An Eventful Christmas at Trevelver Castle

Started by Chris in Prague, December 28, 2023, 08:50:31 AM

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Chris in Prague

As Eli prepared to share her thoughts with Giles, she paused for a moment, gently squeezing his gloved hand. Her gaze met his, conveying a depth of understanding and connection. Her voice was soft yet firm as she began to speak.

"Your willingness to share your struggles, your trust in me and my friends, it's created a deep connection between you and me," she said, her bright blue eyes never leaving his. "Your shared vulnerability has brought us closer. It's enabled me to see you in a new light and deepened our bond."

She gave his hand another gentle squeeze, her expression earnest. "I see you, Giles, not just for who you are, but for the strength and leadership that defines you."

Her words hung in the air between them, a testament to the bond they had formed. As she finished speaking, she gave him a warm, reassuring smile. It was a moment of understanding, of shared connection, and of mutual respect. Their gloved hands remained intertwined, a symbol of their growing bond.

As Eli's words are muffled by the falling snow, she pauses, allowing the depth of their conversation to settle. Her bright blue eyes, usually vibrant and lively, soften under her snowflake-dotted dark blue woollen hat, meeting Giles' gaze with newfound understanding. She reaches up, her gloved right hand trembling slightly in the cold, and places it gently on his arm, over the thick fabric of his winter coat. It is a silent affirmation of the bond they have just deepened, her hand lightly brushing the snowflakes off the rough material in a gesture of care and understanding.

Her other hand, snug within its glove, moves to rest over her heart, pressing gently against the layers of her winter clothing, a gesture common to the Karadow. It is as if she is trying to physically manifest the emotional connection they have forged together, her posture open and inviting despite the bulky winter wear. The corners of her full lips, chapped slightly from the cold, lift into a small, sincere smile, a silent promise of the trust and understanding that now defines their relationship. It is a simple gesture, made all the more poignant by the falling snow around them, a demonstration of the depth of their connection.

"Eli, I... I'm at a loss for words. I feel deeply touched by your understanding and acceptance of my vulnerability. It's as if a weight has been lifted off my shoulders, and I feel a sense of relief. Your words have encouraged me to continue being open about my feelings and struggles. I must admit, I'm a bit surprised by your insight and understanding, but in a good way", he smiled.

"This conversation, your words, they mean a lot to me, Eli. They've brought us closer, and I appreciate that. Thank you for seeing me, for understanding me, and for accepting me. It truly deepens our bond."

As Giles finishes speaking, a silence falls between them. Eli, with her short, bright auburn hair catching the reflected moonlight, gazes up at him. Her bright blue cornflower eyes, usually sparkling with youthful energy, now hold a depth of understanding and empathy that belies her twenty-two summers. Her freckled face is serious, her full lips slightly parted as if to speak, but no words come out.

Giles, towering over her at his six feet two inches tall, looks down into those captivating eyes. His gaze softens, reflecting the relief and surprise he had just confessed to feeling. The corners of his mouth twitch upwards in a small, appreciative smile.

Their eyes lock, and in that long moment, a silent conversation passes between them. It is a look of mutual respect and understanding, a shared vulnerability that has brought them closer. The air around them seems to pulse with the intensity of their connection, and for a moment, everyone and everything else in the Castle Courtyard fades away. It is just Eli and Giles, understanding and being understood, their bond deepening with each passing second. It is a profound moment, one that they'll both remember for the rest of their long lives.

Chris in Prague

Eli gazed up at Giles, her blue eyes sparkling. She studied his strong, handsome face, full of care and concern for her, taking in every detail as if trying to memorise it. As they reached the end of the Castle Courtyard, they paused. Snow was still falling gently around them, each flake a silent whisper of winter's tale. They stood before one of the grand entrances to the castle's Great Hall, the majestic oak doors protecting the festivities within.

With a shy smile that held a host of emotions, Eli reached out and took Giles' gloved hand in her own. The comforting warmth seeping through the fabric was a silent promise of companionship. Her voice, when she spoke, was soft, barely above a whisper, yet it carried the weight of her emotions.

"Giles", she began, her words hanging in the cold air between them. "Would you mind walking with me through the Castle Gardens before we join the celebrations?" Her request hung in the air, a silent plea for understanding. "I need some time to process everything you've told me, and I would very much like you by my side."

Her words, sincere and heartfelt, echoed in the quiet courtyard, a testament to the bond that was forming between them. As they turned to walk through a side entrance that led outside, towards the gardens, their footsteps leaving a trail in the fresh snow, they knew that this walk would be a memory they would cherish forever. Giles, understanding her need for space and time, agreed without hesitation.

"Certainly, Eli", Giles replied, his resonant voice a soothing balm in the crisp winter air. It was warm and reassuring amidst the swirling snow. "It would be my great honour. Rest assured, I will remain steadfastly by your side, every step of the way." His words, filled with sincerity and a promise of unwavering support, echoed softly in the quiet of the snow-covered courtyard.

