Unhappy Thread

Started by Caz, August 26, 2015, 10:11:20 PM

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Cats are just cats. They'll always do something that drives you mad or worries you, but they're worth it!

As for your wife, I hope all goes well. The good news is that (apparently) 50% of the population have a blackout/fit at some point in their lives and for almost all, its a one off, while for the few that have more, it can mostly be managed. I had a one off many years ago (caused by prolonged and severe coughing), my wife had two, close together, last year (nothing in the 12 months since and so okay to drive again now) and my eldest son (16) has epilepsy (zero fits since starting medication).


Thanks for the support guys.

Wife seems okay this morning, we've done the horses, I've medicated the cat, given the other one a bollocking for being a pain in the proverbials, and am now having breakfast.

Catherine is going to have to see a neurologist, so at a time when you really want to avoid hospitals it looks like we're going into the eye of the storm. The on-call out-of-hours doctor that rang last night very kindly pointed out that you're 4x more likely to catch Covid in hospital. Can't help thinking she could work on her bedside manner. @stevewalker thanks for the info, I've not had time yet to do the obligatory 'scare the crap outta y'self' Google session yet looking at the issue.

Again, thanks for the moral support, it means a lot.
Brookline build thread:


Sometimes you bite the dog...

...sometimes the dog bites you!


I can explain it to you...

...but I can't understand it for you.


I had two fainting spells and was referred to a neurologist before this Covid business kicked off. He said was not unusual to have them if something else triggered it. In my case it was a retching session caused by my difficulty swallowing after an op. for cancer of the oesophagus. So probably nothing to worry about unduly. I hope that SWMBO's appointment will be dealt with in a way that minimises the risk from this nasty virus.
KISS = Keep it simple stupid


As a ps. You mentioned bedside manner. When I had a pulmonary embolism a few years back I was in hospital whilst they found out what it was that meant I had difficulty breathing and the consultant came in to announce that I had multiple clots on both lungs. My wife said that she was concerned that one could break off and go to my heart or brain and kill me. The consultant replied" It could kill him where it is!"  Not the answer my wife wanted!
Hope that raises your mood a bit.
KISS = Keep it simple stupid


Quote from: steve836 on April 29, 2020, 11:29:22 AM
As a ps. You mentioned bedside manner. When I had a pulmonary embolism a few years back I was in hospital whilst they found out what it was that meant I had difficulty breathing and the consultant came in to announce that I had multiple clots on both lungs. My wife said that she was concerned that one could break off and go to my heart or brain and kill me. The consultant replied" It could kill him where it is!"  Not the answer my wife wanted!
Hope that raises your mood a bit.

Nothing quite like NOT sugar coating it!
Brookline build thread:


Sometimes you bite the dog...

...sometimes the dog bites you!


I can explain it to you...

...but I can't understand it for you.


KISS = Keep it simple stupid


Hi Mike ( @emjaybee )

So sorry to hear about your lovely lady wife - you must be so worried.  Hang in there and I am sure the NHS will do their best for her.

As for the cats, totally get where you are coming from.  Henry (our boy) was run down 4 years ago and spent several weeks in ITU hospital - it was touch and go.  The poor fella lost an eye but he has just celebrated his 10th birthday.  It was eye wateringly expensive but worth every penny.  At the end of the day, they are our fluffy children.  ;)

Thinking of you all.

Kind regards

London Midland Region



@Paddy you are so right.

Fluffy children...

...expensive, annoying, pain in the A, fluffy children.

Wouldn't be without them.

Brookline build thread:


Sometimes you bite the dog...

...sometimes the dog bites you!


I can explain it to you...

...but I can't understand it for you.


Full marks for getting through the last couple of days, Mike. Hope you can catch up on sleep and feeds very soon, and that all concerned are back to normal in a short space of time.


I have said before people have it worse off in these times and I stand by that.

However completely out of the blue this afternoon (by which I mean I was told I won't have to on Monday) I have been told I am to be Furloughed for 3 weeks in June.

I am told it's so the company can make sure the scheme is used before the Government deadline but I am still in shock. My industry (Aero) is taking a hammering and I am very concerned for the long term future.

It's an industry I love and am proud to be a part of. To see the bottom fall out of it within such a small space of time is horrible  :(

Me being me I am also trying desperately not to let the situation impact my enjoyment of this fine hobby. I fear how long it will be before I can't look at my stock without thinking how long it would feed my family.

Things not that desperate yet but the trajectory is poor.



SWMBO has just had a phone call to say she is overdue for a review of her medications, 'would you like to make an appointment ?'

she pointed out that she had had a couple of calls from the NHS saying she should stay indoors for at least 12 weeks, maybe longer, and that I should also not be going out.


'we'll call you again in a couple of weeks'


talk about left hand and right hand

of course, doctors are not making house calls either, so what is she supposed to do  :'(


While we have an early summer I have this sat in my garage and I can't get out on it.
Unlike a couple of lads from Rochdale who decided to go on a 200 mile trip to Whitby for fish and chips I'm behaving myself. :angel: Still, they got caught by the fuzz (never pleasant ;)) fined, and turned back.


Quote from: Newportnobby on May 05, 2020, 09:44:29 PM
While we have an early summer I have this sat in my garage and I can't get out on it.
Unlike a couple of lads from Rochdale who decided to go on a 200 mile trip to Whitby for fish and chips I'm behaving myself. :angel: Still, they got caught by the fuzz (never pleasant ;)) fined, and turned back.

Police should have done similar to what they did to a couple from Kent who travelled to Cornwall. They fined them and seized their car whilst in Cornwall due to not having insurance  :goggleeyes:

To follow the construction of my layout "Longcroft" from day 1, you'll have to catch the fish below first by clicking on it which isn't difficult right now as it's frozen!



Mrs EC spotted someone climbing over our locked road gate yesterday. By the time I'd got out she'd scrambled back over and the car drove off.  :veryangry:

The  :censored: bust aload of livestock netting off the gate doing whatever she was doing so I went back with zip ties to put it all back. Whilst doing this a bloke drove past in his 4x4 towing his twin axle touring caravan!!!!! That must be essential!!!

Interestingly the car directly behind was none other then 2 of Leicestershires boys in blue in an unmarked beemer.

I'd of loved a 5 mile trek to see if and where they pulled him but didnt deem being a nosey parker essential either!


To be fair, many contractors who have to work far from home for extended periods use caravans. Some park up on nearby caravan sites (I used to regularly stay at a B&B while working away. It had an attached site and two vans were there "permanently", owned by workers away from home) and others get permission to stay on their client's car park.

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