Map of layout locations

Started by railsquid, January 10, 2016, 04:42:36 AM

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Hi Philip,

Well done for doing this  - I really like your "can do" approach!!

I have put Deansmoor and Lofthole up.    The "Google Search" was a bit weird for photographs :confused1: - I have some better ones but couldn't work out how to find them!   Never mind!

To save you having to PM me, Deansmoor is (or will be) mainly Era 9, maybe back to 8
Lofthole is 9

Cheers  Jon  :)
"We must conduct research and then accept the results. If they don't stand up to experimentation, Buddha's own words must be rejected." ― Dalai Lama XIV

My Postmodern Image Layouts




Quote from: PostModN66 on January 18, 2016, 10:10:57 PM
Hi Philip,

Well done for doing this  - I really like your "can do" approach!!

I have put Deansmoor and Lofthole up.    The "Google Search" was a bit weird for photographs :confused1: - I have some better ones but couldn't work out how to find them!   Never mind!

To save you having to PM me, Deansmoor is (or will be) mainly Era 9, maybe back to 8
Lofthole is 9

Cheers  Jon  :)

Thanks very much, Jon!

The picture stuff is a bit weird. I would recommend using the URL option instead of the Google search to find your photos. That way you can just pop a link (even to a picture in the forum) right into it and it pops up. Why it won't let you upload a picture is beyond me, but if you have it anywhere else you can simply insert the link like I said and Presto!

Hope this helps!

Check out Avondale - My heritage railway themed layout :)


Hi Philip,

Please help. Sorry but am so crap with computers. Have managed to put the location in and thought I'd put the layout name which is 'PORT REGLEUN' but it comes up as point 20, presumably the 20 th member.

I'll try and alter it tomorrow but if you could do that if it's easy I'd be very grateful as will probably erase it knowing my luck and ability.

Cheers weave (stupid computer man  :confused1: )


Quote from: weave on January 18, 2016, 11:24:14 PM
Hi Philip,

Please help. Sorry but am so crap with computers. Have managed to put the location in and thought I'd put the layout name which is 'PORT REGLEUN' but it comes up as point 20, presumably the 20 th member.

I'll try and alter it tomorrow but if you could do that if it's easy I'd be very grateful as will probably erase it knowing my luck and ability.

Cheers weave (stupid computer man  :confused1: )

No problem Weave :) I'll do it this evening :)
Check out Avondale - My heritage railway themed layout :)


An update on the color sorting situation!

I have gone through and sorted most of the layouts into a few categories by period. Since many of us model "on the cusp of two periods" there are some combined categories. The categories and colors are as follows:

Eras 1-2: 1804 - 1875 Pioneering (Unrepresented thus far, no color assigned) and  1875 - 1922 Pre-Grouping
(Unrepresented thus far, no color assigned)

Era 3: 1923 - 1947 The Big four - LMS, GWR, LNER and SR (Represented by Green)

Eras 4-5:   1948 - 1956 British Railways Early Crest and 1957 - 1966 British Railways Late Crest (Represented by Black)

Era 6: 1967 - 1971 British Railways Blue Pre Tops (Represented by Blue)

Era 7: 1971 - 1982 British Railways Blue Tops era (Unrepresented thus far, no color assigned)

Era 8: 1982 - 1994 British Railways Sectorisation (Unrepresented thus far, no color assigned)

Era 9: 1995 onwards - Post Privatisation (Represented by Magenta/Purple)

If your layout is not marked as one of these colors, I didn't forget you, I just didn't know where to put you. Some of you are modeling non-British proto-types and it seems unreasonable to sort those by British Railway Era. If I have incorrectly marked the color of your layout, you can change it by entering the edit section as you did to place the marker and then doing the following:

1. After entering the "edit" area, find your layout name in the list on the lefthand side of the page.
2. Hover your mouse over the name and you should see an icon that is a diamond that is partially shaded in with a pencil to the far right of the name, click on this icon.
3. Select the color you wish your icon to be.

