Pullman coaches.

Started by Phoenix, April 21, 2018, 02:23:03 AM

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Hi all,

In planning for the future bigger layout, I have just bought a Dapol "Flying Scotsman" in BR Green late crest. It is now running round my Kato test track, and is beautiful  :D :D :D

Now I need something for it to pull  :hmmm:

I aim to have a larger radius outer oval running along the front of the layout, into a tunnel, and emerging to a viaduct along the back, to show of "prestige" trains.

An idea (thank you Matt for all your help) is to go suitably upmarket and run a special Pullman service. Unfortunatly I won't have the space to run a long rake.

4 at the most, which should be OK. pretty much all of the train set boxes only have 3. Just not sure which 4 to get.

I was thinking of buying these two now ...



And ordering this one .....


I'm not sure about the 4th though..... another parlour car, 2nd kitchen car, or surely there should be a brake car  :confused2:

Would really appreciate your thoughts

All kind regards


Yep, a brake vehicle is needed... There were no MK1 Pullman brakes built so you need to do as BR did and use a standard MK1 Corridor Brake First (BFK) preferably in Chocolate & Cream or an older style Pullman Brake...



Many thanks for your reply ..... that explains why the last couple of hours hasn't turned up any brake cars  :doh: :doh:

I have found this on Ebay, so if I get it, would it be appropriate ?


That would make the rake ...

1. First Class Kitchen
2. First Class Parlour
3. Second Class Parlour
4. Older Brake End Composite Diner

That seems ok for Summer excursions / Special day trips, for a day out on the "Flying Scotsman"

Any thoughts ?

With all best wishes


Hi Kevin,

Being a Continental modeller can't help but lovely idea and looking forward to your future bigger layout.

Sounds like a lovely train trip. Lots of food and booze. Maybe that's why a lot of modellers are rather Rubenesque shall we say  :D

Hope you're still going to do the Weymouth Quay tramway thing as well?

Cheers weave  :beers:


Hi Weave.

Hope you are well, and having a good weekend.

Yes, the Harbour case layout is definatly going ahead. :D

"Windmill hill" is a bit quiet now, as there is a big problem there at the moment, so I am planning things , and slowly building up some stock for the future, bit by bit as I can afford it, and trying to make sure I spend on the right stuff.

PS Loving how your layout is coming along  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

All best wishes


At one time the Met-Camm Pullmans ran with older (1928?) flat-sided Pullman brakes. 


Also there were mixed rakes with standard livery brakes.


Thanks for your replies,

I found it a bit strange there was no kind of brake car in this awesome livery .....

Anyway, the rake I would like behind my Flying Scotsman would be......

1. First class kitchen
2. First class parlour
3. Second class parlour

All in the Umber and Cream as above.

Then this older  brake end composite diner to finish off with ....

It makes a train that I would really enjoy travelling on  :D  I just wanted to check it would not look too stupid.  ;)

With all best wishes



Ruby is not currently available, at least not at my local model shop or anywhere he has tried for me ( or Hattons), unless anyone knows differently.
Be aware that these are not NEM pocket equipped, I had to jump through hoops to fit NEM pockets at each end to use Dapol easy couplers, and to get them at the correct height.


Hi Bramshot,

Thankyou for that. I know "Ruby" is not available yet, but am in no hurry for it. I still have to finish what I am building at the moment before I can start on a layout for bigger trains  :D :D

I am just slowly building up stock for that layout, so I don't find myself having a HUGE expense getting everything at once later

"Ruby" will be on order though, and thank you for the info on NEM pockets. I wish all dealers would tell you about this (some do  :thumbsup:) as you are so right, even with the jig thingy it is such a fiddle fitting them  :worried:

With all best wishes


Hi Phoenix
The information regarding NEM pockets is in the GF catalogue, if you remember to check and if you have one. But then if you need the carriages anyway, you will still buy them. The Pullmans, although nominally Mk1's, seem to be made differently to the other GF Mk1's. There is not much to attach the NEM pockets on to.
Also, if you are interested in lighting your coaches, these Pullman's are quite good in that they have live axle wheels, i.e. only one wheel is insulated from the shaft. This makes it easier to use dcc concepts axle springs as pickups, without having to use conductive paint on one wheel.
The only other GF coaches I have come across with this useful feature are the maroon LMS ones not that I have exhaustive experience of them. I generally use Dapol, for coaches as they are ready fitted for easy lighting.
Maybe in time all these will be updated to have both wheels insulated. GF cannot supply live axle wheelsets as a spare, and I have not found anyone else who can either.


There was a 'modern' Pullman brake coach made for the Farish Collectors Club but I don't know whether there was a prototype or whether it was a ficticious one.......



Looks like the one Phoenix put a photo of above.


I thought that pic was of the wooden bodied 1928 version :hmmm:


Looking more carefully, I think you are right, it is different.

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