Chris in Prague

And so, Eli and Giles embarked on an enchanting walk through the snow-covered gardens of Trevelver Castle. The gardens, usually vibrant with seasonal colours, are now a serene landscape of white, the steadily falling snowflakes gently covering everything in sight. The trees, their branches heavy with snow, stood tall and silent, their bare branches creating intricate patterns against the night sky.

Suddenly, a soft hoot echoes through the stillness, a haunting yet beautiful sound that seems to resonate with the quiet of the winter night. They look up, and there, against the backdrop of the starlit sky, is a Tawny Owl, a species commonly seen in the castle grounds. Its large, round eyes glow with a mysterious light, reflecting the faint glow of the moon. Its feathers, a mix of mottled brown and cream, seem almost ethereal in the soft moonlight. The owl's wings, wide and powerful, move with a grace that is almost mesmerising. With each silent beat, it seems to glide effortlessly through the air, weaving its way between the snow-laden branches.

The sight of the owl, so at home in the wintry night, adds a touch of magic to their walk. As they watch the owl disappear into the distance, they feel a sense of peace settle over them, the memory of the owl's flight forever etched in their hearts. The shrubs, dusted with a fresh layer of snow, add a touch of magic to the scene, their shapes softened and transformed by the winter's touch. The stone fountains, usually bubbling with life, are now still, their water frozen in time, creating an enchanting spectacle under the moonlight.

The carved stone statues scattered throughout this area of the castle gardens are adorned with a blanket of snow, giving them a new, ethereal beauty. Each one seems to tell a story; their marble faces watching over the gardens with timeless grace. In the garden, adorned with a blanket of snow, stand five ethereal stone statues, each telling a unique story.

As the moonlight falls upon the pristine snow, it reflects a soft, silvery light that bathes the entire garden in an ethereal glow. This glow seems to breathe life into the marble statues, their features becoming more pronounced under the gentle illumination. The snow on their surfaces sparkles like a thousand tiny diamonds, adding to their mystical allure.

The statues, each unique in their design and pose, stood tall and majestic against the snowy backdrop. The moonlight reflecting off the snow casts long, dancing shadows that add depth and drama to the scene. It is as if the statues have come alive, their stories unfolding in the silent whispers of the winter night.

Eli and Giles stand and admire the beauty of it all. The moonlit statue garden, with its snow-covered figures, seems like a scene straight out of a fairy tale. It is a sight they will remember for a long time, another magical memory of a very special night.

The first statue, the Weeping Maiden, located near the entrance of the garden, is not an abstract figure of sorrow. It depicts a survivor, the last young Queen Priestess of Lost Atlantis. Her face buried in her hands, she mourns the loss of her realm. The snow delicately clings to her flowing hair and draped gown, adding a layer of tranquillity to her eternal sorrow.

Standing tall in the centre of the garden is the Stoic Guardian, a representation of a Trevelver knight. His stern gaze surveys the landscape, embodying the courage and honour of the family. The snow accentuates the intricate details of his armour and the sword he holds, symbolising his eternal vigilance.

Nestled in a grove of trees, the Dancing Nymphs are caught in various dance poses. Each statue, skillfully carved from the finest marble, captures the grace and fluidity of the nymphs in motion. One nymph is poised on the balls of her feet, her arms raised as if reaching for the stars. Another is caught mid-twirl, her flowing robes seeming to flutter in the breeze. Yet another nymph is bent at the waist, her arms extended, fingers delicately touching the snowy ground.

The robes of the Dancing Nymphs, skillfully carved from the same marble as the figures themselves, are a marvel to behold. They are depicted in a state of fluid motion, capturing the essence of the dance in the stillness of stone. The robes, clinging and flowing around the nymphs' bodies, alternately reveal and conceal their beautiful figures.

In some places, the robes are carved to fit closely to the body, accentuating the graceful curves of the nymphs. The moonlight, reflecting off the smooth marble, highlights these areas, drawing the eye to the beauty of their forms. The delicate carving of the marble gives the illusion of soft fabric against skin, creating a striking contrast between the hardness of the stone and the softness it portrays.

In other places, the robes billow out as if caught in a gust of wind. These parts conceal the nymphs' figures, leaving their forms to the imagination. The folds and creases of the robes, masterfully rendered in the marble, create a sense of movement and dynamism, adding to the overall impression of the dance.

The alternation of reveal and conceal creates a sense of mystery and intrigue. It invites the viewer to imagine the rest of the story, to fill in the blanks with their own interpretations. This interplay of light and shadow, of seen and unseen, is part of what makes the Dancing Nymphs such a captivating sight in the moonlit, snow-covered garden of Trevelver Castle. It is a testament to the skill and artistry of the sculptor, who has managed to capture not just the physical beauty of the nymphs but also the spirit of their dance.