If you have any problems doing that, please PM me and I will take care of it for you! (Just please remember to tell me which layout is yours and what color you want it to be!)

Check out Avondale - My heritage railway themed layout :)

Chris in Prague

Many thanks for this very useful facility. I have added Cant Cove (and Penmayne).


Thanks Philip

I have added my under construction layout and given it is era 7 I have tried to pick the colour closest to BR blue!

Cheers, Mike


I've added Northfleet was a wee bit of a struggle using the iPad but done anyway.  No pics yet I'll figure how to add them later...

I'm actually planning to redevelop Northfleet later in the year now it doesn't have to be dissembles and can reside in the cave...
Worlds Greatest Suburban Electric - Southern
(Sparky Arcy 3rd Rail Electrickery Traction)

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Excellent, and I've just added mine.  :)



I have just added Filton TMD. Seeing as, I believe, this is the first Era 8 layout, I have taken the liberty of assigning Yellow to this era?

Great idea, interesting to see....especially when I find @red_death is working on layout set in a place I am very familiar with!



Quote from: Skyline2uk on March 01, 2016, 08:04:14 PM

I have just added Filton TMD. Seeing as, I believe, this is the first Era 8 layout, I have taken the liberty of assigning Yellow to this era?

Great idea, interesting to see....especially when I find @red_death is working on layout set in a place I am very familiar with!


I believe you are our first Era 8 layout on the map, so yellow should be just dandy :) Still have to get around to ironing out a few kinks, but I'm glad everyone seems to be enjoying it :) I certainly enjoy seeing where people's layouts are (especially since most English British place names are somewhat abstract to me!).

Thanks to everyone for posting their layouts :)
Check out Avondale - My heritage railway themed layout :)


I think you should substitute "English place names" with "British place names" to avoid offending the Celtic fringe ;)

Seriously, glad people like this idea and thanks to N-Gauge-US for the implementation. It's certainly interesting to put a general location to layouts in unfamiliar parts of the country.


I put the Round the Room location on there, I hope it has worked....
I may be your first Banger Blue 1970s spot  :)

This reminds me I need a name for at least some of it !


Quote from: railsquid on March 02, 2016, 12:11:36 AM
I think you should substitute "English place names" with "British place names" to avoid offending the Celtic fringe ;)

Seriously, glad people like this idea and thanks to N-Gauge-US for the implementation. It's certainly interesting to put a general location to layouts in unfamiliar parts of the country.

In the event I did offend, apologies; although, in my defense, my surname is McCray and I spend part of my (non-train) spare time learning (amongst other dead tongues) Old Irish, so I think accusations of anti-Celtic sentiment on my part would probably not hold up to much scrutiny ;)

On a more serious note, I am at my old apartment moving things right now and don't generally have a laptop here, but have borrowed one to add the layouts of a few people who had PMed me. If you did send me a private message asking for me to post your layout, it should be done now. If it is not, PM me again as I have obviously missed you somehow. If there are any changes you want to see made to your layout location, let me know and I will fix whatever needs fixing. Still having trouble getting it to display a full compliment of colors and to give the full locations list on the left instead of an abbreviated one (all locations should be visible on the actual map, with their names.). I promise I will try to work on that some next week when my world returns to normal.

As always, thanks to everyone who has added their layout to this project; it is a very exciting look at the variety we capture, both spatially and temporally, as modelers.

Anyone who can't figure out how to add their layout from the instructions above, just send me the information and I will take care of it for you and let you know when it is done.

Thanks again and all the best

Check out Avondale - My heritage railway themed layout :)


Huge thanks to N-Gauge-US for this initiative, it is a fascinating view of our N Gauge world. Thanks also for adding Chetcombe to the map - i was unable to fathom how to add a pin on my iPad :doh:

See my layout here Chetcombe
Videos of Chetcombe on YouTube

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