Happy thread

Started by Deleted Member, March 30, 2011, 06:08:29 PM

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joe cassidy

Quote from: Bealman on November 09, 2016, 11:09:51 PM
Yep, uber cool prize!  :thumbsup: Nice story about the blackbird, too Dafffy.  :thumbsup:

Unlike these critters here that we have to discourage.....

They've got claws like eagle's talons and when they sit on your wooden balcony railing, not only do their claws do damage, but they actively start chewing the railing! One morning I woke to find 5 of the feathered fiends sitting there - and they're in no hurry to go when you shush 'em away, either!

However, it's the happy thread.... and they are pretty cool birds, just destructive.

If you look in the background, you can see another of our garden occupants. They're cool too, and not destructive!

Food for free ?

Bon appetit !



As some of you may be aware, I have been having problems with the gland that only men have, (ok, it's called the prostate). After 3 years of waiting, 2 'normal' biopsies and a different sort of biopsy, plus a MRI scan, I went to the hospital for the results of the 'different' biopsy today. After a drive of 100 miles and sitting in a cold waiting room for over 2 hours, I finally got to see the consultant. His exact words were "it's hugely enlarged, but it's not cancer. Short of taking the bloody thing out, we have done all we can at this stage".  :bounce: So he has given me a note for my Doctor to change my medication to something that hopefully will shrink the damned thing. As it is my wifes  birthday tomorrow - and our wedding anniversary, (saves me forgetting one of them  ;)) - we are both feeling pretty pleased with life at the moment.  :thumbsup:. I didn't even mind the 100 miles drive back home. 'Isle of Jurra' tonight  :beers:.
However, apart from sharing my good news, I just wanted to say to you gents out there - get your PSA checked! A level even 5 times what it should be, (as in my case), does not mean that there is anything drastically wrong and, if there is anything wrong, it could save your life!
I used to be indecisive - now I'm not - I don't think.
If a friend seems distant, catch up with them.

port perran

Glad to hear your good news.
Enjoy your  glass of Jura
I'll get round to fixing it drekkly me 'ansome.


"Glass"??? (as in one)  :no: But thanks for the thought  :beers:
I used to be indecisive - now I'm not - I don't think.
If a friend seems distant, catch up with them.

port perran

Quote from: dannyboy on November 18, 2016, 08:02:41 PM
"Glass"??? (as in one)  :no: But thanks for the thought  :beers:
I didn't say how big the glass was ! :D :beers:
I'll get round to fixing it drekkly me 'ansome.


I used to be indecisive - now I'm not - I don't think.
If a friend seems distant, catch up with them.


That's good news, David. :thumbsup:
Have a smashing day tomorrow :beers: (2 pints of Jura!)


Great to hear and appreciate the advice.  :thumbsup:

Dave G


I had a big win this afternoon. Managed to replace the battery on my iphone 5 AND IT STILL WORKS. There are a couple of websites that tell you how to do it with dire warnings about not applying too much pressure here or there to avoid puncturing the motherboard. With tiny screws, fragile connectors, some grunt necessary here and there, and me with 10 thumbs, it was a challenge. Reassembling it, I dropped one of the screws (about 1mm size) & thought the carpet monster had eaten it and it had gone forever. However, an uncoupling magnet waved over the carpet picked it up so this was a big victory in itself.  :claphappy:

There is a website video that shows you how to do the job in 2 minutes! Very funny. It took me 2 hours though now I think I could do it in 20 minutes barring dropping screws and everything going reasonably well.



Brave move Webbo and well done for making it happen!  :thumbsup:

Still desperately avoiding lift the lid of one of my Farish deseasels that is making the dreaded clicking noise.  :worried:

Dave G


Good result, Ian. Living as you do here in Aus, have you checked out the iphone tool kit that Jaycar peddle?

Looks ok, actually.  :thumbsup:
Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


Quote from: daffy on November 10, 2016, 04:19:31 PM
Sound rather like you have him very well 'trained' already, RS ;)

He is one lucky boy to have all the joy of railways ahead of him. :thumbsup:

Here he is earlier today watching the trains go by:


Quote from: Bealman on November 27, 2016, 07:28:58 AM
Good result, Ian. Living as you do here in Aus, have you checked out the iphone tool kit that Jaycar peddle?

Looks ok, actually.  :thumbsup:

Thanks George

In fact, I'd bought a smart phone toolkit from China on the recommendation of a poster on the NGF recently as a piece of cheap gear for opening up carriages. The kit has some tiny screwdrivers but it doesn't contain the 'pentalobe' screwdriver that is necessary to get into the case. Had to get that for $6 from a seller in Victoria. Now, I'm ready for action - send me your iphones if you dare.

And Dave, it helps that you don't know what's in front of you when you launch into such adventures.



  :laughabovepost: :laughabovepost:

Probably no thanks  ;)
Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.

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