The snowflakes, each one unique and intricate, seem to join their dance, swirling around the statues in a mesmerising ballet of their own. They settle gently on the nymphs, adorning their hair and robes with a dusting of white, creating a scene of frozen merriment. The moonlight, reflecting off the snow, casts a soft, silvery glow on the scene, making the nymphs appear as if they are glowing from within.

The sight is breathtaking, a moment of winter magic frozen in time. The Dancing Nymphs, caught in their eternal dance, seem to come alive under the moonlit sky, their joy and merriment echoing through the silent garden. It is as if the snowflakes are their partners, twirling and swirling with them in a dance as old as time itself.

Chris in Prague

In the hushed silence of a December moonlit night, the marble figure of the Wise Sage sits in quiet contemplation on a stone bench situated near a tranquil pond, now frozen in winter's grip. The icy surface of the pond, covered in a blanket of freshly fallen snow, reflects the silhouettes of the surrounding trees and the ethereal glow of the moon, creating a serene backdrop for the Sage's contemplation.

This marble figure is a memorial to the mystical island realm of Atlantis. Known as the Historian, this silent figure is a reminder of the ancient civilisation's grandeur and wisdom. The moonlight casts an ethereal glow on the statue's eyes, creating shadows that seem to flicker with the memories of a time long past, a time of glory and enlightenment.

The figure's pose, one of deep thought and introspection, suggests a profound immersion in the chronicles of the past. An open book rests on its lap, each word etched in stone, serving as a gateway to another era. The silence around the statue is filled with whispers of ancient tales and forgotten lore, carried on the cold winter breeze.

The steadily falling snow, pure and untouched, gently settles around the statue, each flake a silent symphony in the quiet night. The snow adorns the figure's weathered face, highlighting the lines of wisdom etched deeply into the marble, the imprints left by countless years of seeking knowledge and lengthy contemplation.

The open book on the statue's lap represents a treasure trove of history, a testament to the Sage's lifelong pursuit of knowledge. The pages, filled with elegant script, symbolise the volumes telling of the rise and fall of civilisations, of heroes and villains, of love and loss. As the pale light of the waning crescent moon illuminates the statue, it is as if the Sage is journeying through the annals of time.

In this moment of quiet contemplation, in the moonlit night, the marble statue of the Wise Sage is not merely a figure from the past. It is a bridge between that lost world and the present, a tribute to wisdom and knowledge in a world that is constantly moving forward. It tells of resilience, the relentless pursuit of knowledge, and of the timeless wisdom that only comes with age. It is a story that continues to unfold, one page at a time, under the soft glow of the moon and the steady fall of the snow.

Further on, hidden behind a line of rose bushes, making it a favourite spot for lovers visiting the Castle Gardens, the Loving Couple share a tender embrace. The snow adds a layer of purity to their eternal love, making the scene even more enchanting.

Each statue, with its unique story and character, contributes to the ethereal beauty of the garden, especially under the blanket of snow. Their marble faces, each expressing a different emotion, watch over the garden with timeless grace, creating a serene and contemplative atmosphere. This section of the gardens, with its statues, forms a connection between the present, the past, and the lost world of Atlantis.

As they amble, gloved hand in gloved hand, through the snow-dusted statue garden, Eli's gaze is drawn to the Loving Couple, their marble forms locked in a tender embrace.

Chris in Prague

On Eli's first visit to Trevelver Castle, Sylvie had shared with Eli the stories of the garden's statues. Eli's voice, soft and reverent, fills the silence as she begins to tell the tale of the Loving Couple. "Long ago", she starts, her words painting a picture in the crisp winter air, "there were two souls deeply in love. Their love was so profound that it transcended time and space".

Intrigued, Giles softly urged, "Do tell, Eli". The prospect of discovering the story behind the Loving Couple statue alongside Eli fills him with calm anticipation.

She points towards the man in the statue, "He was a brave knight, known for his courage and honour. Despite his duties, he fell in love with a beautiful maiden." Her gaze then shifts to the woman, "She, a humble girl from the village, fell just as deeply in love with him".

"Their love was a beacon in those dark days, a testament to their undying commitment to each other. They promised to love and cherish each other in this life and the next". Eli's dark blue eyes shimmer with the intensity of the tale, her hands moving expressively as she narrates.

"But fate had other plans. A great war separated them, and the knight was called to fight in the service of his lord. He promised to return, and she promised to wait". Eli's voice wavers slightly, the emotion of the story evident in her tone.

"The knight never returned from the war, but the maiden never stopped waiting. Their love, though tragic, was immortalised in these statues. And so, they stand here, in the heart of the garden, their love as timeless as the garden itself".

As Eli finishes the tale of the Loving Couple, her voice softens to a whisper, the final words hanging in the crisp winter air. She squeezes Giles' hand gently, a silent acknowledgement of the power of their shared moment. Giles, his pale blue eyes following Eli's gaze, studies the marble statues. The sight of the couple, so beautifully immortalised in stone, stirs something within him. He could swear he feels the love radiating from the statues, a warmth that seems to defy the chill of the snow.

