Looking for Arnold ICE 3 set

Started by Smit, April 16, 2017, 03:46:32 AM

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Hi there,

I am working on a new High Speed layout and was wondering if someone came across at a hobby shop or if someone is willing to sell an Arnold ICE 3 set.

Ideally I am looking for a Class 406 which was produced as HN 2077 Forbach-Lorraine so that I can run it alongside my TGVs, but I am open to others as well as these sets have become difficult to find.

Thanks so much for your help.


No direct help to you I guess, but there was a complete ICE 3 set for sale at the East Surrey Show last weekend. I forget which trader it was - might have been N Scale CH.  I think it was the original Arnold production rather than post Hornby.  You could try posting in the thread about the show if interested?

You might be better off looking for the later Arnold/Hornby production in case they made any improvements to the mechanism: unusually for Arnold the original models seem to have a slight reputation for running problems with the drive bogie towers judging by what I've read on German forums.  Certainly mine suffered from this, slowing up over time despite regular servicing and fettling. Even a replacement power car had the same problems.  In the end I gutted my power car and fitted a carved up Tomix mechanism.
Nick.   2021 celebrating the 25th anniversary of "Königshafen" exhibition layout!


Ive got a Fleischmann 3 car set gathering dust - any use?
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Quote from: Railwaygun on April 16, 2017, 01:18:11 PM
Ive got a Fleischmann 3 car set gathering dust - any use?
Maybe not for Smit if they want an ICE 3 specifically, but out of interest which Fleischmann set is it?  ICE-1, ICE-2 or ICE-T ?
Nick.   2021 celebrating the 25th anniversary of "Königshafen" exhibition layout!


Yeah, I have wondered about the Minitrix version.  I think originally there were complaints that Mx didn't do all the coaches to make the full set, but maybe that's different now.   

I do have the "Superman" version of the Trix set (it was some ridiculously cheap clear-out price from Conrad at the Stuttgart show a few years ago), it seems to run well enough.  I only bought it for the chassis really, but it doesn't fit well into the Arnold set, which is why I ended up cannibalising a Tomix chassis to resurrect my full Arnold rake.
Nick.   2021 celebrating the 25th anniversary of "Königshafen" exhibition layout!


Hello!  Are you still looking for ICE3 set. NscaleCH has one, and I can give you a link if you would like.  Best wishes.  John

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