Happy thread

Started by Deleted Member, March 30, 2011, 06:08:29 PM

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Things that make me Happy.

Opening my eyes each morning.
My Wife
My little Dog
Going for a Walk every Day
My Layout and doing things to it that I thought I would never be able to do.
Getting on the www and enjoying several forums like this one.
Keep on Smiling


Quote from: BROADTRAIN1979 on April 02, 2011, 11:13:14 AM
HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHOOOHOOO, im so happy very happy :music: ballasting was a success and used the same shade as original back in the good ole 70s cleaned andtested locos minor few adjustmenties and we are perfect ;) :D :D :D :thumbsup: :thumbsup:im  happy its out the way now cos........ for an old 45 disabled me its... its hard you know :'( OH VIOLINS PLEASE ;D ;D ;D :Class31:

a link just for you! http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_h05F3UfKBho/S5V1hq9k2RI/AAAAAAAAAaQ/iFQCk0cdCXY/s1600-h/worlds-smallest-violin.jpg  :smiley-laughing:

No on a good note thats great your done! are you now running trains? and i still see no progress pictures  :(


my old boss rang me up and offered me a full time job, so as from Monday I am back on the containers, going to load at Coventry and take it down to Tilbury, just got to sort out a P.P.E. bag for the A.D.R. side of things and get some carpet glue from B & Q.
Any one want any photos of any thing to do with containers :camera:

am I there yet


That's great news. :beers: The downside will be less modeling time!  :thumbsdown:

I'm a personality prototype... you can tell, can't you.


That is great news cloughie, really pleased for you mate  :thumbsup:


 :thumbsup:  Excellent news buddy.





cheers gang, after 3 years of doing agency work, ie 1 to 3 days work a week it`s back to full weeks and away all week (apart from the motor going in for service every 6 weeks) so I only get back at week-ends but at least I can now afford to get the wood to get the next board down and get the viaducts up and still pay the  house  bills. ;D  ;D ;D
am I there yet

Irish Padre

Some great happy news on here ;D ;D ;D

My happy news is; am 40 today ???  :beers:and my beautiful wife has bought me not one but two Union Mills locos - a 3F and 'cauliflower'. 3F in my hand and other one on order. And she took me to Gaugemaster where I bought some necessary items and gazed longingly at many others.............................

More good news is that I sold my layout on eBay, without making too much of a loss :smiley-laughing:

So I can now build my double-track Peco planned circuit on a 3'6" by 2'3" board, and I've bought the track and Morley controller already!!! Lots of layout construction coming up!!!



Well happy birthday  :beers: you lucky swine, 2 locos!  :thumbsup:  must get my missus to read this one  ::)


Got to be happy today... :wave: Feeling very lucky.  

Apparently 92 tornadoes touched down in North Carolina yesterday, 26 of them in the Raleigh area. :o  About 22 people died in North Carolina (several in the Raleigh area) and probably double that across the six states the storm passed through. :(  A lot of damage caused, including a DIY superstore south of Raleigh just torn down.  There was hail the size of golf balls.  The tornadoes are unbelievable - they travel for miles at about 50 miles an hour with winds up to 160mph, but where one house is gone, the neighbour can be almost undamaged.  The biggest one that destroyed the DIY store was reported to be 3 miles wide and travelled for 63 miles... this one stopped being grounded 10 miles before it passed over us.  That's how lucky we were.

A lot of people lost everything.  It isn't quite the Japanese tsunami, but it makes building my layout seem a bit trivial.  I'm waiting to hear if they need me as a volunteer to help clear up.

The DIY superstore:


Ordinary houses badly damaged and 80ft pine trees snapped in half


A map of the tornadoes.  We are in Wake County where a lot of the red dots are:

I'm a personality prototype... you can tell, can't you.


Very scary stuff Mark.  I hope you're all well and nothing has happened to you.....or your layout. ;)  All the best.


Good Friends and family. All ways makes me happy :)  :) :thumbsup:

Looking forward to a nice cosy peaceful sleep in the next few minutes dreaming about my future superlayout! :smiley-laughing: :sleep:

Proud New Owner of Old Warren Traction Maintenance Depot Layout.

http://www.c58lg.co.uk/  http://www.c60pg.co.uk/


Cloughie - am I there yet? Yes, bud. You made it. Well done!

Mustermark - scary stuff. Keep safe. I have a business contact in Christchurch, New Zealand and twice they've been hit by earthquakes. Hah - seems all we worry about is the weather. I'm happy when it's sunny, and happy when it's lashing down 'cos it's a good excuse to stay in and work on the layout planning. 


Any news on Cloughie? I havent seen him on the site for ages! I hope he is well.

Proud New Owner of Old Warren Traction Maintenance Depot Layout.

http://www.c58lg.co.uk/  http://www.c60pg.co.uk/

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