The Loving Couple, their story now told, continue to watch over the statue garden with timeless grace. Their marble faces, etched with eternal love and longing, add a layer of depth to the serene and contemplative atmosphere of the snow-clad garden. In this moment, as the tale of the Loving Couple resonates in their hearts, Eli and Giles share a connection as timeless and profound as the love story immortalised in stone before them.

"Why don't we go over there?" Eli suggests, her eyes sparkling like sapphires catching the morning sunlight, still fixed on the statue. "We can get a closer look. Maybe even contemplate their story. What do you say?"

Upon hearing Eli's suggestion, Giles quietly assents. His steady and thoughtful eyes move to rest on the statues. A soft smile graces his lips, a silent affirmation of Eli's proposal.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea, Eli", he responds in a measured tone. His demeanour contrasts with Eli's youthful excitement, adding a balanced dynamic to their companionship.

Eli and Giles, their gloved hands intertwined, begin their journey towards the statues. Their footsteps imprint a fresh trail in the snow. Giles, his light blue eyes reflecting the light of the waning moon, studies Eli with a calm and steady gaze full of admiration.

Chris in Prague

As they near the Loving Couple, the intricate details of the statues become more apparent. The tender way the man's hand cradles the woman's face, the soft smile playing on her lips, and the way their bodies lean into each other, seeking comfort and warmth, is beautifully captured in marble. The snow adds a layer of purity to their eternal love, making the scene even more enchanting.

Eli's sparkling eyes are focused on the statue. She squeezes Giles' hand gently, a silent invitation to share in the beauty of the moment. Giles, steady and thoughtful, returns the squeeze, his soft smile a quiet affirmation of their shared experience.

Under the watchful gaze of the marble faces, they feel a connection to something greater than themselves. The statues, with their timeless grace, watch over them, adding a serene and contemplative atmosphere to their exploration. It is a moment of quiet reflection, a testament to the power of art to move and inspire.

At this moment, Eli experiences a whirlwind of emotions. She is awed by the intricate details of the Loving Couple, appreciating the artistry and the story the statues tell. She feels a deep connection to the garden and its timeless beauty, which stirs her artistic imagination.

There is also a sense of excitement as she shares this experience with Giles, their shared exploration adding a layer of intimacy to their relationship. This is coupled with a feeling of comfort and security as she holds Giles' hand, their shared warmth a stark contrast to the chill of the snow.

Overlaying all these emotions is a profound sense of peace. Despite the underlying emotions, a very welcome calmness envelops Eli, a serenity that comes from being in the heart of the garden, under the watchful gaze of the statues, with Giles by her side. It is a moment she cherishes, a memory she will hold close to her heart.

Giles, too, experiences a mix of emotions. He also experiences a deep sense of serenity and peace, created by the tranquil beauty of the garden and the statues. He also admires the artistry of the Loving Couple, feeling a sense of wonder at the sculptor's skill. This time spent with Eli in the garden deepens their relationship, their shared experience adding to their intimacy. Despite his complex life, Giles finds a profound contentment in their shared exploration that he, too, will never forget.

Chris in Prague

If all the Guests who regularly read this story enjoy it, please like it and think about a contribution to the NGF funds in appreciation.

Chris in Prague

As they walked on, the only sounds were the crunch of their footsteps on the fresh snow and the whisper of the falling snowflakes. It was a peaceful, serene moment, a perfect backdrop for Eli to process her thoughts and emotions.

The moonlight played on the snow in a magical way. It cast a soft, silvery glow over the snow-covered landscape, making the snowflakes sparkle like a million tiny diamonds scattered across the ground. The light reflected off the smooth surfaces, creating a mesmerising pattern of light and shadow. The moonshine also enhanced the serene beauty of the winter night, making the snow appear even more pristine and untouched. It was a breathtaking sight, one that added a touch of enchantment to the winter landscape.

As Eli strolled alongside Giles through the snow-covered castle gardens, her thoughts raced with anticipation. Giles, once merely a friend and business client, now occupied her mind as a potential life partner. His admirable perseverance during the crisis, facing adversity head-on to steer his business back to stability, was endearing—a testament to his character. Eli greatly admired his adaptability, which shone through as he skillfully navigated the business through the crisis, demonstrating flexibility and resilience—traits she also valued in a partner. Moreover, Giles conducted business with unwavering integrity, valuing honesty, transparency, and accountability—all qualities Eli cherished.

Leadership skills came next. Giles was not solely focused on personal success; he cared deeply about his business partners' growth and well-being. Giles took young women seriously. He listened to their ideas, valued their contributions, and treated them with the same respect he afforded everyone else. He valued Sylvie's and Angela's input, embodying his high regard for others. Appointing Amanda as office manager showcased his trust in their capabilities. Eli found his empowering and trusting leadership style irresistibly attractive.

