Exhibition operators required for James Street, a large N gauge layout

Started by Southerngooner, July 27, 2017, 02:59:04 PM

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James Street is a large N Gauge exhibition layout which is just coming onto the major exhibition circuit. It is set in the period 1956 - 1964 in the ex LMS/LNER area, and is very different to many N gauge layouts in that there is no fiddle yard. It is 20' x 10', viewable on all four sides, and is built to a high standard. Trains are on view all the time, and we pride ourselves that trains are run at realistic speeds. The layout has two large goods yards which require shunting (stock is fitted with B&B couplings to make this possible), lots of main line running on both four track and two track main lines, plus a large terminus. The layout ideally needs 8 operators to operate it fully, but at the moment there is only a core team of four operators, which means the layout does not operate to it's full potential.

We are seeking more operators to join us as we take the layout around the country over the next few years. We already have bookings for Warley this year, plus Erith, Bristol and Farnham next year. We expect to get more bookings once the layout is seen at Warley. If you would like to join the operating team, either as a full member or just when the layout is in your area, and have exhibition experience, please email your details to Steve Wright at steven51wright@talktalk.net.

The layout is based in South East Essex, and if you can travel to this area then training can be provided. If however it is too far for you to travel and you are a proficient operator, then the layout should not prove too difficult to learn. The layout is DC controlled, no DCC here! To see more of the layout please use this link to our photo gallery, stored under the Suffolk and North Essex N Gauge group site. https://sanengauge.wixsite.com/classic-layout/saneham-tey     
Go to Photo Gallery, scroll down to James Street, and there it is. It is due for publication in the N Gauge Journal in edition 5/16 and in the Railway Modeller in the middle of next year.

Builder of "Brickmakers Lane" and member of "James Street" operating team.


Quote from: Southerngooner on July 27, 2017, 02:59:04 PM
It is due for publication in the N Gauge Journal in edition 5/16

If you mean the N Gauge Society Journal I have today received issue 4/17 so is your publication due in 5/17?


Hello Nobby;

Yes, I think it was a typo from Dave, and it is the next Journal it will be in. No doubt Dave will confirm it.

Note that it will tie in with many of the topics raised in the Journal out today about buildings; kit bashing and Anglicising 'Continental' or 'American' buildings, as well as 'British' ones; scratch built and modified card ones. Steve makes card 'roughcuts' of buildings to make sure his idea fits the space available; then he builds the version for the layout.

Look at the photos of the lower terminus area to see what I mean.

Martyn (one of the Core Four!)


Hopefully something may go into 5/17 but it may only be a taster. There was a bit of confusion over photo delivery which resulted in a long argument with the Editor and lots of stress just when I didn't need it. He has everything now and knows of our need for operators for Warley, but he may or may not print it, he cannot confirm either way.....

Builder of "Brickmakers Lane" and member of "James Street" operating team.

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