Unhappy Thread

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Quote from: daffy on December 01, 2018, 10:25:48 AM
Sorry, you no longer qualify as a 'youngster'. :no:

Welcome to the Worshipful Company of Old Gits. :beers:

We are legion, and we rule..... er....... um.........  :uneasy: .....  well, I knew what I was going to write a moment ago. :(

Snap!  :beers:  :claphappy:

Dave G


 :toot: Happy Birthday @snitchthebudgie you curmudgeonly old git. ;) :D


Look, I may be an old git, but I'm still working on the curmudgeonly bit (I can barely spell it....)  :censored:


Tried to book a GP appointment online today where you can currently book up to January 14th. Ideally I'd like one in the next 2 weeks as I seem to have an issue with my thumb and my neck (not that it's very interesting to others) and it's been getting worse by the day. How many slots do you think were available? None, not one! I could go to the GP on Monday (no point in phoning as by the time they answer I could walk there as it only takes 15 minutes) and ask for an appointment but their first question will be, "Is it an emergency?" I don't see it as an emergency or I would call 999 but plenty of people seem to abuse this question with a headache (sorry, people don't have headaches these days, according to them they usually have migraines) so I may just do this.
The point of this post though? Surely I should be able to book an appointment somewhere in those 6 weeks shouldn't I?

To follow the construction of my layout "Longcroft" from day 1, you'll have to catch the fish below first by clicking on it which isn't difficult right now as it's frozen!



@Trainfish, if you are worried about your condition, dare I suggest you get to the surgery and say you're prepared to wait but need to see a doctor today.

I don't think any receptionist, unless medically qualified,  is permitted to make the judgement that that you cannot be seen by a doctor on an urgent basis.

More than understand the frustration and hope you get the help and advice you need.

Dave G


Thanks @daveg. That's basically my plan for Monday. They don't actually make the judgement as to whether it is an emergency, they ask you if you think it is. Last time I told them I don't consider it an emergency (see previous 999 comment) but that it was probably more urgent than at least half the people in the waiting room at that time. She gave me an appointment for about an hour later if I remember correctly. The other annoying thing is that they also put up the statistics on how many missed appointments there were in the previous week and I don't think I've ever seen it less than 50. I believe people book appointments 'just in case' and then don't use them. In my eyes they should bring in the 3 strikes and you're out system for this.

To follow the construction of my layout "Longcroft" from day 1, you'll have to catch the fish below first by clicking on it which isn't difficult right now as it's frozen!



Looking at my GP's online booking system right now, the earliest appointment available is on Dec 14th if I select type: 'Routine'. If I select type: '2-3 Days ahead', the earliest is Jan 7th. If I call them (on Monday morning) I expect I could get an appointment for next week. :confused2:

I can normally get a phone appointment - a Doctor calls me back at an unspecified time - for the same day. Does your GP offer phone appointments John?

Quote from: Trainfish on December 01, 2018, 11:41:50 AM
The other annoying thing is that they also put up the statistics on how many missed appointments there were in the previous week and I don't think I've ever seen it less than 50. I believe people book appointments 'just in case' and then don't use them. In my eyes they should bring in the 3 strikes and you're out system for this.

I think unless one misses an appointment due to ill health, there should be a penalty charge - say, £25.


This way the receptionists have of asking "is it urgent" always amuses me, as this implies some sort of diagnosing ability by the person seeking help.

And if my own habit, and that exhibited by many patients on Channel 5's weekly visit to a GP practise is anything to go by, most patients, when initially asked by the Doctor, "How are you today?" will look on the positive side and answer "Fine, Doc", even if subsequent examination proves they are anything but.

Here's hoping you get seen on Monday. :thumbsup:

Sufferin' succotash!


Quote from: RailGooner on December 01, 2018, 11:45:19 AM

I can normally get a phone appointment - a Doctor calls me back at an unspecified time - for the same day. Does your GP offer phone appointments John?

I think unless one misses an appointment due to ill health, there should be a penalty charge - say, £25.

I have had a 'telephone consultation' before for something else and this was followed by an actual appointment about a week later. I'm no doctor but I'm pretty sure I will need to see a GP this time, I don't think it can be cured over the phone.

I partly agree regarding the missed appointment charge but at the same time I can see that being abused too. "I couldn't get there as I was too ill" etc. I don't know what the answer is but something needs to be done.