As they continued their walk, their boots sinking into the deep snow its crunch under their feet the only sound in the serene garden, Eli found herself more and more drawn to Giles. Not just for his business acumen but for the man he was—resilient, determined, respectful, and full of integrity. She realised he was not just a man who could run a successful business but also someone who could be a wonderful life partner.

Eli's gaze shifted downward, drawn to a tiny creature darting between snow-covered plants. There it was: a mouse, its fur a muted grey against the pristine ground. It moved with cautious steps, whiskers twitching, eyes alert.

The mouse's path traced delicate arcs, weaving through the plants. It paused, its tiny paws brushing the snowflakes aside. What treasure lay hidden there? Perhaps a seed, forgotten by summer's warmth, now cradled in icy soil.

Giles leaned closer, his curiosity piqued. "Remarkable", he murmured. "To think they survive in this frozen world, finding sustenance where we see only barrenness."

Eli nodded, her heart echoing the mouse's determination. In this wintry realm, survival demanded resourcefulness—the ability to glean life from the seemingly lifeless. The mouse embodied resilience, reminding her once more of the man by her side.

Despite the cold, there was a warmth between them, a shared understanding that transcended words. As they walked gloved hand in gloved hand through the snow-covered garden, they found comfort in each other's presence, their bond deepening with each step they took. It was a walk they would always remember, a moment of tranquility amidst the whirlwind of emotions and revelations. It was a testament to their connection, a moment that encapsulated the complexities of their relationship.

Chris in Prague

14 Guests at once! A new record. I do hope my readers are enjoying these tales.

Chris in Prague

Giles noticed the thoughtful look on Eli's freckle-sprinkled face as they walked through the snow-covered castle gardens. He could tell she was deep in thought but gave her the space to gather her thoughts, respecting the silence between them. His gaze softened as he looked at her, a silent acknowledgement of the unspoken thoughts and emotions that accompanied them. He understood that when Eli was ready, she would share her thoughts with him. This realisation, like many others, highlighted the deep connection and understanding that had developed between them over the months.

As their walk continued, a wave of emotions flowed over Eli. Initially, there was relief, as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. Giles' willingness to share his vulnerability, his unwavering character, his patience, and his undeniable love for her all reassured her that he was not a reflection of her father.

This was followed by acceptance. The realisation that a man could embody both strength and kindness, and not be a bully, began to take form in her heart. This newfound understanding helped her begin to dismantle the protective walls she had built around herself.

Gratitude was close behind. Giles' understanding and patience, his willingness to give her the time and space she needed, made her appreciate him even more. She felt a deep sense of thankfulness for having him in her life.

Gradually, love began to bloom. This was, Eli realised, the turning point when she could finally allow herself to begin to fully love Giles. Overcoming her fear, she could begin to contemplate committing herself to Giles, body, heart, and soul.

Yet, despite all these positive emotions, a shadow of fear still lingered. Old fears die hard, and even though she had made significant progress, she knew that it would still take some time for her to fully trust Giles. But with every passing moment, she was getting there, one step at a time.

Giles studied Eli closely, tracing the contours of her character in his perceptive mind like Eli capturing fleeting emotions on a canvas. Her journey from Britanny to Paris to Chelsea unfolded before him—a tapestry woven with threads of complexity, daring, and vulnerability.

Eli's struggle to overcome the past was etched in every line of her freckle-dusted face—the furrowed brow, the hesitant smile. Giles sensed the weight she carried, memories like rocks in her pockets. Yet, there was an unquenchable fire within her, a desire that burned brightly even in the darkest moments.

Desire and fear waltzed within her—a delicate dance that played out in stolen glances and unspoken words. The past clung to her like frost on a winter morning, but the present beckoned—a chance for redemption, for healing.

Giles wondered how this dance would unfold. Would Eli step boldly into the spotlight, twirling away from her history? Or would she stumble, caught in the tangle of old wounds? Only time, that silent choreographer, held the answers.

As Giles and Eli walk on, the soft, ethereal glow of the snow illuminates their path. Their hands, encased in thick gloves, are clasped together, providing warmth and companionship in the biting cold. The snowflakes fall steadily around them, blanketing the world in a serene white.

The Field Elm, Rowan or Mountain Ash, and Holly trees, along with other hardy shrubs like Scots Pine, Birch, and Common Beech, rest under their snowy blankets, while the grey slabs of the carefully laid stone pathways lie hidden under the fresh snow. The Common Holly adds a splash of colour with its spiny leaves and red berries, symbolising protection and goodwill during the festive season. Nearby, the Alder trees stand near the frozen ponds, their catkins releasing pollen even in winter. The Common Box shrubs, shaped into hedges or topiaries, maintain their dark green leaves, defying the steadily falling snow. Finally, the iconic Sessile Oak stands tall, its acorns providing food for the wildlife that frequents the extensive gardens during the winter.

Half-turning, Eli senses a presence. The wolf moves silently, its paws leaving no trace on the snow-covered ground. Its piercing blue eyes watch Giles and Eli with a calm, protective gaze. A silent voice within her head assures her that this is St. Petroc's tamed wolf watchdog—a majestic creature with a thick coat of pure white fur that blends seamlessly with the snow.

