Happy thread

Started by Deleted Member, March 30, 2011, 06:08:29 PM

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my parcel from China arrived this morning, and according to the customs form on it I was charged £4.72 VAT as all goods entering the EU with a value of more than £15 will be charged VAT.

did wonder about try to argue that we are no longer in the EU, but I expect they are just using up old labels.

pity that there is no way to pay just the VAT direct to HMRC without incuring RM's handling fee  :(

also delivered this morning were the wargames transfers I ordered yesterday when my Paypal account was restored  :thumbsup:

so a big  :thumbsup:to Kingfisher Miniatures of Worthing http://www.kingfisherminiatures.co.uk/ and I suppose also the post office  :)


Finding red kola for sale in england.Although not the far superior curries offering  just barrs,its red kola,in england.I always though it was on the secret not allowed for export list alongside tatty scones and  lees macaroon bars.
freedom of speech is but a  fallacy.it dosnt exist here


Ok, So I've been living on Vancouver Island for 3 years now and love it, but yesterday was awesome, My family and I were out for our daily walk in a local park (its a coastal park) when a Pod of 4 Orca's came sailing by no more that 100m off the shore, they were breaching every minute or so and it was amazing!!  They are so incredible and it was pretty humbling being that close to such a large wild predator. 


That's a lovely part of the world. The wife and I took a whale watching tour out of Anacortes just under 2 years ago and passed Vancouver Island.

I did wave to you, didn't you see me?
Brookline build thread:


Sometimes you bite the dog...

...sometimes the dog bites you!


I can explain it to you...

...but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: emjaybee on August 13, 2020, 08:47:45 PM
That's a lovely part of the world. The wife and I took a whale watching tour out of Anacortes just under 2 years ago and passed Vancouver Island.

I did wave to you, didn't you see me?

Of course! .. I'm always found standing on the shore waving at random boats.. my wife has to drag me away :) :)  seriously though, it is absolutely beautiful here


We went across Canada by train, ending on Vancouver Island. We were going to hire a couple of bikes and ride around the island until we realised it was the same size as Wales. It looked tiny on the map of Canada.
The years have been good to me, it was the weekends that did the damage.


Oh Joy Of Joyous Joys

As some of you may recall, I have been partial to a bit of toast and coffee at 'Coffeys Coffee House' when I do the shopping at Tesco's, (back to every second week now as we can go to Enniskillen again  ;)). Well I was totally disheartened when they had to close because of this Covid thing and even more disheartened, (nay, one could say heart broken), when someone told Louisa that it would not be re-opening.  :'(. I have checked on a couple of occasions and it has always been closed. I had to drive past 'Coffeys' today and saw that the lights were on, but it looked somewhat different. On my way back, I, of course, parked up and went to have a look. It was open for business!  :claphappy: and, even better, all the staff were back. I spoke to Dolores and she informed me that they only opened yesterday, but it was 'back to normal' and, even better, the baking is back in full swing, so I was able to get my order of two strawberry tarts - that has scored me some serious brownie points with Louisa! Incidentally, the difference I noticed is that there has been some decorating done, so the red lettering outside the shop, which I replicated on the model of 'Coffeys' I did for Mr. Coffey and on the one I did for Averingcliffe is now blue - it is staying red on the model!  ;). So the invitation I proffered months and months ago, for anybody visiting the area to be treated to a coffee and strawberry tart by me is back on.  :thumbsup:

Not sure why, but the song by the Edwin Hawkins Singers 'Oh Happy Day' is floating round my brain cell.  ;D
I used to be indecisive - now I'm not - I don't think.
If a friend seems distant, catch up with them.


Felt I had to put this in the Happy thread.
Although it is a bit before the era I am aiming for, I could not resist pre-ordering this from the Bachmann Collectors Club as it brings back memories from 2012 when my wife bought me a Loco Driver Experience on this very locomotive (LMS running number 8624 in crimson livery) on the Great Central Railway. In my opinion, the photos show some excellent detailing including the inside of the actual cab. The only thing that should be rectified is the bright silver drive connecting rods but I am sure that can be rectified with very little work. Roll on October when it is due to be released.

