N Gauge Society Journal -- yikes, the new editor is me, so I'll be needing help!

Started by NeMo, April 04, 2019, 09:43:01 AM

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Quote from: Bealman on April 05, 2019, 10:46:03 PM
I must admit that when I was editor of the newsletter I mentioned earlier, the hardest task was getting folk to write stuff for publication. Like Grahame Hedges, I would often end up providing a lot of the material myself.

Hopefully won't be a problem this time around, with all the fine ladies and gentlemen of this forum for me to draw upon most enthusiastically!

Cheers, NeMo
(Former NGS Journal Editor)

Dr Al

Quote from: Bealman on April 05, 2019, 10:46:03 PM
I must admit that when I was editor of the newsletter I mentioned earlier, the hardest task was getting folk to write stuff for publication. Like Grahame Hedges, I would often end up providing a lot of the material myself.

I would hope that with the new unbiased editor that we'll not need to go that route - it's well documented that content has been submitted and never published and I myself offered material to the NGS in form of writing up stuff on my workbench thread here and was completely ignored. Likely due to previous unsavoury dealings with the editor....

...as such I'm glad we have new. I'd hope that the content by the editor (in some cases in the last few years nearly 1/2 the journal, as well as recycled content from his other magazine) can reduce, and more contributors can instead diversify the content. Not that I'm against good content by the editor of course!

In terms of the A4/A5 thing - I have to say in my time as an NGS member this has been one of the most embarrassing things the society has gone through - a decision (rightly or wrongly) was made, so I wish folks would please just accept it - the sour grapes (editorial in latest journal is positively childish) and unending chatter about it that carry on really need stopped.

It's not constructive, or good for the image of the society.


P.s. Really glad to see a full page ad for this forum in the latest journal - at long last the bias against it seems to have lifted!
Quote from: Roy L S
If Dr Al is online he may be able to provide a more comprehensive answer.

"We have also arranged things so that almost no one understands science and technology. This is a prescription for disaster. We might get away with it for a while, but sooner or later this combustible mixture of ignorance and power is going to blow up in our faces."Dr. Carl Sagan


Good luck with it NeMo!

I find nowadays that if I have stuff to share I tend to do so on this forum leaving nothing left for other "publications", (apart from a couple of "flagship" whole layout articles in RM where the main benefit is professional photography).   Publishing on the forum also has the advantage that you can post video.

The question is, whether you could just lift material from the NGF into the NGJ or would that be a waste of time, with most people already having seen it?   If so then I guess you need to persuade people to hold back on contributing their best stuff to the forum!

Cheers Jon  :)

"We must conduct research and then accept the results. If they don't stand up to experimentation, Buddha's own words must be rejected." ― Dalai Lama XIV

My Postmodern Image Layouts

Lofthole http://www.ngaugeforum.co.uk/SMFN/index.php?topic=14792.msg147178#msg147178

Deansmoor http://www.ngaugeforum.co.uk/SMFN/index.php?topic=14741.msg146381#msg146381


Reply #63, Jon/PostModN66;

I would say that there is nothing wrong with posting an article and then also submitting it to the 'Journal' and/or your chosen modelling magazine/publication. Perhaps one may need to change the emphasis, possibly adding or removing some text for the different markets, but the main article would still be valid. Professional photography is a great help, but Peco have allowed use of their photos in the 'Journal' provided credit is given.

I think that all three serve potentially different markets; not all Society members are members of this Forum, and v/v; and commercial publications have yet another readership, where articles may not necessarily be related to the scale the author writes about originally, nor the scale the reader models in.

Certainly I have written or co-written articles which have appeared in both the 'Journal' and 'Modeller', both in the past and more recently; the then-editor of 'Modeller' said that it was for a different market, and encouraged me/us to write the articles with both markets in mind.

At the end of the day, it is up to the editor(s) of whichever magazine you submit an article to who will decide whether to publish or not.



If using the same material is OK, then a great idea for editors - of any publication - would be not to wait for submissions, but to find stuff they like from forums and just lift it;  getting author's permission probably!!  :D

I would be very happy to be contacted to be asked for my existing photos and text to be used; I am unlikely to submit anything proactively at the moment unless it is something I am really proud of!!

