More Samsung Tab3 probs

Started by Bealman, June 17, 2018, 07:03:04 AM

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Hi all

I've posted here in the past with Tab3 problems which members have sorted for me - thanks again!

So here we go with another one, which frankly has me baffled and is seemingly not fixable (at least to me).

Mrs Bealman also has a Tab3, which she has hardly ever used until recently. Anyway, she was watching some movie or other on Netflix or some such thing which I know ziltch about, when it froze mid-scene.

Anyway, I thought to hold the on-off button to completely reboot the device, but no go. Nothing happens. If I tap it once, screen goes off, tap it again, frozen screen comes back on.

Menu button and back one page button make beeps when touched, but the screen stays stubbornly jammed on.

There appears to be no way to get at the battery to pull that out, so I think I have a dead Tab3 on my hands.

Any ideas on above greatly appreciated.


Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


Please excuse any poor spelling, I am Dyslexic, just think yourself lucky if you can actually read what I typed.

All tiepin as bean spell chequed on mi Pea Sea


Hi Paul, just followed the instructions in the link, and bingo, success!

Mrs B is over the moon.... she sends her sincerest thanks!!


Cheers mate

Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


Glad to hear it all worked out in the end.

Please excuse any poor spelling, I am Dyslexic, just think yourself lucky if you can actually read what I typed.

All tiepin as bean spell chequed on mi Pea Sea

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