The angry thread

Started by findus, March 29, 2011, 09:42:45 PM

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Sounds like Alan's paint has done more miles than Michael Portaloo :o


latest update according to DPD ......
02 Jun 2021 20:48   Hub 5 - Hinckley   We have your parcel, and it's on its way to our Westerham depot
02 Jun 2021 09:23   Exeter   There's a delay with your parcel and we've now sorted it
02 Jun 2021 07:53   Exeter   Your parcel is at our Clyst Honiton depot
01 Jun 2021 18:20   Liverpool   We have your parcel and it's on its way to you
01 Jun 2021 17:17   Hattons   We've received your order details, but have not yet received your parcel

isn't Hinkley near Birmingham / Manchester ?

so to get to Burgess Hill, west susses from Liverpool it's gone
Liverpool - Exeter - Hinkley - hdg Westerham [Kent] then hopefully turning right and finally heading to Sussex. :hmmm:


Quote from: class37025 on June 02, 2021, 10:15:17 PM
isn't Hinkley near Birmingham / Manchester ?

Between Coventry and Leicester.

Still plenty of opportunity for a northern detour  :thumbsup:


for a moment I was worried that @railsquid had put a jinx on it, but according to the latest update

03 Jun 2021 09:18   Westerham   Your parcel will be with you today between 10:39 and 11:39
03 Jun 2021 06:36   Westerham   Your parcel has arrived at our Westerham depot
03 Jun 2021 06:35   Westerham   Your parcel has arrived at our Westerham depot
02 Jun 2021 20:48   Hub 5 - Hinckley   We have your parcel, and it's on its way to our Westerham depot
02 Jun 2021 09:23   Exeter   There's a delay with your parcel and we've now sorted it
02 Jun 2021 07:53   Exeter   Your parcel has arrived at our Clyst Honiton depot
01 Jun 2021 18:20   Liverpool   We have your parcel and it's on its way to you
01 Jun 2021 17:17   Hattons   We've received your order details, but have not yet received your parcel

according to the e-mail I received Craig will deliver it, hopefully not a repeat of a couple of parcels ago ...

DPD van pulls up, I shut HB in and open front door as the driver comes down the drive ...

"Morning Craig"

puzzled look on his face  :hmmm:

"I'm David, looks like they still haven't changed the e-mail"  :-[

some months ago one of the drivers pulled up outside, but just sat in his van. after about five minutes I went out, and from a suitable social distance asked if he had a parcel for me.

yes was the answer, but he couldn't deliver it yet because he was five minutes before the start of my one hour slot, and his computer would only allow him to deliver within the slot.

the computers are taking over the world.

we chatted for a few more minutes, the magic time arrived and he was able to hand over my parcel and head off to his next drop.

update at 10:53

horay, it's arrived, and it was Craig, so they got that right.
also leared that the depot at Burgess Hill is referred to as Westerham, even though Westerham is in Kent. there is also a Burgess Hill depot. perhaps one is DPD blue and one DPD red ?

still, HB now to be walked, then I can get on with spraying the vehicles, SWMBO permitting  :-[

Ian Bowden

My last DPD delivery still awol 2 months later 


A case of wine ordered just before Xmas a couple of years ago went AWOL with DPD. The company replaced it but delivered it themselves.
The years have been good to me, it was the weekends that did the damage.


Reasons to be angry – Part 1

Following blood tests at my GPs a couple of weeks ago I had to monitor my blood pressure twice a day for a week then call in the results. Seems my BP is a bit high at 145/67 average. I've been told they want that down to average 135/77 (and it hasn't been that low for more years than I can recall) and they've changed my statins. They just happened to have changed them to one I suffered leg pains with a couple of years ago and they changed them then to the one I've been taking since with no leg pains. ::)
I cut short a lunch with Mother and eldest Sis today to be back for a phone call from the practice nurse and I was going to mention that quite forcefully. However, I sat in all afternoon with no call received. I have a telephone appointment with my GP next Tuesday and I think he may well wish he hadn't called.

Reasons to be angry – Part 2

I get my dual power from Eon who have recently informed me by mail they are changing to EonNext and how good everything will be with improved service etc. etc.
I noticed this week my smart meter has shown I've used no gas or electricity at all this week so I called them to see what was going on. I was on hold for 18.3 minutes without even a 'Your call is important to us' or 'Please kiss my butt' or anything.  I finally got through to a lass who told me my 1st generation smart meter was no longer compatible with their new system and that my account had reverted to the old type system whereby I have to send them a meter reading each month (they can dream on for that happening) but if I was expressing an interest maybe (note the maybe) they could supply me a compatible smart meter by the end of this year. My remarks of 'You call this progress, do you?' and 'Sounds like someone's got the chicken and the egg the wrong way round' just met with agreement by the lass concerned. At least removing my obsolete smart meter has freed up a power socket in the kitchen.
There has to be some benefit from all today's ordure.