She who must be obeyed says I am spending too much time on this forum. I love her dearly but what does she know?

port perran

Quote from: dannyboy on August 13, 2020, 09:33:23 PM
Oh Joy Of Joyous Joys

As some of you may recall, I have been partial to a bit of toast and coffee at 'Coffeys Coffee House' when I do the shopping at Tesco's, (back to every second week now as we can go to Enniskillen again  ;)). Well I was totally disheartened when they had to close because of this Covid thing and even more disheartened, (nay, one could say heart broken), when someone told Louisa that it would not be re-opening.  :'(. I have checked on a couple of occasions and it has always been closed. I had to drive past 'Coffeys' today and saw that the lights were on, but it looked somewhat different. On my way back, I, of course, parked up and went to have a look. It was open for business!  :claphappy: and, even better, all the staff were back. I spoke to Dolores and she informed me that they only opened yesterday, but it was 'back to normal' and, even better, the baking is back in full swing, so I was able to get my order of two strawberry tarts - that has scored me some serious brownie points with Louisa! Incidentally, the difference I noticed is that there has been some decorating done, so the red lettering outside the shop, which I replicated on the model of 'Coffeys' I did for Mr. Coffey and on the one I did for Averingcliffe is now blue - it is staying red on the model!  ;). So the invitation I proffered months and months ago, for anybody visiting the area to be treated to a coffee and strawberry tart by me is back on.  :thumbsup:

Not sure why, but the song by the Edwin Hawkins Singers 'Oh Happy Day' is floating round my brain cell.  ;D

That is excellent news David. Enjoy.
We have about half a dozen coffee houses of choice within roughly 3-4 miles of us. Some have re-opened but some not.
However, we haven't felt safe enough to return to any yet. We used to visit probably 4 per week. Will we ever return I wonder?

Enjoy your coffee and cakes.

I'm sure I'll get used to cream first soon.


For some reason I forget, both my US and UK passports expire in the same year.  The first to go was the US one and I dutifully submitted the renewal application in May.  13 weeks later I get an email saying that it was approved and sent for printing, and sometime next week I should get it in the mail.  The only fly in the ointment was the (presumably standard) part of the email saying it took 6 to 8 weeks...hello, you cashed the cheque 13 weeks ago!

Next will be renewing the UK one which, unlike the US one, appears to be an all-digital application with do-it-yourself digital photo.  Wonder if it'll be a blue one instead of euro-mulberry?

Now if there were just somewhere I could travel to that won't have a 14-day quarantine...

Bob Tidbury

I am really Happy as I have just received the new album Nashville Tears by the best Female artist I have ever heard    Rumer  she is amazing  the album is really good .I know she might not be to everyone's taste but to me she is the No 1
Bob Tidbury

port perran

Quote from: Bob Tidbury on August 14, 2020, 07:18:26 PM
I am really Happy as I have just received the new album Nashville Tears by the best Female artist I have ever heard    Rumer  she is amazing  the album is really good .I know she might not be to everyone's taste but to me she is the No 1
Bob Tidbury
New to me but I've just had a listen to "Slow" and "Take me as I am".
Sounds pretty good.
I shall don headphones later and give her a proper listen.
I'm sure I'll get used to cream first soon.


 :thankyousign: Bob. Like Martin, Rumer is new to me too, but having just listened to a couple of Youtube clips, I have to say she has a lovely voice and I will also be listening to more later.  :thumbsup:
I used to be indecisive - now I'm not - I don't think.
If a friend seems distant, catch up with them.

Bob Tidbury

David and Martin I can promise you that you wont be disapointed if you buy the New album it was released today and I ordered it direct from `Rumers Store  you get a signed copy and believe me its fantastic
NASHVILLE TEARS  15 tracks of beautiful singing ,and musical arrangements.
She has made quite a few albums now and each one has been good  but this one is really brilliant .
Only my opinion of course ,it wouldnt be right if we all liked the same things and I never force my opinions  on any one .
Bob Tidbury

port perran

Quote from: Bob Tidbury on August 14, 2020, 08:08:48 PM
David and Martin I can promise you that you wont be disapointed if you buy the New album it was released today and I ordered it direct from `Rumers Store  you get a signed copy and believe me its fantastic
NASHVILLE TEARS  15 tracks of beautiful singing ,and musical arrangements.
She has made quite a few albums now and each one has been good  but this one is really brilliant .
Only my opinion of course ,it wouldnt be right if we all liked the same things and I never force my opinions  on any one .
Bob Tidbury
I'm listening to it right now (on Spotify).
She certainly has a beautiful voice........maybe the music isn't quite "up my street" but it is very good indeed and very listenable. Plus it sounds well produced.
I'm sure I'll get used to cream first soon.

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