what are people doing on their layout right now

Started by B1 61126, August 16, 2011, 07:59:35 PM

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More sawing and filing, only a few last bits of framing to cut the joints into but they may have to wait a bit now owing to an open university deadline, a pile of Etched Pixels/Ultima orders that need packing and the fact that I've got a nice collection of blisters from a long session of overly loud music practice while the neighbours were out.

"Knowledge has no value or use for the solitary owner: to be enjoyed it must be communicated" -- Charles Pratt, 1st Earl Camden

Roy L S

Just finished ballasting.

Got to leave it to dry properly overnight then get the track cleaned up and working again.

If there is one job I hate and will be glad to have finished it is this one.



doing nothing on the main layout,  still need to get rid of some stuff to the charity shop to allow the full layout to be setup.  However i did buy the V5 Kato unitrack boxset to use as test loop.   Left a loco running in, and whilst my back was turned my 3 year old took over the controller!


glad to see the next generation of  :NGF: members  :thumbsup:

when my 4yr old grandson comes to visit you've a job to get him away from the layout

only thing is you end up with steam locos that will outrun a bullet train  :o

dave :thumbsup:


Quote from: Roy L S on September 03, 2011, 07:56:05 PM
Just finished ballasting.

Got to leave it to dry properly overnight then get the track cleaned up and working again.

If there is one job I hate and will be glad to have finished it is this one.

I think painting the rail sides is much worse...
If it's got rails... you have my full, undivided attention - Steam, diesel and electric, 'tis all good !


Pete Mc

Hoping to be off work thursday to monday so I can get on with wiring up the track in a more permanent manner,I'm still using the peco track clips.I will wire up the layout with a main bus with feeds to each board to start with then add more feeds as I go on so I can go ahead and upgrade to dcc in the new year.

Going to need around 20 metres of wire to complete this task so as I'm off to TINGS at the weekend I will pick the brains of the layout builders running dcc on their layouts so I get it right first time.I'm currently using 7/0.2 gauge cable which I understand is ok for dc but not for the main bus.I'm a little confused as to what to go with but hopefully will get the info I need to make the right choice.

Also,at our local model railway club,one of the members got out a german outline n gauge layout that is going to receive a makeover to convert to british outline and it gave me a few ideas with which to start work on scenery,mainly raised town and street scenes of which I have 3 areas all to be linked by bridges as I have virtually no space for any at track level despite it being 9ft 6in by 4ft,so as it is set around a town area this seems to be a necessity as far as I'm concerned.All removable of course to aid possible removal ay a later date.

I also have to alter the track in order to make the two outer storage roads longer as they are only capable of holding 2 and 3 car dmu's at present.When completed these should be able to hold a full 8 coach hst and an 18 wagon freight train off hopper and tanks,not combined I might add.Just need 5 more hoppers and 7 more tank wagons to complete this.

At TINGS I hope to buy some br blue mk3 vinyls from Electra for my old farish mk3s to convert from TS to TFRB and TGS cos you can't buy them anywhere for love nor money.

Should be enough to keep me occupied for the time I hope to be off work,then I've got a fortnight to work and I'm off for another fortnight.I'm so looking forward to this cos I haven't had any time off since before easter.
Its my train set and I'll run worra want!

Pete sadly passed away on the 27th November 2013 - http://www.ngaugeforum.co.uk/SMFN/index.php?topic=17988.msg179976#msg179976


Just finished installing my first working 4-aspect signal from CR Signals.  Only 11 more to go!  I'm currently awaiting the signal control boards from CTI.

I'm a personality prototype... you can tell, can't you.


Building another two controllers and connecting the other three controllers to the layout.
Keep on Smiling


Quote from: davieb on September 03, 2011, 11:15:36 PM
glad to see the next generation of  :NGF: members  :thumbsup:

when my 4yr old grandson comes to visit you've a job to get him away from the layout

only thing is you end up with steam locos that will outrun a bullet train  :o

A couple of the DCC control systems allow you to set a speed limit *on a controller* as well as on a loco. Can't think why 8)
"Knowledge has no value or use for the solitary owner: to be enjoyed it must be communicated" -- Charles Pratt, 1st Earl Camden


thanks for that EP  :wave:

only thing is i'm on dc control so will have to try to educate him on the merits of going slower  ???  :smiley-laughing:

or change over to dcc (not an option at the moment)  :-\



Just Ballasted my first point, all moving fine and settled fingers crossed tomorrow ill have a non gunked up point thats nicely ballasted,,,,,


Quote from: Fratton on September 05, 2011, 04:51:56 PM
Just Ballasted my first point, all moving fine and settled fingers crossed tomorrow ill have a non gunked up point thats nicely ballasted,,,,,

Please let us into the secret via piccies if poss :camera: :thumbsup:


I will post piccies tomorrow of my super special ballasting equipment!  :thumbsup:


I have just finished installing 24 colour light signals for 'Leefield Central' (one of five stations on my layout).
I am now installing OHLE on one of the three main lines using a mixture of Dapol and Kato products. Helps to make sense of my collection of electrics from BachFarish, CJM and Dapol.

Layout: 'Leefield & Ashpeth'
Modelling Freelance British outline from the 1960s to the Present day.


Rainy day! no shed!  :thumbsdown:

A decoder fitted to my class 37 and brings up my DCC fleet to 3  :thumbsup:

realising that my favorite class 50 is never going to be convertable  :thumbsdown:

remembering that i can just pick up a newer split chassis one that doesnt need a digi-hat  :thumbsup:

finishing the job but not being able to take power to the shed to test it  :thumbsdown:

its been an emotional rollercoaster today!!!!

but  :Class37: should be a regular sight on Milton yard now!

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