Morbid - but pertinent to our hobby/hobbies

Started by Newportnobby, March 18, 2022, 11:10:14 AM

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What happens to that lovely model railway of yours when you shuffle off this mortal coil? Statistics show the majority of railway modellers are, shall we say, perhaps more susceptible to a visit from the Grim Reaper, although the younger ones need not feel smug and safe!!

Let me describe my personal circumstances.
I have no wife or kids. I have 2 nieces and a nephew, none of them the slightest bit interested in what I do and none of them deserving of any thought from me. My two sisters would only be interested in any residual proceeds from sale of my possessions.

Regardless of how or where sold, most things have a value and, once sold, it's purely down to personal wishes where the proceeds go. In my case the contents of my bank accounts, bungalow, car and motorbike is perfectly fine for distribution amongst family/friends. However, I have often pondered how best to dispose of my model railway stuff. It is too much to ask for someone to try and sell privately so the only option is to have everything considered to have a value listed and sold to the likes of Rails, Hattons or any of the other circling vultures advertising they want my stock. (If I have enough notice of my impending doom I'll try to give you a heads up of pending bargains :D)
I have an Excel file listing all my locos, coaches, and wagons but must add other items such as controllers and unopened new items such as points, signals etc (other suggestions much appreciated)
In my own case any proceeds will go to the charity of my choice. However, the disposal of such stock/proceeds must be (and is, in my case) in your last will and testament unless you're happy to rely on your nearest and dearest to follow your spoken wishes.

Don't leave it too late. There could be another strain of Covid or a bus with your name it just around the corner. :uneasy:


What about a local model railway club they would take perhaps 10% for doing it but would at least know what things were worth etc. We recently had a club member in a similar position and he graciously left his entire collection to our club  layouts and all it is helping keep the club going in a big way. Graham


Why not specify in your will that your collection is to be passed to a reputable member of this Forum (if you can find one...  :D) to be disposed of on the Nporium and the proceeds to go to a charity of your choice? I've got something similar in place - not in the will itself, but in a letter of intent.

Just a thought.




Quote from: Graham63 on March 18, 2022, 11:16:45 AM
What about a local model railway club they would take perhaps 10% for doing it but would at least know what things were worth etc. We recently had a club member in a similar position and he graciously left his entire collection to our club  layouts and all it is helping keep the club going in a big way. Graham

That then becomes a trust thing, Graham i.e. would everything be sold or would some be 'kept for club use'? Most of the local club are older than me anyway!! :worried:

Quote from: Papyrus on March 18, 2022, 12:01:41 PM
Why not specify in your will that your collection is to be passed to a reputable member of this Forum (if you can find one...  :D) to be disposed of on the Nporium and the proceeds to go to a charity of your choice? I've got something similar in place - not in the will itself, but in a letter of intent.

It's a huge undertaking (soz!) for anyone, Chris. About 120 locos/units, 180 coaches and over 250 wagons plus lots of other stuff. When you think about it someone has to photograph everything, put the ads on the N'Porium and then pack & send everything out. I recently did the same for a mate who thought he wouldn't last long and, although he got more than if he'd sold to a dealer, I did find it quite exhausting.
Anyway, I know what I need to do and the thread was started to plant seeds in minds rather than be specific to me.



I think that the harsh reality is that although the things we accumulate in our hobbies are valuable to us, they don't have much value to the general public. So, unless you have family members or friends who will value your collection, you might want to consider thinning it out.

I bought my first Farish models in the early 80's, before children arrived and I got back into the hobby 20 years ago. I've already consigned most of my 80's purchases to my grandson, and even some of my newer purchases have gone the same way. I still have plenty of rolling stock, not as much as you though.

If it's any consolation, when the time comes, you won't be around to worry about it  :doh: :o :goggleeyes:


John P
Check out my layout thread.

Contemporary NW (Wigan Wallgate and North Western)

And my Automation Thread


Having disposed of Peter Fagg's collection, I can agree with Mick. It is a big responsibility to get the best price. Also dismantling his layout took us a day to do. It's not just the stock, there were loads of wire, switches and other bits of kit. My main worry is that if I let my wife sell my stock, she might charge the amount I told her I paid for it.
The years have been good to me, it was the weekends that did the damage.


I think everybody makes
very relevent points with this, in regards of our club member and his stuff as far as I'm aware it was done honestly but it's still not an easy one. Graham PS The only answer seems to be live forever. :doh:


Quote from: jpendle on March 18, 2022, 02:27:41 PM
I think that the harsh reality is that although the things we accumulate in our hobbies are valuable to us, they don't have much value to the general public. So, unless you have family members or friends who will value your collection, you might want to consider thinning it out.

If it's any consolation, when the time comes, you won't be around to worry about it  :doh: :o

Thinning it out? Are you bonkers? I have been assimilated into the N gauge collective and there is no understanding within the collective of such a phrase :no:
The more I buy the more my chosen charity gets, is the way I look at it.
I may not be around to worry about it but I'll sure as heck come back to haunt anyone not doing what they should >:D



Not the first thread on this subject, it's definitely come up before. 

Every time it comes up it reminds me I really must change my will which was written before junior came along, and assumed the train stuff would probably be offered to my club (now ex-club) members in the first instance, at fair market value.   

At least I know junior has followed in my footsteps and is a fully fledged railway modeller in his own right, so nothing will be disposed of :D
Nick.   2021 celebrating the 25th anniversary of "Königshafen" exhibition layout!

Paul B

Not that I have ever thought about the subject, as I was planning on living forever (despite the heart condition, high cholesterol and underactive thyroid...  :worried: )

However, I just hope that my presently nearly 10 year old (as he reminds me!) nephew is presently heavily into trains, so much so that I invited him along to help me run a layout at the recent Swindon show! He loved it so much, and I am sure that he would love to receive my collection!  :)
LNER and PKP fan in the home of the GWR!


I'm only 35, so hopefully this is a way off! I've got a spreadsheet of stuff, and mrs njee20 has contact details for a couple of friends who'd be able to reconcile everything if needed, and have whatever was wanted!

That said, mini njee20 would also appear to be very interested at the moment, and long may that continue!

I certainly agree with the sentiment, that even if you're not here to see what happens I'd like to think that a collection would do more than just be a burden on family who are left behind and just want rid so they can get a bit of extra cash!


Quote from: Graham63 on March 18, 2022, 11:16:45 AM
What about a local model railway club they would take perhaps 10% for doing it but would at least know what things were worth etc.
That is a service we at Hull MRS have provided on numerous occasions both to members and non-members.
We do tend to give members first option to purchase, before offering through our sales stand at our exhibitions,, but I can assure Mick nothing is given to members without payment...

We do change a 10% commission on anything sold, (some have chosen to donate a larger proportion to the Society) either passing the remainder to the beneficiaries or a charity as directed.

Compared to selling to the trade, the beneficiaries will receive significantly more and the selling price will probably be a bit lower than the trade would ask, so it is a win-win.

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