What N Gauge buildings would you like to see?

Started by Will_J, January 15, 2025, 05:34:10 PM

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Quote from: Greygreaser on January 18, 2025, 03:36:48 PMInteresting your concern for mortar colour

Yes it varies so much by region that I'm just going to pick something that looks good to my eye in scale. I'm not going to even attempt a completely prototypical mortar because this building is M&GN but could be used on any layout/region really.



Hi there! What buildings in "N" would we/I like to see? Now that's a somewhat all-embracing subject...

However, my personal tastes/requirements travel in the direction of industrial subjects. Yes, I know that, for example, Metcalfe have a goodly range of C19 mills and breweries, but I'm rather more interested in buildings of a later date such as north-light factory buildings and art-deco style industrial buildings of the the late 1920s and 1930s. To be frank, I'm a little fed up with seeing so many breweries or woollen/cotton mill buildings on layouts - but if that's all there is available...  I've had a shot at designing a rather simple art-deco style creamery building, which is now residing (parked?) on our Area Group layout; however, it is not yet incorporated into the layout - and it's quite likely to be moved a few times before finding a permanent site. My own layout needs a small creamery, and I'd really prefer a north-light building (possibly in an art-deco style). Metcalfe once produced a very acceptable, and adaptable,  north-light building kit but have now dropped it from their range, as far as I know. Before anyone puts finger to keyboard, I have had the rather unenjoyable experience of constructing the Kestrel "modern" factory kit, and was very unimpressed with it and with the poor quality of the kit's components.

Well, the answer to the problem seems to be to scratch-build, and there are some lovely examples about to inspire us - look at the superb buildings on Roger Beckwith's "Wrenton" layout for example; or the buildings of "Pendon". Ready-to-plonk buildings are at present, most modellers may agree, rather costly alternatives, though many are very nice indeed, and I'd rather be a modeller than a plonker!

Turntables aren't buildings! But they're obviously of great use and also an item of visual interest on a layout - I have a Peco example on my layout, but it is manually operated... at present; what I'd like is to be able to operate it it using a simple hand cranked mechanism, but that's a project for the future. It would be rather nice to have regional/company turntable designs available.

As for wrought iron glazed canopies, etc., I would like to see some well thought out kits in either etched brass or nickle silver, rather like the many 4 mm scale bits and pieces for canopies that I stashed away during my EM days, made by Scale Link. Card or laser-cut wood components for these items are generally just not good enough for "N"!



It would be lovely to get a modern petrol station with a big canopy and a retail shop, with lights it would look great. Most of the offerings in this space seem to be of the 1960's type of service station.

I'm a fan of the ready to plonk buildings and would personally love to buy a GWR Loan Shed. I know that Osborn's make a kit, but that's not ready to plonk.


Not ready to plonk, but a modern petrol station forecourt...

Would need some tweaking... and a building.

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