To follow the construction of my layout "Longcroft" from day 1, you'll have to catch the fish below first by clicking on it which isn't difficult right now as it's frozen!



Quote from: daffy on December 01, 2018, 11:52:31 AM
This way the receptionists have of asking "is it urgent" always amuses me, as this implies some sort of diagnosing ability by the person seeking help.

And if my own habit, and that exhibited by many patients on Channel 5's weekly visit to a GP practise is anything to go by, most patients, when initially asked by the Doctor, "How are you today?" will look on the positive side and answer "Fine, Doc", even if subsequent examination proves they are anything but.

Here's hoping you get seen on Monday. :thumbsup:

It winds me up when you are in the waiting room and one of the regulars comes in and asks Doris in the corner, "How are you?" When she answers I'm fine, the grandchildren are good etc etc I really want to shout out to her "Why are you taking up a valuable appointment time then if you're fine?" I've refrained until now but catch me on the wrong day and I'm not so sure I could stay quiet when I hear that.

To follow the construction of my layout "Longcroft" from day 1, you'll have to catch the fish below first by clicking on it which isn't difficult right now as it's frozen!



No idea if it's correct but I'm guessing most appointments are made via the phone.

If you are able to call for an appointment you must almost surely be able to cancel using the same method. If someone has done that for you here again a someone could kindly also make the cancellation on your behalf.

So fortunate where we are as in spite of the everyday 08:00 'appointment-making call jamming', we can be seen by a doc usually on the day.

Good luck!

Dave G


Quote from: daffy on December 01, 2018, 11:52:31 AM
This way the receptionists have of asking "is it urgent" always amuses me, as this implies some sort of diagnosing ability by the person seeking help.

Indeed, it takes a qualified physician to make a qualified diagnosis.

Quote from: Trainfish on December 01, 2018, 11:55:03 AM
I have had a 'telephone consultation' before for something else and this was followed by an actual appointment about a week later. I'm no doctor but I'm pretty sure I will need to see a GP this time, I don't think it can be cured over the phone.

Sorry John, I wasn't trying to suggest your ailment was trivial - though I sincerely hope it is and hope you get well soon. On at least one occasion (maybe only one occasion even,) a phone appointment resulted in the doctor insisting I immediately attend the surgery. It can be a very quick and efficient route to accessing a qualified physician.


Quote from: RailGooner on December 01, 2018, 12:37:14 PM
Quote from: daffy on December 01, 2018, 11:52:31 AM
This way the receptionists have of asking "is it urgent" always amuses me, as this implies some sort of diagnosing ability by the person seeking help.

Indeed, it takes a qualified physician to make a qualified diagnosis.

My tale

It was over 10 years ago but I rang the surgery and asked for a Doctor to call because I'd come out in spots all over my body! "Can you get to the surgery? ", Yes but as I said I've come out in spots and I've no idea what has caused them. "Well you will have to come in" so off I went, I left my shirt cuffs unbuttoned and when I got to the surgery and saw the receptionist, in a slightly louder voice than usual I related my tale "You said I would have to come in" swept back my sleeves to show the very red spots "These are the spots" She uttered a loud cry "Isolation room!" and I was whisked away past very disturbed waiting patients. It turned out to be nothing infectious fortunately but as the doctor said you should have had a house call.
Cogito Sumere potum alterum


I'm not sure that a missed appointment fee would do anything other than annoy those that genuinely forgot or mixed up the dates for those that have booked a routine appointment weeks ahead. Whenever I have been to my GP or to a hospital appointment, they have always been running late and I have had to wait a considerable time. I am sure they factor in for an average number of missed appointments and would be in real trouble if everyone turned up!


Quote from: RailGooner on December 01, 2018, 12:37:14 PM
Sorry John, I wasn't trying to suggest your ailment was trivial - though I sincerely hope it is and hope you get well soon.
No worries, I didn't take it that way

Quote from: RailGooner on December 01, 2018, 12:37:14 PM
On at least one occasion (maybe only one occasion even,) a phone appointment resulted in the doctor insisting I immediately attend the surgery. It can be a very quick and efficient route to accessing a qualified physician.

So can staging a sit-in at the surgery which is what I will do on Monday if they don't give me an appointment  :(

To follow the construction of my layout "Longcroft" from day 1, you'll have to catch the fish below first by clicking on it which isn't difficult right now as it's frozen!


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