Get your cash out you lot

Started by Lawrence, January 09, 2011, 07:04:28 PM

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My daughter, Kirstie will again be taking part in the Maggies Cancer Care Bike & Hike, this year she will be doing a 30 mile bike followed by a 22 mile hike, these are done consecutively and through the night, up the West coast of Scotland  :o and yours truly is also helping out by being part of the support team.

Kirstie is doing it as part of a team from her work and their generic donation page is as below.

I am only too aware that things are tight for everyone right now, so maybe you could bookmark the link and donate later.  The page is just up and running so get in there quick ;-)

Thanks in advance for any contribution you can make.

Lawrence & Kirstie

Please Support Us!
July Goal: £100.00
Due Date: Jul 31
Total Receipts: £75.00
Below Goal: £25.00
Site Currency: GBP
July Donations