Request for Video feedback

Started by Tdm, February 17, 2015, 01:05:42 AM

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I will shortly be putting together a new video of my modified layout (Anglezarke & Belmont Railway), but I am still awaiting some bits & pieces from Hattons, and sound modules from Train-Tech in order to complete it.

As the video is more than just a model railway video, the non-railway parts include some audio tracks from my music collection (Fleetwood Macs "Albatros" & an instrumental track entitled "Triumph Stag").

Sometimes on YouTube it stops videos being shown in certain Countries that contain music soundtracks, so I would like feedback from someone to say whether they can or cannot view the video clip and that it includes the music tracks as well as the sound of my Classic Car engine on an outing I made in it.

If there is a problem, I can re-edit the final video to exclude the music tracks, whilst still keeping other sounds including the Train-Tech sounds.

By doing a test YouTube video now I hope to eliminate any problems on the final production version. The Link address is :-

Thank you in advance if you are able to respond, be interesting to see if it can be viewed O.K. in the U.K., Australia, and Japan, but I have a feeling there may be a problem with our USA & Canadian Members as their music copyright laws may forbid it, even though the 2 tracks in question come from my own music collection.



PS. My YouTube site name is "Tenerife Terry", and contains quite a few videos I have made over the years if you want to take a look, including numerous holiday videos to places all over the World (if you are bored and have nothing else to do and wish to be bored even more!  :D). 


Runs fine here in the US (at least for now),


Working fine in Japan. Though if Youtube has some kind of system for hunting down copyrighted music it might take a while for it to be discovered.


Working fine here in Australia at the moment.   :thumbsup:
Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


Seems to be working fine stateside...

See my layout here Chetcombe
Videos of Chetcombe on YouTube


Working AOK in Jockshire, including the Booker T  type instrumental.
Nothing is certain but death and taxes -Benjamin Franklin


Fine in the Midlands. A quick question. Does your stag have the hardened valve seats that allow it to run on unleaded petrol?
The years have been good to me, it was the weekends that did the damage.


I reckon riding a stag would be a hard seat at the best of times... if ya can negotiate the antlers  ;D
Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


Quote from: Malc on February 17, 2015, 09:06:05 AM
Fine in the Midlands. A quick question. Does your stag have the hardened valve seats that allow it to run on unleaded petrol?

I have rebuilt the engine a couple of times, and when I had the heads off 1st time I had new "hardened" valves fitted as a matter of course (the Stag had hardened seats to begin with), although it was impossible to tell whether the old valves were hardened or not, as my Stag was one of the last off the production line and they were using parts meant for America at the time where all Stags exported there had to have hardened valves.

I have therefore always run on unleaded petrol (95 Sin Plomo), which at the moment over here has dropped to about 70pence a Litre (at current exhange rate), the cheapest it has been for years.

Just like to say thank you to all those who responded to my request, this time (so far) YouTube hasn't put a message against this video saying "video blocked in certain Countries" which it has done on some other videos of mine where I have added music.

Some of the footage is quite old and not very clear, and unfortunately the Stag footage was taken using an old camcorder on my dashboard through the car windscreen and there is a fair bit of relection on it from the top of the dashboard itself.

Will try and make a better job when I insert the Layout footage with some of my trains running round it. It was my daughter who sent me the "Man Cave" plaque and she also sent me a "Man Tin" which I have found very useful for transporting railway items back & forwards from my 2nd floor Apartment to my 7th floor Storeroom.

Can't wait to try out the Train-Tech sound modules, I ordered both a steam & diesel one, but will temporarily place them & test them on a flat wagon to begin with to see how they work, before modifying some rolling stock that will become their permanent home just behind a locomotive.

By the way, this year will see our 11th anniversary of permanent living in Tenerife, although we first bought our Apartment back in 2001. Previously lived 17 years just outside Conwy in North Wales, and prior to that Runcorn, Cheshire, and our first home was in Chorley, Lancashire.

In over 41 years of marriage we have only moved house 3 times which is not bad going, and made a good profit each time we did so. In fact our Glan Conwy home realised 5 times the price we originally paid for it 17 years beforehand which was a really good rate of return, and allowed us to buy more than one Apartment in Tenerife, the one we live in, and others that we rent out. 

Sorry for waffling on and going off topic somewhat - time to check the post to see if my parcels have arrived.


John A GOM personified
N Gauge can seriously damage your wealth.
Never force things. Just use a bigger hammer
Electronically and spelling dyslexic 
Re: Grainge & Hodder baseboards


Diane Tape


As you'd expect, it runs fine here in Manchester!
Have you uprated the cooling system of the Stag bearing in mind the much (nicer) hotter climate you enjoy out there or do you just keep the block and rad well flushed of that silty stuff that comes out of old alloy heads and cast blocks?


Works fine for me in the UK, and we have pretty poor broadband where I am up in the highlands -no skipping or egg timers this time!

Loving the Stag.  Nice to hear an engine on-chat.  My one any only foray into "classics" didn't last long, I sold my old VW caddy just after I did it up.  I had an Aristo (3l straight six TT) and a CL500 (5l V8) since and really miss the sound when I planted the foot.

I'm glad it's not too full of music -it's just awful when you open a video and it's ruined by loud music -it's always too subjective a choice.

QuoteHave you uprated the cooling system of the Stag bearing in mind the much (nicer) hotter climate you enjoy out there or do you just keep the block and rad well flushed of that silty stuff that comes out of old alloy heads and cast blocks?

...That was what ran through my mind as well.  There's a TV show been on recently where they were talking about that Stag trait.

Cape Town Trev

Apart from the dodgy music and some guy driving around in a Stag car - the video played well here in Port Elizabeth, South Africa.  In case you're wondering I'm working the week out of Cape Town.   :)


Soundtrack works fine here in France, and your Triumph makes a loooooovely sound  :heart2:


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