The wolf is almost obscured by the falling snow, its form flickering in and out of view like a ghost. But Eli knows it is there, its presence a comforting reminder of St. Petroc's blessing.

As they continue their walk, the animal follows, a silent guardian in the steadily falling snow. The scene is one of peace, tranquility, and a quiet, shared understanding between anxious young Breton and the watchful wolf. It is a moment that Eli will carry with her, etched in her mind, to be realised in paint and canvas.

Chris in Prague

With the icy temperatures plummeting well below zero centigrade, Eli and Giles reluctantly left the statue garden to retrace their path back. The snow continued to fall from the dark sky, each flake adding to the frozen landscape. Susan's warning echoed in their minds: the winter of 1962-1963, often dubbed the 'Big Freeze', would be one for the record books in the United Kingdom.

Already, on December 22nd, the exceptionally cold weather was gripping the UK, and snow blanketed Scotland on Christmas Eve before sweeping southward. The Arctic grip would show no mercy until March the following year.

As Eli and Giles trudged back through the falling snow, leaving the statue garden behind, enclosed between its Common Box hedge, the castle emerged—a beacon against the night. Its illuminated windows promised warmth, light, and respite from the relentless cold. They quickened their pace, guided by the castle's steadfast presence.

The crescent moon hung low in the frosty sky, casting a silvery glow over the snow-covered Castle Gardens. Eli and Giles, their breath visible in the cold air, walked along the winding path. The crunch of snow beneath their boots echoed through the stillness.

As they rounded a bend in the garden path, they glimpsed movement—a shadow darting across the open expanse of the castle grounds. There, under the moon's watchful eye, a fox emerged from the shadows. As the fox moved through the snow, its fur blended seamlessly with the wintry landscape. With winter a magical transformation had happened: its fur had turned into a thick, fluffy coat that was predominantly white. The fox had adapted to its surroundings, becoming a living embodiment of the season. The fox moved with a grace that seemed otherworldly, as if it were part of the night itself.

The snow crunched softly as the fox padded forward, its delicate paws leaving faint impressions. Its eyes, like twin stars, held a hint of mischief and ancient knowledge. Perhaps it was a guardian of secrets, a creature that danced between realms—the mundane and the magical.

The castle grounds lay dormant. The sleeping trees stood sentinel; their branches dusted with snow. The fox weaved through them, its tail trailing behind like a comet's tail. It paused, ears alert, as if listening to whispers carried by the wind.

Eli and Giles watched, transfixed. The fox's movements were deliberate, purposeful. It crossed the moonlit clearing, disappearing momentarily into a copse of evergreens. Then, it reappeared, a fleeting vision, before vanishing into the night.

In that frozen moment, Eli and Giles felt a connection—a bridge between their world and the hidden one. The fox, with its ancient wisdom, reminded them that magic existed even in the darkest hours. And as they continued their journey back to the Castle, they carried the memory of the fox's silent passage—a nocturnal encounter etched into their hearts.

Chris in Prague

After their path met the Castle Drive, Giles and Eli gratefully climbed the worn stone steps into the shelter of the lofty, high, arched Grand Entrance. The snow clung to their boots, and they took a moment to scrape it off the soles, leaving wet footprints on the stone floor before shaking its flakes from their woollen coats, the icy crystals falling like stardust.

Their faces glowed from the cold; cheeks flushed with rosy hues. Eli's blue eyes sparkled with suppressed passion, and Giles' gaze held a controlled fire that matched the hearth waiting beyond. The outer doors stood ahead—a massive wooden portal that had witnessed centuries of arrivals and departures. Giles twisted the circular iron handle and pushed the right-hand door open. They stepped across the stone-flagged threshold, the heavy oaken iron-bound door automatically closing behind them with a muffled thud.

Inside, metal hooks lined the dark granite walls—provided for hanging outer clothes, coats, hats, and scarves. Giles unbuttoned his heavy coat, revealing layers of wool and warmth. His custom-tailored tweed jacket across his broad shoulders served as a reminder of his new role as a merchant of fine wines and spirits to the upper crust. Beneath it, a deep forest green military-style cable-knit sweater clung to his athletic physique like a second skin, evoking memories of duty and camaraderie, his outfit a comforting blend of present and past.

Eli unbuttoned her luxurious winter coat, her breath visible in the chill air. Beautifully tailored by Christian Dior yet supremely practical, it bore the faintest hint of her perfume after their wintry walk. Known for elegance and sophistication, Dior's designs epitomise timeless style. The coat itself is a rich, deep emerald green—a hue that exudes opulence and complements her auburn hair, making her a striking figure against the wintry landscape.

Beneath the heavy woollen coat, Eli had layered her attire with care. The cashmere turtleneck, a rich deep burgundy, hugged the ample curves of her upper body. Its softness was a balm against the cold, and it complemented her auburn hair and pale, freckled skin. The turtleneck's high collar shielded her neck from the biting wind.

