looking for help please

Started by Dusty_B, July 13, 2018, 03:38:48 PM

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Hi everyone

I was wondering if anyone would be able to point me in the right direction. I am looking to get started in N gauge and have been scouring the Inter-Web inside and out for deals. Unfortunately I haven't had much luck.

Does anyone know where I might be able to pick up a descent starter set or even a job lot that could help me get started. I am looking to start with DC just to see how I get on and also because of money constraints, just to see if I am able to manage the building side of the hobby. I may covert over to DCC if all goes well but who knows I might even get on well with DC. I have only chosen to start with DC as it is a bit cheaper than DCC and also I might not be able to manage the building side of the hobby.

My reasoning on DC over DCC starting point is because I am  recovering from a illness that has left me disabled with the left side of my body limitations. And if I am unable to get on with the building side of the hobby I will hopefully not be to much out of pocket. I already have a brand new OO Gauge set but unfortunately I don't have the space to build it, I would also be up for a part or full exchange if anyone is interested. I have a brand new Hornby Mixed freight DCC fitted but no sound set?

Anyway thanks for reading my topic I greatly appreciate any help and advice you are able to offer.


Hello,  much depends on how much you wish to spend and space available, also the era you wish to model.
If you can afford it a Farish freight starter set is about £170, with loco , wagons, track and controller.
A job lot on EBAY  might be cheaper but you woudn't want the hassle of fixing or returning it if faulty.
If your existing OO stuff includes a controller it might be suitable for N , then you could buy a track pack,
loco and some wagons. You could also put an ad in the wanted section of the forum.

Hope this helps, good luck !


Thanks for the reply Broadsward

I was originally thinking about the DCC controller and then buying as you mentioned track and wagons, but there is so much confusion and controversy out there on which decoders work with the Hornby select controller plus they say its limited as it cant write CV's.

Where would I find the wanted section of the forum I just cant seem to find it?

thanks for the help


Hello Dusty, the sales and wants sections are towards  the end of the various sections when you scroll
down, however you need 10 posts to qualify to view it so just send me a reply to this post and you should be ok.
I note the point about DCC, , the basic sets are dc and to convert them to DCC with sound may be quite  costly.
Unless you were going to have a largish layout with several locos and wanted sound and lights it may be easier and
cheaper to start in DC. Hope this helps .


Hi Dusty,

Look for 'N'Porium' on the main toolbar and if you click on that look for the Wanted section and add your wants there.

Edit - you may need 10 posts to access the N'Porium but you have 9 already


Thanks for the help and guldens you guys are fantastic :claphappy:

In answer to your question Broadsword I plan on building and have space for a 6x3ft or 5x3ft setup, but yes at the moment been stuck indoors for months now  :-X :-X  and I just need something to focus on. So to be honest I would like DCC but just looking at some of the prices of the locos Ouch it kinder stings the wallet.

Also thanks for the guldens Newportnobby


@Dusty_B    Do you have a particular interest / theme  in mind or are you just looking for any decent start-set or job lot?  For example does it need to be British N, or would (say) American, European or Japanese N be of interest?    It might help guide people who may be able to suggest sets for you.
Nick.   2021 celebrating the 25th anniversary of "Königshafen" exhibition layout!


Hi ntpntpntp

Thanks very much for that valuable contribution I didn't think about that thank you. I would really like to do a American coal or steal mining setup so diesel/electric or steam  :claphappy: :bounce: but that is like my dream layout. If I cant do that then I would like British N and I am not really fussy about my Theme, I will let what I am able to get my hands on predict the theme for me. I recon that way it leaves it open for more opportunity.


Hello Dusty, with the space available .door size you could have a pretty good layout,  if you fancy a  US theme
have a look at KATO , a bit more costly but with US locos and freight cars, also easy to set up track system,
of course whatever the theme of your layout the main thing is to have fun !


@Dusty_B welcome to the forum Dusty, can I suggest you go to a local model rail show (I realise getting around is difficult right now but it would be worth it), not necessarily to buy, but to get a better idea on what you want to do and what is available, always good to see it in the flesh so to speak. Then you can go home, gather your thoughts, plan what you are going to do then search online for all the kit you need. For a beginner, I would avoid 2nd hand locos as you don't want potential problems right at the start, if you are careful you can pick up 2nd hand rolling stock, these can always be recycled at a later stage  ;)
Always come back to us and ask all the questions you want, the only daft question is the one you don't ask  :thumbsup:


Hello Dusty, some good tips from Lawrence, avoid secondhand locos unless bought from  a
model shop which is local, otherwise hassle with emails , posting etc. Secondhand wagons
on Ebay are a different matter, little to go wrong and often a bargain can be picked up,
especially now that new wagons from Farish are becoming expensive.


A KAto Unitrack layout ( Osbornes models do Kato starter sets with track) is easy to set up. even with a handicap, and will work straight out of the box. it will run any N gauge stock ( DC/DCC) without problems.


worth a look.

going to a local show / club is a great idea

( http://www.ukmodelshops.co.uk/events )

has lists of local shows and clubs. worth seeing what other people do, talk to layout owners, and get a feel of what you want / can do.

DCC is another level of expense so start simple with DC and graduate when confident. Nearly all recent models are DCC ready ( ie ready to slot in DCC chip) so upgrades are easy.(Avoid Bachmann controllers).

unitrack details here


DCC threads here



Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done and what I had toiled to achieve, everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind;
Ecclesiastes 2:11

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