Pete Mc

Started by Graham63, December 04, 2013, 08:33:15 PM

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It is with great sadness that I have  to inform the forum of the very tragic sudden death of Pete Mc. He was 44 years old.

[admin]Apologies for adding a little to the first post, but I thought that members would like to know that members of his family have been looking at this thread and really appreciate the messages. Cheers, Tank.[/admin]

Pete's Profile:;u=210


 :o  :o  :o  :o

I am so shocked at this news

My deepest sympathies go out to his family and friends

R.I.P Pete


Someone who seemed to embrace the spirit of this forum as well as the hobby. I'm sure will be missed.

(Former NGS Journal Editor)


That's really shocking news. Sincere condolences to Pete's family and friends.
Best Regards,
Adam Warr
Peterborough, UK


That is such sad news.

Deepest sympathy to all of the family.


Very shocked indeed to hear this, especially as Pete and I were in contact via PM not so long ago and he was in great spirits with his replacement car. Having met Pete a few times at various shows he was great company and his contributions to the forum, mainly about DCC and sound, showed his dedication.
You'll be sorely missed, Pete. :goodbye:


That is rather a shock and extremely sad, please pass my condolences too

Dock Shunter

Extremely shocked to hear this....... :( :( :(
Will miss those late night posts of Pete's where you could make a cuppa before reading because usually you knew you were in for a long one........ :D
Will remember him most for his enthusiasm for and his knowledge of DCC and DCC sound. :thumbsup:

R.I.P Pete.....

Condolences to his family and friends.....


Very sorry to hear that and so young

Best wishes to his family and friends, what a horrible beginning to Christmas.
"Knowledge has no value or use for the solitary owner: to be enjoyed it must be communicated" -- Charles Pratt, 1st Earl Camden


What a shock. Pete's contributions on the forum were always sincere and well considered. He will be missed.

My condolences to his family and friends

See my layout here Chetcombe
Videos of Chetcombe on YouTube


Terrible news :(

This hobby, and the forum, has lost an enthusiastic and knowledgeable member. Glad he enjoyed his trains while he could.

You will be missed Pete.



This is very shocking news, pete's caricture always made me laugh.
His DCC knowledge and opinions will be missed.
My thoughts go out to his friends and family at this sad time.

My Layout build thread.... Milton grove TMD 1988 - 2000 WCML loosly based


Very sad news to hear that one so young has died. Sincere condolences to all his relatives and friends
John A GOM personified
N Gauge can seriously damage your wealth.
Never force things. Just use a bigger hammer
Electronically and spelling dyslexic 
Re: Grainge & Hodder baseboards


This is very sad news indeed and a complete shock.  He was a very friendly guy and I'll miss his posts on here and on other forums/groups.

RIP Pete.  All the best to your family.


Very sad to hear this news and with someone so young.

My sincere condolences to his family and friends.


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