Cheers Jon  :)
"We must conduct research and then accept the results. If they don't stand up to experimentation, Buddha's own words must be rejected." ― Dalai Lama XIV

My Postmodern Image Layouts

Lofthole http://www.ngaugeforum.co.uk/SMFN/index.php?topic=14792.msg147178#msg147178

Deansmoor http://www.ngaugeforum.co.uk/SMFN/index.php?topic=14741.msg146381#msg146381


Quote from: Dr Al on April 06, 2019, 11:25:42 AM
I would hope that with the new unbiased editor that we'll not need to go that route - it's well documented that content has been submitted and never published and I myself offered material to the NGS in form of writing up stuff on my workbench thread here and was completely ignored...

Please do get in touch! I'm definitely keen on receiving your articles, given the nature and quality of the modelling that you do.  :thumbsup:

When it comes to bias, I confess to having a fondness for BR blue stuff -- before he stepped down, Grahame and I had begun working on a BR blue-era supplement for the Journal after the fashion of the other supplements seen from time to time. I've written all the content and scanned in the photos -- but I am very keen on not being seen as using the Journal for my own benefit, so sadly will probably have to let that sit on the side for now!  :doh:

Cheers, NeMo
(Former NGS Journal Editor)


I was thinking along the same lines as others have said - use the stuff that we have contributed here, especially the tutorials. Ive only done one tutorial, and I'd be most pleased if it was deemed good enough for the journal. Its here https://www.ngaugeforum.co.uk/SMFN/index.php?topic=3813.msg43148#msg43148.
I wrote this article some time ago, and although its old its still relevant. I guess with it being quite old, it may not be known to forum members. And as others have pointed out, NGS members aren't necessarily forum members.

One thing that I was wondering about; in the last journal (or was it the one before that?) the previous editor was asking for articles explaining how layouts had been constructed. This is in direct contradiction to the advice Steve Flint gave me when writing the article for the Modeller - he wanted a description of why we modelled what we did, and how the layout operated rather than how we constructed it. I was wondering if @NeMo had an opinion on the type of articles he would like submitting?
Northallerton will make its next public appearance will be at Perth model railway show https://smet.org.uk/show/layouts/
June 24/25 2023.

Layout: Northallerton: http://www.ngaugeforum.co.uk/SMFN/index.php?topic=1671.msg16930#msg16930


Cleveland Model Railway club website: www.clevelandmrc.club


Quote from: kirky on April 06, 2019, 05:20:42 PM
I was thinking along the same lines as others have said - use the stuff that we have contributed here, especially the tutorials....

While I do agree there's a lot of great stuff here, I can't simply cut-and-paste it into the Journal.

For a start, if the Journal doesn't contain enough original stuff, people may be turned off the Society. So we really do want original material in every issue. Please can I encourage those who have written tutorials and articles to contact me via PM and direct me to the relevant thread. If it looks suitable (and I imagine most would be!) then we can discuss writing the actual article.

Presentation is different too. The quality of photos has to be higher, and the text would ideally be more an extended, longer form writing. What we write here is often chatty, whereas an article can be more carefully written. The writer needs to explain each step because there isn't really an opportunity for the reader to ask a follow up question.

So far as construction vs operation goes -- both please! There's an important place for articles showing how layouts are put together. Jobs like ballasting, wiring and especially track-laying never seem to get old because they're so difficult to do well. There's got to be dozens of different ways to make scenery, and again, each of these will be new to some readers. Personally, the articles that explain "easy wins" are the ones I love -- inexpensive, effective ways to do something new, like make trees, lay roads, or create water features.

But the operational articles are good too. I think those work best if they're inspirational. I tend to find the ones that spend three paragraphs describing the history of some imaginary branchline a little self indulgent (sorry!), but I appreciate others enjoy the fan fiction aspect, so certainly don't bother me. Again, speaking personally, I really enjoy the ones based in reality, describing how actual railways work, and making it clear how the model reflects reality (even if the layout is an imaginary place).

Really, what I'd suggest to people is that they write what they enjoy reading. If they like articles about the real railways and have some photos they've snapped on a commute or visiting a preserved line, then that could be turned into something inspirational. If they like reading about kit-building, then write something about a kit that amused you or stretched your skills. Whatever!

