Your worst injury...

Started by lionwing, May 28, 2013, 09:55:07 AM

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Quote from: thebrighton on May 28, 2013, 02:49:45 PM
Whilst adding some static grass a while back I managed to complete the circuit. It is amazing what 3v can do and how far and wide the grass can fly!

Ouch! But reminds me of the warning my Physics teacher gave many (too many!) years ago - 'Volts jolt but mils (as in milliamps) can kill!' Which is maybe why the Darwin Results include those unfortunates who decided to test a 9v battery across their tongue?

"I owe the discovery of Uqbar to the meeting of a mirror and an encyclopaedia".
(Jorge Luis Borges - 'El jardin de senderos que se bifurcan' 1941)


Quote from: newportnobby on May 28, 2013, 12:29:12 PM
Quote from: petercharlesfagg on May 28, 2013, 10:13:09 AM

One day I might tell you the other story?  (woodworking)

Regards, Peter.

Oh my - I am sorry, Peter, but I just fell off my chair reading this so apologies if I've hurt your feelings :-[
To think, I have all this to come :worried:

It wasn't funny at the time but I too can laugh about it now!!

You will have to go a VERY long way to hurt my feelings, 66 years on this earth teaches you to bounce!!!
Each can do but little, BUT if each did that little, ALL would be done!

Life is like a new sewer pipe, what you get out of it depends on what you put into it!

A day without laughter is a day wasted!


Quote from: AndyGif on May 28, 2013, 03:07:49 PM
bank account/wallet with serious seasonal hemorrhaging.

That would be "withdrawal symptoms" I guess. 

Phil Hendry

Quote from: cycletrak9 on May 28, 2013, 05:45:33 PM
Peter, your story reminds me of the old Hoffnung recording of the letter to an employer fron an employee explaining why he is not at work. It involves a building site, barrels and bricks and used to be regularly played on the radio years ago. I've not looked but I'm sure it will be on Youtube somewhere - it's well worth searching out.i
'The Bricklayer'.  I've got it on a BBC CD - my father had it on vinyl.  I don't listen to it very often, but I always end up with tears rolling down my cheeks and aching sides.  Peter's story is almost in the same league.
I am not a complete lunatic - there are pieces missing!


My worst modelling injury was slicing my thumb open with a Stanley knife. The best bit is I did it again to the other thumb the next year, so I didn't learn my lesson the first time apparently.

On that note am I the only one who cringes every time I see a photo in a magazine where someone has a scalpel blade pointing toward their thumb or fingers?


Whenever I pick up a blade, there is a family rush for the first aid box, especially on caravan holidays for some reason. Worst accident I had was also at work, when dipping the tanks on an oil tanker (the smaller home delivery type). The driver was at the back, and needed to access his cab, and the steps down were at the front. As he tried to pass me, I naturally stepped back, off of the walkway and down. I managed to grab the walkway, but ended up draped over the curve of the tanker. I let go, and slid down to the ground, coating the front of my clothing with heating oil and dirt. No injury at the time, but next day, my front was red with a skin reaction to the oil, that took 5 weeks to clear and was very sore.


Blimey where do I start  ;D ;D

When I was a young child on a family holiday to Blackpool (we had relations who lived in Fleetwood and my Uncle worked for a company who manufactured and serviced the slot games on the Golden mile, and so I used to get jars full of test tokens from him when I was on holiday there, but that's another story  ;) ) anyway, I decided that I'd go the wrong way up the Helter-Skelter and I was collected by another kid coming down the Helter-Skelter, cue head long dive onto a concrete floor and an overnight stay in Blackpool General.

Then at the age of about 13 or 14, during a woodwork class, I decided to sand the edge of my spatula on the circular sander, well the spatula snapped and I ended up sanding my forefinger knuckle down to the bone, the end off my thumb and middle finger. It didn't hurt when I did it and to be honest I didn't even realise I'd done anything, until one of the girls pointed out that I was dripping blood everywhere and she screamed and nearly fainted when I stuffed my finger in front of her eyes and said "oh look you can see my bone moving when I bend my finger" Cue the rest of the boys in class crowding round me asking for a look  ;D ;D

Age 18, dislocating my knee playing basketball during a PT lesson whilst doing Trade training at RAF Locking in 1984, then badly spraining my ankle during my Fitters course in 1989, oh and getting hit in the eye with a Uni-Hoc puck, again on my fitters course in 1989.

Since then, touching a HUGE piece of wood, nothing major.  :laugh3: :laugh3:



P.S. And my wife wonders why I don't play any sports anymore, or do exercise, not because I'm a lazy bugger, but I'm accident prone when playing sports  ;) ;)


Worst modelling injury?
Other than supergluing my hand to my face (don't ask!  :-[) that would have to be a knife slipping and cutting through my jeans into my thigh! :o
The skin on your thighs is like a piece of elastic and a huge gap appeared even though the cut was only small. (1.5" approx)
A trip to A&E followed with blood running down my leg whilst I sat and waited for ages.  :veryangry:
Thankfully I missed any major veins and after a few dumbbells put over it and a tetanus shot I was sent home.
That was a good 17 years ago and I still have the scar!
Taught me to be careful with modelling knives...
Personal motto: You don't have to be mad to be a modeller, but I find it helps!

My Irish layout here

My Edwardian Seaside Layout here

My Backscene painting tutorial here


There is not a part of my body that does not have a scar on it now (yes even there  :( ) worse modelling injury was using one of those extending blade knives which caught in a piece of foam, and extended as I yanked it free, straight into my thumb leaving me with over an inch cut through which I could clearly see the joint operating.  I rinsed it under the tap, dried it off and got some steri-strips from my first aid kit and patched it up.  I have a very neat scar that even the practice nurse was impressed with  :D

Andy T

On a modelling side , Let me think . Soldering my fingers together  :( , Getting hold of the wrong end of the Soldering iron ,  :-[ , And stabbing myself with a screw driver whilst getting a screw out of one of my baseboards now that really hurt like mad  :'(

On a work side . Tripping over a Pallet that i left there and going to A&E with a suspected broken Ankle , Did not brake it only ruptured my tendons could not walk for a few weeks . The funny side is that i said that morning " The only time you would get me out of this place would be in a Ambulance"  i have now learnt my lesson ( Don't think so ) :D


Cut the end off my left index finger because I let it protrude over the edge of a steel ruler while cutting plasticard, wasn't so bad except I had to back some singers at a concert with the guitar the very next day.
Keep on Smiling


Quote from: longbridge on July 02, 2013, 04:02:03 AM
Cut the end off my left index finger because I let it protrude over the edge of a steel ruler while cutting plasticard, wasn't so bad except I had to back some singers at a concert with the guitar the very next day.

My Geetar hero ('Dead' Category) is Stevie Ray Vaughan. He used to slice the end off his fingers (on the guitar strings) and he used to Superglue it back on.


Also a Stevie Ray Vaughan fan here, a great loss to music when he died.

Only found out about super glueing skin back on after the concert, I had the tip of my finger handy so I could have stuck it back on.
Keep on Smiling


I have glued one back on..........still couldn't play the geetar though!! :veryangry:


Quote from: FeelixTC on July 02, 2013, 12:49:59 PM
still couldn't play the geetar though!! :veryangry:

Patience and practice every day will get you there, I have been playing guitar for over 40 years and still learning  ;)

cheers John.

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