Pet's Corner

Started by Adam1701D, February 28, 2012, 08:39:57 PM

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Hi Ken,

Tibbles looks like he has just woken up for his photo shoot  :D

Smashing looking dogs and I like the selection of rodents  :thumbsup:

You will all get a lot of pleasure from them  :heart2:

Thank you for posting your pictures.

cheers John.


My daughter - fortunately moved out with her husband and kids many years ago - seriously she's a great girl - as well as her five dogs, used to have a snake, now just has 3 bearded dragons.  If I can get a picture from her, I'll post it.

Meantime - the boss of the house with granddaughter Erin before we moved last year.



Hi all,

Thought I'd post as although we have 2 border collies called Sophie (she's lovely and calm) and Guinness (nicknames Guinea Pig, Ginster or NO!) we are getting a Romanian rescue dog on December 5th when the fence is fixed.

We forgot to take a camera so SWMBO asked the Rescue Center for a photo and they kindly did a video and put it on youtube.

He's called Lewis although SWMBO wants to call him William. Not too sure  :-\

Anyway, hope this works

Cheers weave


Hadn't spotted this post before

Here are our three

Rosie [yellow] is the matriarch - coming up to 11 years old she a bit arthritic but still manages a walk round the village green.

Ella [chocolate] is six but in common with most chocolate labs she has a few brain cells missing and has slightly less sense than a puppy.

Oscar is already well known on the forum as a wrecker of churches - see my topic "Tintern: St Michael's Church"

Jerry Howlett

New addition to the household.
Poppy (adopted on 11th November) from the animal shelter at Lucca. About 1year old and nuts!  Still she has turned our 11 year old cairn into a puppy.

[smg id=32328]

We have reserved another dog but the Italian law means the poor chap has to be kept for 90 days "in case his owner returns"..

Some days its just not worth gnawing through the straps.

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