Her Mary Quant-designed woollen weave skirt, sensible yet elegant, swirled above her lower legs as she moved. The midi-length fell just below her knees, striking a balance between modesty and grace. Its tailored cut accentuated her narrow waist, hugging her curves without being overly snug. Eli's small behind was subtly emphasised, adding a touch of femininity to the ensemble.

The skirt's subtle charcoal grey hue allowed her bright blue eyes to stand out against the wintry backdrop. Whether attending indoor gatherings or venturing outdoors, the fabric provided warmth without compromising practicality, enabling Eli to move with confidence. The skirt's gentle sway echoing her every step.

But it was Eli's charcoal grey tights that truly completed her winter ensemble. Made from a blend of merino wool, Elastane, and nylon, they embraced her legs like a second skin. The merino wool provided cosy comfort, while the Elastane allowed for unrestricted movement. Nylon added durability, ensuring they would withstand everyday wear.

Giles and Eli hung their coats side by side, the fabric still damp from the snow. The Castle's ancient stones absorbed the residual moisture, as if welcoming their return. Giles adjusted his regimental tie—its pattern a nodd to tradition. Meanwhile, Eli smoothed her short hair, dishevelled after removing her woollen hat, her auburn waves catching the moonlight through a side window.

In the dimly lit corridor, their eyes met—a blend of intensity and vulnerability. It was a silent promise of warmth, of shared moments. The Castle seemed to hold its breath, aware that within its ancient walls, love and history were forever intertwined.

Entering one of the pair of matching inner doors revealed the warmth and grandeur within as the burgundy-carpeted Grand Corridor stretched out, connecting all parts of the Castle. The air smelled of old polished wood and the myriad enticing scents of the Christmas season. To their left, a sweeping carved stone staircase led to the upper levels, housing grand chambers and cosy rooms. To their right, beyond the welcoming fireplace and comfortable armchairs with low tables, dark wood-panelled passages branched off, each leading to a different wing or chamber.

Giles glanced at Eli, a silent acknowledgement of their shared journey, the cold beyond left behind. But there was more—an unspoken look that passed between them. In that fleeting exchange, the ancient walls held their secret: love, silent and steadfast. The Castle embraced them with its echoes of history, the flicker of firelight, and the promise of excitement that night. As they walked along the burgundy carpet and ascended the imposing staircase, hand in hand, they knew that this was more than a Castle of carved stones and worked timber; it was a hallowed sanctuary of stories—a place where whispers of the past and dreams of the future entwined.

As she strolled through the Castle's corridors, Eli radiated both style and warmth. Her turtleneck and tights cocooned her against the chill, and the skirt's gentle swish echoed her graceful steps. Winter had met its match in Eli's carefully chosen layers as she walked with elegance and purpose.

Chris in Prague

Upon reaching the top of the lamplit Grand Staircase, they parted to go to their respective bedrooms: Giles to the right and Eli to the left. The moon, a silver sickle, illuminated the way. Its crescent winked through a corridor window as if conspiring with the snowflakes outside. Through the tall, arched, stone-framed windows, Eli studied the world beyond—a monochrome tapestry of snowflakes, each one a whispered promise.

As she stood gazing out, snow fell steadily, a celestial choreography. Each flake pirouetted, kissed by moonlight, before settling on the ground. The Castle Gardens, a canvas of white, awaiting new footsteps to write their stories.

Eli's breath misted the window's glass as she pressed her palm against it. The cold barely seeped through, thanks to the surge of warmth coursing through her veins—from her core, radiating outward. His profile, the strong jawline, and the curve of his lips burned bright in her memory. She wondered what lay beyond this moment—what adventures, what mysteries. The Castle held both answers and questions, its corridors winding like the paths of fate.

Memories of her first meeting with Giles flooded her mind. Eli had heard of Giles long before their paths crossed. Sylvie, her partner, often spoke of him—painting a vivid picture of a man who straddled the worlds of business and fine wines. Jeremy, Sylvie's boyfriend and a close friend of Giles, had shared something of their adventures together. But Eli had yet to meet him in person.

As Giles stepped into their advertising agency's Chelsea office, the surroundings faded away, leaving only the two of them. His presence demanded attention. His face was a marvel of angles: a strong jawline and high cheekbones combined with an enigmatic smile. Lines etched his features, revealing a life well-lived. Eli's focus narrowed as she inhaled his scent—the unforgettable fragrance of his cologne—a symphony of sensual notes. Verbena lay at its heart, harmoniously blended with bergamot, lavender, lemon, orange, rosemary, and ylang-ylang. And then there was the sudden warmth of his smile and the intensity in his pale blue eyes. As he extended his hand, a gentle but firm touch sent an unexpected electric shock through her body.

