Note for Tank.

Started by D821 GREYHOUND, December 02, 2010, 08:43:34 AM

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Hi mate. I found this forum through the one I joined in the summer. I have read many posts on there and have indeed used it for advice of my own. The mods on there are anti bullying but from what I have read with the follow ups on your original post, it seems you have been at the raw end of certain members vitriol. I found its always the same people, who have to constantly criticise people who are "less knowledgable" than others. I think this forum will be more genteel than said forum, because after all, we are all like minded people, who enjoy a relatively gentle hobby. Unfortunately, i fear the "click" on other sites will try to belittle this site, which i personally think will grow and encourage new members, not be critical and patronising. I hope the moderators keep the trouble makers out. Keep your chin up! Ian. :NGaugersRule:
A dog is for life.
But a Hydraulic is forever!


Thanks Ian, that's very kind of your to say so.   :)  I've had a few messages of support about it.  I can't believe how stupid the conversation went.  I could understand is the Moderators on there didn't like the 'advertisement', but not members picking holes on pointless things.  Even on the cost of hosting the forum.....what has that got to do with them?!   ::)  Myself and NGaugeAdmin thought that everyone would be delighted to have a forum dedicated to just N Gauge, and not have to share with other gauges.  With over 35 members in a fortnight I am very happy with the outcome.

I hope this forum doesn't go the same way, as a lot of friends left 'that' forum because of some people joining and belittling others rather than encouraging them.  Not everything has to be exact to scale, realistic, or even with the correct wheels.  It's all about having fun, enjoying it, and sharing with others.


I aim to contribute to this forum as much as i can, and get as much advice too. Like i said before, i want to enjoy our hobby, and i have posted photos of my first attempt on the construction thread. Its given me a taste of building a layout, and i intend to do a bigger one soon. Im not really interested in fine scale wheels or detail issues! I made a lot of things for my layout myself to save money. My diesel fuel point is teeth from an old comb, a business card and matchsticks! And i made the ground signals from the discs from a hole punch and tile spacers! Hey they are out of scale and i have been criticised for how big they are, but they look like ground signals! And im pleased with the result of the whole layout. At the end of a days graft, i want to be in South Devon on a summer saturday watching Westerns and Warships on their way to the seaside! Its all about playing with trains! And its something i have loved for nearly 40 years! Ian.
A dog is for life.
But a Hydraulic is forever!


That doesn't sound good at all  >:(

I guess we have all suffered at the hands (or words) of self confessed experts on the various forums.  I hope that when I comment on anything, I do it in good faith and with honesty.  I do try to choose my words carefully when giving any type of criticism, I have to be true and honest though, if something is truly appaling I will say but I do try to find a better way of saying that, and telling them why I think that way and offering a couple of ideas or alternatives.  Saying something is great, when it is obviously mince, helps nobody.

I have been a member of Your Model Railway , many years now, it is a very friendly forum which covers all gauges, praise and criticism is dealt out in equal measure and is always done in a way so as not to cause offence but to help all modellers grow their skillset.

Should this forum have a similar approach I think it will be a great sucess


I don't know if Ian is referring to the forum I currently use regularly but I've noticed a few examples lately of what I would term as overly critical remarks verging on bullying from members who think they know better. Thankfully it is a small minority and I just keep out of those types of discussions as I'm only here to talk model railways and have a nice chat.

This forum has grown quicker than I expected it to and it's credit to the developers for spreading the word so effectively. If we can keep this forum friendly as it is now then it should be a winner. I agree that a forum dedicated to N gauge is a great idea as you know what you're reading is N gauge related - something that is not always obvious on other forums.

Claude Dreyfus

It is interesting to see how various forums (fora?) have developed.

I am a member of five, including this of which (Talking T Gauge) I joined the month it was set up.

That forum really has taken off in the couple of years that it has been in existence, and in a way would be quite a good guide for this forum. I believe I have read the thread giving rise to this discussion, and there certainly are some forthright opinions displayed. Personally I quite like these types of formats - I don't get on with the Yahoo-type postings as for me they aren't very good for browsing.

I think evolution is the key here. N gauge is a broad church, so a forum that reflects this for me would be the way to go. Many forums are dominated by UK models, which is understandable as we are in the UK, and overseas interests tend to get pushed to the back. This is a pity, as there are so many techniques that can apply to all areas of modelling, irrespective of the country being depicted. As the membership grows, which it no doubt will, then a clearer direction may well start to form.

In terms of moderation, size really does matter. The T gauge forum is pretty well behaved, as is the JNS forum (I've seen that plugged elsewhere on here), where everyone seems to rub along quite nicely and talk about trains and other such niceties.

The two bigger ones seem to offer very different approaches. One is quite tightly moderated, which may not be everyone's cup of tea, but at least these rules and regulations are explained clearly to start with. There are spats which occasionally break out, which tend to be stamped on fairly rapidly.  I have only been a member of the other - from which I located this one - a very short period, however I have seen some posts which are verging on the BBC 606  :o


Quote from: Lawrence on December 02, 2010, 10:39:28 AM
....I have to be true and honest though, if something is truly appaling I will say but I do try to find a better way of saying that,

Quite right Lawrence.  All opinions are more than welcome, along with advice.  It's just that some people's wording and opinions were just not necessary, and were just plain rude!  I found it a great shame, as people were being put off of putting pictures of their scratch built models on the said forum because of rivet counters who think they're the elite.

NGF Staff

Tank and myself appreciate the support.  I won't say too much because I'm an Admin, and need to remain neutral, but I'm glad members on this forum can see who has been causing trouble.  To what purpose it serves is unknown?!  We all have one thing in common, N Gauge, so let's stick together on it and enjoy our hobby.  :)
Account used for maintenance only.  Contact Tank or other forum staff if you have any problems.  Thank you.


Well I'm not always in front of a computer, but would be more than willing to help out with some moding if required, and at my age now, if I cant see both sides of the coing, I may as well hang up my cordless mouse  ;)


I joined because its nice to have a dedicated N gauge site

(although, I did reply about not being able to visit the old site :-X on the site you lot are talking about)  But I did retry once tank sent me a message that its all sorted Now :angel:)


My Layout build thread.... Milton grove TMD 1988 - 2000 WCML loosly based


I have no problem with complaints Porkie, it's just that a few went waaaay too far.  I think I was one step away from being branded a witch and being drowned in the Thames.   :D  All for trying to create an N Gauge community which didn't work very well for a number weeks....


You are always going to have the odd teething faults.     

I did check the tread I replied to by broadtrains and didnt understand what all the fuss was about.

Untill I saw the other one. :o   

My Layout build thread.... Milton grove TMD 1988 - 2000 WCML loosly based

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