Dave Jones of DJM in News

Started by Calnefoxile, December 12, 2017, 05:36:45 PM

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Shiney Sheff

A sign of the times unfortunately, hope both David and his wife are well and hopefully put this nasty incident behind them.
Nobody should ever have to go through this kind of thing, it could have ended so differently.

Bob Tidbury

I never thought I would say this but I agree with Calnefoxile even Dave didnt deserve that ,  no one should have building work going on next door to them on a Sunday morning at seven oclock in the morning . I hope the   
( gentleman ) as Dave called him gets  a severe talking too ,If he had explained the situation to Dave instead of shouting and swearing at him Im sure even Dave would have understood and moved the vehicles .
Bob Tidbury


Quote from: Calnefoxile on December 12, 2017, 05:36:45 PMWhatever you think of Dave Jones, this is not on.

Agreed. Didn't quite understand what was going on, to be honest, but it's hard to imagine a situation where physically injuring someone is the right way to start the day!

Hopefully everything gets sorted out. Definitely don't want Dave incapacitated in any way -- he's got some Class 17s to hurry up with!  ;)

Cheers, NeMo
(Former NGS Journal Editor)

robert shrives

Dave gets my support as well. Hopefully the builders and the management that got them out to work on the Sunday get taken to task by education authority - contracts to be reviewed..

Hopefully a full mend for Dave in a reasonable time - eye injuries can have long term impact.



In these situations it is rare that either party comes out of it with any credit...

We don't know the full details only having a sensationalised (as usual) local newspaper report to go on, so we must treat it with a degree of caution, but based on the evidence available I see fault on both sides.

Absolutely agree with all above that no-one should be subject to the alleged actions of the builder, but by his own admission Dave committed a Road Traffic Offence by DELIBERATELY obstructing the highway which could be deemed to have provoked the subsequent events.

While he may have had a valid grievance with the contractor, to take the law in to his own hands was the wrong approach directly leading to an escalation of the situation. 


Please don't go judging on inadequate evidence.

For info, Google maps show that the road in question (according to the newspaper article) is a private road, not the Queen's Highway.

No axe to grind, just don't like people on the internet going off on one with little or no knowledge of what may or may not be the case.


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Don't think this is going anywhere.  :no:
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Bob Austin


i think this discussion has gone far enough

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