DJ Models class 17 Clayton

Started by Dalek, February 03, 2018, 02:03:25 PM

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Just wondering how many of you have paid for yours up front ? Just out of curiosity, i'm surprised not to have seen a post about this yet.



I responded with a suggestion that he turn it into a fully fledged crowdfunded project and I await a response.

robert shrives

Hi ,
I declined as was not within my ability to fund at this stage still have order with rails for this and 23 but honestly I think Dave has moved on with OO stuff too vital to struggling a lifeline and with others paying the way on that the one man band schemes other than wagons look to be low down and N gauge whilst a part of his listings out of necessity.   

I wish Dave well and certainly the mermaids when made to run freely are very nice I await others but certainly not expecting anytime soon. Certainly Revolution trains have shown the way forward and IRM and its UK face Accuscale have shown a good model, the OO Irish models are quite brilliant and the bubble having been re done after the DJ split is super.



I took the view that an up-front payment is the only way we're going to get the 17 in a reasonable time, so I've gone along with Dave's plan and will do the same for the 23 if he asks.


I have a pre-order at Hatton's. But I didn't pay anything yet.
I understand that the class 17 is on its way, even if it is a very slow way.
Was there some recent announcement from DJModels about funding this project ?

If I were DJModels, I would officially put on hold all other projects except the class 23 and some wagons expected to be successful. Then for the class 23 and the remaining wagons, I would switch to crowdfunded projects. I would be happy to sign in.
Another possibilty for DJModels is to open the company capital to shareholders to increase the amount of cash available for new projects. Some kind of crowdfunding but for the whole company. This could work since the OO products look great. But would it lead to enough cash ? I don't know.

Of course, I'm not DJModels. So it's easy to say.
Let's keep on crossing fingers.



After receiving the email I declined and cancelled my expression of interest/pre-order, although I can see the problems DJM face I am unwilling to pay for a model upfront at this time and would feel uneasy doing so.

I now have pre-orders at a retailer for the 17 and 23 and will wait until they arrive.

Looking at how things are going I would not be surprised if other items end up going the same way with full payment upfront, which I will not do, I would prefer them to become crowdfunded more and pay as progress is made or goals are reached.



Don't quote me on this and he didn't want me to photo them -but on his stand today at Stafford show -Dave and his wife had a grey prototype body shell which looked like a Clayton-he even had a photo of it running on a chassis on somebody's layout! But I'm not fully into Clayton so I could be wrong ? If somebody's going tomorrow-seek him out in room two (middle by the toilets ) and have a gander ! Prove I'm either stark raving or I do know what a Clayton looks like ???? :help:

Remember -this is not a practice ! One go only !
And I was Born ready .


He didn't want you to photograph it? What?


Got his own video off it -give him the credit its his model !  That's if it is a Clayton??

Remember -this is not a practice ! One go only !
And I was Born ready .

robert shrives

Hi at TINGS and Warley 2018 Dave had shown off  what was described as EP and it looked the part It was on a chassis but it was not clear if motorised so if running then some expensive progress completed.

Hopefully others have had confidence - the email had requested radio silence about it with note of the following Sunday publication on RM Web - not that a mass frothing has appeared in the DJ "small suppliers" pages and a quick look has not found it.  So perhaps funding sorted to the next stage. I am off to Stafford tomorrow so I will ask the good gent and report back.



Quote from: Maurits71 on February 03, 2018, 06:23:26 PM
Dave Jones and looking after up front paid money is  :no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no:

Why do you say that?


Mark, google or search here on the forum and you do understand ;)
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Quote from: Maurits71 on February 03, 2018, 08:24:09 PM
Mark, google or search here on the forum and you do understand ;)
Hi Mauritz 71,

Thanks for replying. I did search before I posted the question to you but didn't find anything relevant. Comments like the one you made are entirely reasonable if you have evidence to back them up and entirely unreasonable if you don't.

Please do explain. I'd genuinely like to know - I'm sure other forum members would as well.




Mark, it's not my job to be the devils advocate. DJ has a certain reputation and if you're long enough in this hobby you should be aware about this.

I do appreciate that everybody deserves a second change but it's my personal opinion which I am allowed to express, no need to defend my selves and it's even not needed to come up with all sorts of evidence, we are not in court here.

Everybody is entitled to make his own decision and for sure there are enough people who will trust Dave with money.

For me it simple, I have nothing against DJ, in fact I really hope that he delivers all the promised models and for sure I will buy them once they are available, but it will be a transaction in terms of you have something i want and I can see that you have it and I pay once you have given it to me.

and last thing it's Maurits with an S
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I think Maurits is being a little unfair.

Dave has made a bit of an industry of announcing models and not delivering them for years, he also gives a lot of misinformation and arbitrary deadlines which sail past. I like to think this is because he's woefully disorganised and is keen to please everyone, rather than anything more nefarious.

There is no evidence of Dave doing a runner with people's money, or anything similar.

He's very up front that he is basically operating on a shoestring and the profits from one project fund the next (hence extensive delays). You can decide if that's a company you want to loan your money to for an indefinite period before the model is delivered.

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