"O" no, what have I done...

Started by GroupC, December 06, 2016, 11:39:04 AM

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very nice groupc good luck with ur o gauge shunting layout! start saving for a class 40 u know it will happen anyway!

I enjoy the collecting aspect of the hobby so I think o gauge would bankrupt me very quickly.

a parcel depot with an 08 and a 128 plus few vans and guvs would be good. probably everyone doing that though when 128 gets released. or get a class 117 or 120 and run it round ur garden!

anyway everyone on this thread claiming ownership of o gauge should be expelled immediately from ngf!!



My 08 (aka "the thin end of the wedge") is on its way - hope it comes tomorrow as I'm back at work on Friday.

I am aware that now I've started entering the darker (O) than dark (OO) side I am in danger of expulsion. My only defence is that I was only following orders. From my own impulsiveness and whims I admit, but orders are orders wherever they come from.

I was in my local model shop today and saw in the window a length of O gauge track. Enormous. The vague layout ideas I had may have to be pruned. Luckily my house is one of those old long and thin ones that goes back for a long way despite not being very wide so hopefully I can find a space to fit something in.

The N side of me is definitely not dead however as I've just bought yet more building kits. That is, kits of buildings to build as all kits are "building kits" I suppose.


It's here and huge. Went to collect the parcel from the sorting office at 0630 today before setting off for work, and got there just as they were opening up. I've only had a brief look at it but it was well worth it - the early start, the money and the O-verall incursion into big stuff. It looks amazing.

I don't think I'll be falling into the feared trap of starting to buy Class 40s and the like because not only are they cripplingly expensive, the boxes they come in are cripplingly large. Then again, perhaps an 03 if Dapol obliged...

I'll see if I can put up some comparison photos of it alongside my GF 08 in a few days when I've got some rest days from work.

Slightly annoyingly, my next trip to the sorting office will be on Monday to get the N kits I alluded to earlier which the postman attempted to deliver today when I was at work, argh.


Quote from: Buzzard on December 06, 2016, 06:33:44 PM
Quote from: GroupC on December 06, 2016, 11:39:04 AMIs there such a thing as O-Loco-Holics Anonymous?

Take care GroupC because once the bug has bitten.........

Having started out in O over 20 years ago it was N that hijacked me over the last four years. However, I too couldn't resist the Dapol 08, and with Minerva's Kerr Stuart 0-6-0T and a Heljan Warship I've bought 3 O gauge locos this year, 2 more than I planned!

I still gave lots of N gauge on order from Revolution Trains though....

Luke Piewalker

I might have just bought an 08... ahem... for my dad to 'look after' on his O gauge shenanigans...  :-[


I knew it... it's catching. Save yourselves!


So far I have managed to resist the temptation :angel: but not sure I still would if they brought out a J69 at an affordable [rice :worried:
KISS = Keep it simple stupid


 :hellosign: My N gauge go to exhibitions , but my O gauge is in my " MAN SHED " and stays there. My recent purchase was a class 25 BR blue with sound a hefty £699-. I love both gauges and cannot give either up .
Tony .H


Have you got any pictures of your O gauge setup Tonye? I'd be interested to see them!


I have some pictures somewhere , I just have to find them
Tony .H


KISS = Keep it simple stupid


Me not stupid , I just cannot insert my pictures that I have on my computer. My layout is still in it`s infancy-track laid and 90% wired for DCC , No structures in place. Sorry.
Tony .H


Tony .H


don't forget  when planning  your  layout...

offstage  sector  plates are  much  cheaper than points...


Managed to get photo up , Hope to have one more

Tony .H

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