Ever wish you shouldn't have got up today?

Started by Jillingsbri, August 07, 2016, 09:11:14 AM

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So anyway, after eventually scraping off the messy wrinkled back scene that I screwed up I decided to return to the shop and get another one. The original mountain scene (more suitable to my US outline) was not available, so settled on some' backs of houses'  Guagemaster..Packet and picture looked exactly the same, size wise, so I'm cool. Or so I thought!. However back at the funny farm after reducing the height to suit my board I realized the scale was all wrong. It was in fact 00 :no:.  There was no mention of scale on the tube wrapper, however.

Oh flip! I exclaimed. I've cut it now and can't return it..Oh well, down to experience. That's 14 quid for the 2 scenes up the swanny.. Thinks!  If Constable can do it, I can knock up a painting surely.  Now where's my water paints? (Aborted art hobby)..Yeah found 'em, cool!. I grabbed three tubes of Sap Green and stirred the lot up in a redundant gravy boat.  Oooowerrrr! my brush has turned into a muddy lump.  I retrieved the tubes from the rubbish bin and would you Adam and Eve it!  one of them was oil paint and I now had it all over my German's.  Dohhhhhh :-[...Managed to clean my hands with an  equally redundant bottle artist's thinners, which I naturally knocked over.  At that point I decided to write that day off..

Yesterday I awoke with renewed vigour deciding the previous day didn't happen.  I know! I'll nip up B&Q and get a couple of test pots of green and sky blue emulsion.  I subsequently returned home with said paint and after clearing out the cat box and lighting the obligatory incense to mask the resultant pen and ink, I set about introduced it to the layout. The paint I mean  ;) Sky first, then some rolling hills.  Worked out ok actually, quite chuffed :thumbsup:.  Today I might mix a teensy bit lighter green and try and get a sunlit side of the hills look. 

I normally load pics to my Facebook page, which presumably I could link to here. However, I'd better check it's all 'Kid friendly' first  :hmmm:

Live long and prosper,
I just love the way the Earth rotates. Makes my day!


Oh dear. Definitely a bad day on the model railway.

When that happens to me I walk away and take a few days off, think a while, and usually come up with a solution.

Could have been worse... your doc could have ordered an enema  ;) :thumbsup:
Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


My pleasure..I always chuckle when I wake up every morning and find I've still got a pulse :)

Popped into Azda on way home and picked up a couple of packets of Minky extra strong scouring pads (the ones without the attached foam) Cut 'em into strips and they make jolly good well maintained hedges.  Then I guess you all knew that, right  ;)

I just love the way the Earth rotates. Makes my day!

Tom U

I have my morning 3 point check:
1.  Verify that the bright light is in fact the morning sun (lucky to live where the sun shines most days)
2.  Check that I have a pulse.
3. Get out of bed and check that I reflect in the bathroom mirror. (not a pretty sight, but re-assuring).

If I pass all 3, there is a good chance it will be a good day  :thumbsup: 



Any one of those missing  :thumbsdown: and you're brown bread
I just love the way the Earth rotates. Makes my day!


Well I'll go to the foot of our stairs!. I just noticed you location, Chiang Mai.. I was there doing my bit for 'Er Maj in 1962.  Hawker Hunter's and Javelin's were cool then..Bet it's all well Westernised now.  Probably even got a Boots complete with a Big Issue seller outside :)
I just love the way the Earth rotates. Makes my day!

Tom U

Boots (3 shops), Mc D, KFC, Starchucks, No big issue (unless you count today's constitution vote).
Unfortunately no model shops.
Serviced the occasional Hunter transiting Akrotiri - Javelins were long gone.
Good luch with your back scene, sounds like you are having fun (!*%$) with it  :)

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