I don't think it's my job to say what I do or don't like, and I promise never to make choices based on personal preferences. My job (as I see it) is simply to edit the articles, get them polished as needed, and prepare them for the professional publisher.

Cheers, NeMo
(Former NGS Journal Editor)

lil chris

Good luck with the job Nemo ! I am sure you will do well in the job.  I never had a problem with Graham Hedges as the editor and the magazine definitely improved under his guidance. I have read a few members have had problems before with Graham, but I think this is best forgotten now, lets move on. I am not getting into the argument over A4/A5 either, a decision was made.
I myself have no idea how to write a article regarding doing anything. I just have fun making stuff and trying different ideas and quite often do write ups on my post how I did it, If it's of help to some others that is good.
Once again good luck with the job, it's nice to have somebody who knows this forum.
Lil Chris
My new layout  East Lancashire Railway
My old layout was Irwell Valley Railway.
Layout previous was East Lancashire Lines, changed this new one. My new layout here.


Very glad to have found this thread as I was worried about who would take on the journal.

Congratulations and thanks to @NeMo

I have had two pieces published and am in the midst of writing a third. I am afraid there is a sticky noise making thingy (they tell me it's called a "baby") in the house taking up rather a lot of my time, so no promises on timescales other than saying I will do it.

Have ideas for other articles as well.



Hello again Nemo, and congratulations.

Have you yet taken on the 'Journal' editor email address yet (journal@ngaugesociety.com)?

If not, how would you like to be contacted until you do?

Haven't anything at present, but Southerngooner and I have something which may fit.



Quote from: martyn on April 07, 2019, 09:20:55 AM
Hello again Nemo, and congratulations.

Thank you!

Quote from: martyn on April 07, 2019, 09:20:55 AM
Have you yet taken on the 'Journal' editor email address yet (journal@ngaugesociety.com)?

Still goes to Grahame. He's Editor for at least the next issue.

Quote from: martyn on April 07, 2019, 09:20:55 AM
If not, how would you like to be contacted until you do?

You can PM me here, and we'll take it from there!

Cheers, NeMo
(Former NGS Journal Editor)


Quote from: NeMo on April 06, 2019, 02:24:23 PM
Please do get in touch! I'm definitely keen on receiving your articles, given the nature and quality of the modelling that you do.  :thumbsup:

...I am very keen on not being seen as using the Journal for my own benefit, so sadly will probably have to let that sit on the side for now!  :doh:

Well done on taking up the post NeMo and the very best of luck. I for one am very much looking forward to your first issue.

As for not wanting to publish your own material, you may find you have to simply to fill in the odd gap. I certainly won't mind though. Your material in the journal has always been interesting.

I'll be sure to have a go at putting together a piece or two for the journal over the next few months. Can I also offer my services as a proofreader if you need one? It's part of my day job anyway, and reading unproofread text in published material is always akin to torture for me.

A5, please, for what it's worth. My A5-height journal storage box will look odd with A4 poking up by twice the height.

All the best


Well done, @NeMo, for taking the reins of the Journal. The usual comment about having big shoes to fill, etc, etc. is implied.

I have no beef either way about the size of the Journal, but have a comment about the packaging it comes in. With the current hoo-hah about using plastic packaging, etc, is it intended that something a bit more environmentally-sympathetic is used to enclose the Journal and associated paperwork for mailing?

Apart from that, good luck and good editing... :)
Quando omni flunkus moritati

My layout thread - Hambleside East: http://www.ngaugeforum.co.uk/SMFN/index.php?topic=18364.0
My workbench thread: http://www.ngaugeforum.co.uk/SMFN/index.php?topic=19037


Quote from: talisman56 on April 08, 2019, 06:11:47 PM
With the current hoo-hah about using plastic packaging, etc, is it intended that something a bit more environmentally-sympathetic is used to enclose the Journal and associated paperwork for mailing?

A very fair point. I'll be sure to mention it!

In the meantime, I do believe you can take polythene of this type and recycle it alongside plastic carrier bags. The Waitrose in Berkhamsted certainly has a recycling caddy thing for them, and I'm sure other supermarkets may do so too.

Cheers, NeMo
(Former NGS Journal Editor)

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