Official NGF Coach Tour Participant List and Rules - 2012

Started by guest2, February 10, 2012, 10:59:21 AM

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Great pictures  :thumbsup: I particularly like the one with the Brit and Mallard together with those lovely blue diesels behind them  8).



The coach arrived at the office today and straight to the (not built yet) layout :)


That arrived quickly!  Well done on the quick turnaround.  :)

Your layout looks fine to me Zwilnik.  It's all part of the fun by showing our layouts in various stages. :thumbsup:


That bit's actually the yard from Ives Yard, which I decided to recycle as the 'Upper Yard' for Ivebridge. So I've cut out that section of the board to incorporate on the new one. At the moment it's the only bit with scenery on :)


Fantastic photos and video Chris!  Top job on all the railtour specials. :thumbsup:
I'm a personality prototype... you can tell, can't you.


Having the coach arrive inspired me to make a start on the scenery. Got the plaster/depron work done on the facade cliffs with 2 of the tunnel entrances and hiding all the Kato track behind it.

from station side looking up to the bridge.

The full facade. Depron sheets with plaster bandage. The unpainted area on the left behind the viaduct will be where a small waterfall fills a pool and feeds the top of a river/canal navigation running under the left-centre arch to a small wharf at the end of the front sidings.


and for any of you who are interested, here's a shot from behind the scenes :)

Shaun Harvey

What a beautiful viaduct. Great to see trains going through big landscapes, it really shows why N is so good. I can't wait to see this landscape develop.

Great work, keep the updates coming.




A little more of the scenery done and my first ballast test around the viaduct. A few more shots before the coach takes a quick side trip to my brother's Dunmarsh layout and then on to its next destination :)

and finally a wide shot that shows what a mess the rest of the work in progress is :)


Excellent pics, especially like the first one, scenery so far is looking good  :thumbsup:



Hey all,

The coach took a small unexpected detour to Dunmarsh from bro's new layout, before hopefully getting posted on its way tomorrow.
As usual Dunmarsh is in a state of constant redesign, with what was a marshland in the centre now ripped up and about to become a deep harbour, thus the shot here doesn't show the gaping bit hole in the layout! You might be able to make out a new harbour walls I've casted out of PP from a fimo model at the top left of the pic, I've been having great fun sculpting lately :)


Claude Dreyfus

So it finally came to pass...

A single visitor to the Land of the Rising Sun from that other island nation made its way along the JR Eastern branch to Kanjiyama as part of a rail tour. Visitors from Europe are not without precedent to this part of the world; a number of wagons have made their way across over the past few years...and all seem to have made their way along this little backwater.

We first see the carriage at Kanjiyama forming part of one of JR Eastern's railtour and tailed by a pair of DD51 locos. DD51 1192, coupled to the carriage, provides the heating as DD51 1156 is now a freight-only machine.

Ready for departure...

Much to everyone's surprise, the carriage was back at Kanjiyama, along with DD51 1156. Both were noteworthy visitors, as the DD51 is normally seen several hundred miles north, being a Hokkaido allocated freight machine; as testament to its livery.

News is that this visit is rather short, and the carriage will be moving on elsewhere in the very near future...


Wonderful pictures, and a well detailed layout.  Thanks for sharing!   :camera:


Cracking pics, Claude :thumbsup:
Hope my ballasting comes out as neat as yours when I get to that stage :worried:

Claude Dreyfus

Thanks...but this looks to be one of those situations where the camera is less cruel than reality! Ballasting is not my favourite modelling activity, but at least stuff doesn't derail and the points switch properly...

Still much to do on the layout...

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