt amazes me that so many allegedly "educated" people have fallen so quickly and so hard for a fraudulent fabrication of such laughable proportions. The very idea that a gigantic ball of rock happens to orbit our planet, showing itself in neat, four-week cycles -- with the same side facing us all the time -- is ludicrous. Furthermore, it is an insult to common sense and a damnable affront to intellectual honesty and integrity. That people actually believe it is evidence that the liberals have wrested the last vestiges of control of our public school system from decent, God-fearing Americans (as if any further evidence was needed! Daddy's Roommate? God Almighty!)

Documentaries such as Enemy of the State have accurately portrayed the elaborate, byzantine network of surveillance satellites that the liberals have sent into space to spy on law-abiding Americans. Equipped with technology developed by Handgun Control, Inc., these satellites have the ability to detect firearms from hundreds of kilometers up. That's right, neighbors .. the next time you're out in the backyard exercising your Second Amendment rights, the liberals will see it! These satellites are sensitive enough to tell the difference between a Colt .45 and a .38 Special! And when they detect you with a firearm, their computers cross-reference the address to figure out your name, and then an enormous database housed at Berkeley is updated with information about you.

Of course, this all works fine during the day, but what about at night? Even the liberals can't control the rotation of the Earth to prevent nightfall from setting in (only Joshua was able to ask for that particular favor!) That's where the "moon" comes in. Powered by nuclear reactors, the "moon" is nothing more than an enormous balloon, emitting trillions of candlepower of gun-revealing light. Piloted by key members of the liberal community, the "moon" is strategically moved across the country, pointing out those who dare to make use of their God-given rights at night!

Yes, I know this probably sounds paranoid and preposterous, but consider this. Despite what the revisionist historians tell you, there is no mention of the "moon" anywhere in literature or historical documents -- anywhere -- before 1950. That is when it was initially launched. When President Josef Kennedy, at the State of the Union address, proclaimed "We choose to go to the moon", he may as well have said "We choose to go to the weather balloon." The subsequent faking of a "moon" landing on national TV was the first step in a long history of the erosion of our constitutional rights by leftists in this country. No longer can we hide from our government when the sun goes down.

so what was in the sky before the satellites were put up? a giant candle??
Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done and what I had toiled to achieve, everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind;
Ecclesiastes 2:11

This has been a public service announcement
It may contain alternative facts

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The largest Railwaygun, Armoured Train & Military Rail group in the world!

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Motto: Semper ubi, sub ubi


QuoteDespite what the revisionist historians tell you, there is no mention of the "moon" anywhere in literature or historical documents -- anywhere -- before 1950.

Presumably the writer has never heard of goodness knows how many writers and poets who seem to have seen this balloon well before 1950! And try searching for Khonsu, the Ancient Egyptian god of the moon, on Google. But, of course, the pyramids were built by aliens...

And people make money writing this garbage.

By the way, "From the Earth to the Moon" has been remastered in HD and will be available (in the UK at least) on Bluray from Monday.

The Q


Despite what the revisionist historians tell you, there is no mention of the "moon" anywhere in literature or historical documents -- anywhere -- before 1950.


A good heart is the sun and the moon; or, rather, the sun and not the moon, for it shines bright and never changes.     

William Shakespeare

The moon shines bright. In such a night as this. When the sweet wind did gently kiss the trees and they did make no noise, in such a night.     

William Shakespeare

It is the very error of the moon; She comes more nearer earth than she was wont, And makes men mad.     

William Shakespeare

Thus die I, thus, thus, thus. Now am I dead, Now am I fled; My soul is in the sky: Tongue, lose thy light; Moon take thy flight. Now die, die, die, die, die.     

William Shakespeare

O, swear not by the moon, the fickle moon, the inconstant moon, that monthly changes in her circle orb, Lest that thy love prove likewise variable     

William Shakespeare

The moon's an arrant thief, And her pale fire she snatches from the sun.     

William Shakespeare

And many more...


Quote from: rogerdB on July 12, 2019, 11:44:02 AM
QuoteDespite what the revisionist historians tell you, there is no mention of the "moon" anywhere in literature or historical documents -- anywhere -- before 1950.

Presumably the writer has never heard of goodness knows how many writers and poets who seem to have seen this balloon well before 1950! And try searching for Khonsu, the Ancient Egyptian god of the moon, on Google. But, of course, the pyramids were built by aliens...

And people make money writing this garbage.

And the people who pay to read, and believe, that guff are the same people who will believe you if you tell them that the only English language word that is not in the Oxford English dictionary is the word gullible  :D


Its simple ,between 1947 and 1950 the cia rewrote not just  all of shakespears works but anything they thought might  look real with the  included the new word" moon".They also orchastrated the suez crisis to act as a distraction whilst they went round hypnotising the egyptians into beliving in a made up god called khonshu,the name is derived from the operations code name,shoosh its a con.
freedom of speech is but a dosnt exist here


I think some members have been watching too much Stargate !

The Apollo missions were the greatest voyages of discovery made by humans, 
( Apart from Capt Kirk and his mates). Amazing that only 100 years earlier the
USA was fighting a civil war with muskets and cannonballs. In about 20 years time
a human will set foot on Mars, then that will be it as far as manned space exploration
will go.

Live long and prosper as Sir Fred Goodwin once said................. :D



I knew when I started this it could degenerate into "It didn't happen" scenarios.

Thanks for pulling the heads in.  :beers:
Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


For anyone casting doubt on the assertion that there was no mention of the Moon before 1950 - I urge you to visit the link posted earlier by @themadhippy , which challenges the conventional assumptions They want us to hold about the Moon.

Quote from: themadhippy on July 11, 2019, 11:33:22 PM
QuoteSomeone had to bring conspiracy theories up
conspiracy theory??? All the proof you need to prove  landings were infact staged.

I then urge you to watch this video: which contains new evidence debunking the assertion that the moon consists of rock.

I'll be down in my fortified basement hiding from the chemtrails  :beers:


Meanwhile, back on Planet Reality, I always though it was cool the Lunar Module from Apollo 10 was cast off into heliocentric orbit, which means it's still out there somewhere (probably peppered with micrometeorite holes I guess), and may recently have been located:


Yes, indeed! I think the Apollo 11 ascent stage went the same way as well.

With a seismometer on the moon, NASA maximised future missions by crashing the spent module onto the moon to create quakes.

Actually, they even disposed of the SIV-B stages the same way from Apollo13 onwards.
Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


Quote from: railsquid on July 12, 2019, 01:33:20 PM
I then urge you to watch this video: which contains new evidence debunking the assertion that the moon consists of rock.

They appear to have dropped it now, but when Google first released Google Moon if you zoomed in far enough the image changed to one of a lump of emmental cheese  ;D

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