He stood there, 6 feet 2 inches tall—older, wiser, and just out of her grasp. His glacial blue eyes, sharp and assessing, held stories—ones she yearned to unravel. The creases around his eyes hinted at wisdom earned through life's trials, while the scar on his left cheek whispered of secrets buried deep. What secrets did he keep? What adventures had he seen?

His voice, like whiskey and silk, wove tales of vineyards kissed by sun and rain, of forgotten grape varietals and elusive blends waiting to be rediscovered. It was low, intimate, and sent shivers down her spine. She hung on every syllable, lost in the cadence of his words. But when he was gone, she felt the ache—a hollow space where he once stood. Yet, she knew she should not feel this way.

Could she let go of her own aversion to all men—the deep scars left by her father's cruelty—and embrace this unexpected attraction? As Giles withdrew his hand, Eli's pulse raced. Intuition whispered that this tall, supremely confident, captivating man, his neatly combed black hair parted to the side, was destined to become more than just a client. The contrast between his dark hair and pale blue eyes created an intriguing combination.

Chris in Prague

16 guests! Another record number of readers! Thank you.

Chris in Prague

In the wintry stillness, Eli felt the weight of time—the echoes of those who had walked these halls before her from the Castle's founding in prehistory. Returning to the present, she remembers Sylvie is sitting waiting in their shared bedroom, her dark eyes bright with anticipation. Business partners, friends, and much more—a delicate dance they navigate with accustomed skill within the ancient walls.

As the snow continued its descent, Eli whispered a silent promise to the night. She would explore, discover, and honour Trevelver Castle's legacy. And perhaps, just perhaps, the moon would reveal some of the Castle's ages-old secrets—perhaps a map to hidden chambers or a weighty iron key to forgotten doors.

And so, with the crescent moon as her witness, Eli quickly stepped away from the window. The Castle awaited, its heart beating in sync with hers. Tonight, she would write her own story—one that intertwined with the snow, the moon, and the centuries.

As she ascended the narrow staircase to the floor housing Sylvie's small suite of rooms, Eli's ears strained for a familiar sound—the rhythmic chugging of the local branch line train. For years, the train had been a constant companion, its distant whistle echoing through the valley. It connected the towns of Bodmin and Wadebridge with the port resort of Penmayne, winding its way along the rugged coastline, passing Cant Cove station downhill from the castle.

But now, with the snowfall, the line lay silent and buried. The once-busy tracks were hidden beneath a thick white blanket, and the trains' wheels were frozen in place at Bodmin, Wadebridge and Penmayne. Sylvie had informed Eli that the nearest snowploughs, from Exeter and Plymouth had been dispatched to the mainlines of the Southern Region (SR) and the Western Region (WR), in a futile attempt to keep them open. Their branch line, despite the influence of Lord and Lady Trevelver at Waterloo and Paddington, respectively, was low on the regional managements' priority lists.

Eli missed the distant sound—the rhythmic clatter, the soulful whistle—as the train shuffled along its tracks. It had been a comforting presence, a reminder of life beyond the castle walls. Now, the silence weighed heavily on her. She longed for the familiar comforting sound that used to carry on the wind, connecting her to the world beyond. Her hand on the cold wood of the handrail as she climbed, she imagined the little dark green two-carriage train's wheels turning, the steam billowing from the black-painted loco.'s chimney. One day, when the snow melted and the tracks were cleared, the train would resume its journey. Until then, she would carry the memory of its distant song—a melancholic melody that echoed through the castle's empty corridors. And so, Eli continued, her footsteps echoing in the silence. The castle held its secrets, but now it also held her longing for the lost sound of the branch line train—a sound that had become a part of her soul.

As Eli hurries along the long corridor leading to the suite of rooms she shares with Sylvie, she vividly recalls the moment she first met her intimate friend and business partner. It was a crisp autumn afternoon, and coincidentally, they had both stepped into the cosy 'Café Bohème' on Carnaby Street, one after the other. The brass bell above the door tinkled, announcing their arrival.

Sylvie, with her flowing mane of long, wavy dark brown hair, moved with confident grace. Her big, brown eyes shimmered with sensuality, locking Eli in a gaze that felt both intimate and inviting. The air crackled with an unspoken connection—a recognition that went beyond spoken introductions.

They exchanged pleasantries, but it was Sylvie's throaty, uninhibited laugh that etched itself into Eli's memory. They talked about books, plays, films, music, paintings, dreams of the future, and the way sunlight filtered through the café window, casting warm patterns on the worn wooden table.

The setting was appropriately Bohemian, its interior shabby elegance. The café's buttery pastries were a delightful accompaniment to its freshly made coffee, making it a truly memorable experience. It was a place where conversations linger, secrets unfold, and the pulse of Swinging London beats just outside the window.

As their conversation flowed, Eli realised that Sylvie was more than a very attractive, highly intelligent young woman; she was a kindred spirit. Their laughter echoed through the cosy space, and in that moment, Eli knew that this encounter was no ordinary meeting—it was the beginning of a lifelong friendship.

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