World Cup 2018

Started by Bealman, June 16, 2018, 07:42:31 AM

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Quote from: Bealman on July 12, 2018, 05:26:27 AM
Just watched the replay. Not that it's worth anything, but my assessment is that England had a great first half, but lost the plot in the second.

It hurts! it hurts! and that's just agreeing with Bealman  :-[  :sorrysign: George  :D
Cogito Sumere potum alterum


Quote from: Only Me on July 12, 2018, 08:59:00 AM
I have Croatia in the work sweepstake so £30 profit even if they lose to Les Francais!!....

The team looked average last night, Walker, Ali in over their heads, Kane was trying to be a midfielder and forgot he was the striker....shame Lalanna, Gomez, Oxlade Chamberlain, Clyne weren't fit enough to be in the squad, Walker at fault for the first goal and if Gomez had been fit Walker would have been a bench warmer... Almost like what happens to spurs most seasons near the end, they capitulate.....

Yep!! You nailed it. Nothing to add.
Spend as little as possible on what you need so you can spend as much as possible on what you want.


A totally lacklustre and uninspired performance from England in the first half. Second half better but they were up against the better side who wanted the game more. I really think some lessons in ball control and how to make crosses that cause defences problems are in order.

On a secondary note, I'm pleased about the way the games have been split between BBC and ITV but am I alone in thinking it's not right both channels should be allowed to show the final tomorrow?
I feel sorry for non-footie viewers whose Sunday afternoon becomes "Which commentary do I prefer?" Even worse if they don't like tennis either!


What's this? There are channels other than Eurosport and ITV4(!)? :tv:


Having had a premonition that Belgium would win today I spent a sunny day putting a new roof on one of my sheds. At rest points I kept on eye on the tennis and Tour de France.
Tomorrow, with a Teddy Parachute drop at my Grandkids local church - no, I have no idea what will be happening yet either, but have premonitions (I'm prone to them at the moment) of 5 year olds plummeting to the ground from atop a church tower as teddies gets launched into the wild blue yonder) - sport will once again take a back seat, but I hope to keep an eye on the Wimbledon Men's Final and Le Tour. The latter looks like a fun day as the stage is Arras Citadelle > Roubaix, 156,5 km, involving ascents and cobblestones.

As for the World Cup Final, as Lauren would say, I'm not really bovvered, but good luck to both teams.

Sufferin' succotash!

port perran

A spirited 2nd half performance from England offers hope, I think for the future.
We are getting there. In my opinion, Sterling, Lingaard and Ali, although gifted, are a bit too lightweight at the moment and lacking that final pass.
As for Harry Kane, maybe he's just carrying a knock - he's not been at his sharpest since the group stages.
However, if this group can maintain their enthusiasm and are willing to learn and develop then who knows in 2 or 4 years what might happen.
Overall, I'd have taken 4th back in May but, of course, having got so near we will all think what might have been.
I'm sure I'll get used to cream first soon.


Well I watched it in parts but I have to say the spirit and togetherness has been a massive plus, I never thought the team was world cup winners but 4th is very respectable.
Would I change anything....

Yep Sterling- great at running and making space but unless the balls was perfectly set up for him less striker more ball boy! But who do you replace him with? Rashford a good player but not there yet, Vardy a good player but not what we need, Welbeck well the fact you didnt see him at all enough said!

Then passing and taking risks we did seem to play very careful and not been aggressive enough with the passing to make the gaps instead inviting fouls and hoping set plays would get us through.

But all that been said, I think the team did well and show promise and we should be proud of them, all the people moaning we got easy draws well the simple answer is so did Germany in the group stages and look at how that ended, you can only play the teams that you cross paths with and hope for the best!
Mechanical issues can be solved with a hammer and electrical problems can be solved with a screw driver. Beyond that it's verbal abuse which makes trains work!!


Quote from: Newportnobby on July 14, 2018, 05:27:37 PMI feel sorry for non-footie viewers whose Sunday afternoon becomes "Which commentary do I prefer?" Even worse if they don't like tennis either!

No need to feel sorry, after the TDF is over this non footie viewer will be outside enjoying the glorious weather again :claphappy: :D

Bob Tidbury

I think we should be proud of the team for coming fourth ,as a young team they still have a lot to learn ,after all they were playing against seasoned players some of the best football players in the world , and they had never played under such conditions as a team before .
But I'm going to blame my son when he visits us next week ,I told him not to give them so many BERGHERS as commiseration for loosening on Wednesday .
And if he doesent bring me a shirt with the all the teams signatures on I think I will dis own him.
Bob Tidbury
PS   I won't really I am so very proud that he was actually their chef and helped them get as far as they did ,I think he will be really gutted they only came fourth.


As an observer from afar, and at the risk of offending folks, I'll make this comment.

The major teams were knocked out early in the piece, and while England put in a brave performance, I don't think an opportunity like that will come along for any time in the near future.
Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


Quote from: Tornado on July 15, 2018, 07:55:43 AM
Quote from: Newportnobby on July 14, 2018, 05:27:37 PMI feel sorry for non-footie viewers whose Sunday afternoon becomes "Which commentary do I prefer?" Even worse if they don't like tennis either!

No need to feel sorry, after the TDF is over this non footie viewer will be outside enjoying the glorious weather again :claphappy: :D

I dare say by then our 'summer' will be over and it will be back to  :rain: and  :cold:

Quote from: acko22 on July 15, 2018, 07:43:12 AM
Welbeck well the fact you didnt see him at all enough said!

A little known fact about Welbeck is his Dad used to be a Bomb Disposal guy.
His name was Stan

Bob Tidbury

Trust you to come up with that Mick ,that's a good one.
Bob Tidbury


Quote from: Newportnobby on July 15, 2018, 09:37:15 AM

A little known fact about Welbeck is his Dad used to be a Bomb Disposal guy.
His name was Stan

Ha ha!  ;D
I used to be indecisive - now I'm not - I don't think.
If a friend seems distant, catch up with them.


Quote from: Bob Tidbury on July 15, 2018, 09:41:39 AM
Trust you to come up with that Mick ,that's a good one.
Bob Tidbury

Can't claim originality, Bob :no:


Go Croatia!

A long shot I know, but I do live in hope.


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