I had trouble with statins a few years ago. They did cause cramps at night, so I take them in the morning now.
For the last 2 years or so Scottish Power have been pestering me to get a smart meter. I've refused until now as they were fitting first generation meters and I knew that they were not all compatible with all energy companies. They are now fitting second generation meters so I'm getting one fitted in the next couple of weeks. The reason being that they've been estimating my bills and upping the direct debit. Hopefully this will stop them doing that.
The years have been good to me, it was the weekends that did the damage.


My wife organised a Sainsburys delivery for this afternoon and the kids put it away. They no longer tell you what items have been substituted or are missing at the time, nor do they give you a printed list, instead they email it. No email today and it was only when I went to get some items out to cook the kids' tea, that I found out they'd substituted some of tonight's items with something that they simply won't eat!

It was all so much easier when the just handed you the printed sheet and let you know about any changes, leaving time to go out and get a replacement.


Quote from: Malc on June 05, 2021, 11:01:59 AM
I had trouble with statins a few years ago. They did cause cramps at night, so I take them in the morning now.
For the last 2 years or so Scottish Power have been pestering me to get a smart meter. I've refused until now as they were fitting first generation meters and I knew that they were not all compatible with all energy companies. They are now fitting second generation meters so I'm getting one fitted in the next couple of weeks. The reason being that they've been estimating my bills and upping the direct debit. Hopefully this will stop them doing that.

The main benefits to the power companies of smart meters is that they can remotely cut the power off to individuals / districts , when we have still cloudy days , and  the Hamster is off sick!
Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done and what I had toiled to achieve, everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind;
Ecclesiastes 2:11

This has been a public service announcement
It may contain alternative facts

Caveat lector

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In a really cheesed off mood.  Tried to book up for a much delayed Covid vaccine shot.  However I have had a runny nose within the last 14 days so am not allowed. :veryangry:
My runny nose is due to cold air and blossoms from local plants, hay fever.  At this rate I will not get a shot until early summer.
That will teach me not to answer truthfully in future. :-X
To be called pompous and arrogant - hell of a come down.
I tried so hard to be snobbish and haughty.

| Carpe Jugulum |


Yeah I'm getting my first jab next week. I just ticked all the no boxes.
Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


Quote from: NinOz on June 11, 2021, 06:31:32 AM
In a really cheesed off mood.  Tried to book up for a much delayed Covid vaccine shot.  However I have had a runny nose within the last 14 days so am not allowed. :veryangry:
My runny nose is due to cold air and blossoms from local plants, hay fever.  At this rate I will not get a shot until early summer.
That will teach me not to answer truthfully in future. :-X

I turned up for my second jab and while I was in the queue, had to have a hayfever-induced sneeze - cue an appearance by two (non-socially distancing) people in dayglo vests and a brief interrogation as to why. I had just got a new batch of my antihistamine medication so I was able to wave that in their direction and reassure them that my involuntary action wasn't Covid-related...
Quando omni flunkus moritati

My layout thread - Hambleside East:
My workbench thread:


In other news, Mrs talisman had her car insurance renewal from the ones with the red telephone on wheels. Premium up 3.6%, but she said she would let them renew it.

Reading the letter again, she discovered that despite the policy being on auto-renewal, if said thet she had to renew it manually. The renewal bit was OK, but when it came to contacing an agent to take payment, the d*rn thing timed out. She later got an email which said to use a link to get back in contact so she could pay. Before connecting to an agent, is asked some security questions, which she answered, then it said someting isn't correct (all three answers were).

I suggested going through the renewal again, and the same thing happened, but when trying to get back to an agent it accepted the answers to the security questions. There then followed two days of trying to get in touch with an agent to pay, each time getting the same 'Sorry, everyone's busy' response. I took over on the morning of the third day and phoned up immediately they opened up at 08:00 and then paid using her card.

Later on, she got an email asking 'how did we do?' Every question marked with the lowest possible rating and a bit of a roasting in the 'free-form' text box at the end...

If they do the same to me when my renewal comes up at the end of the year, I won't wait beyond three attempts, They'll have a couple of ex-customers...
Quando omni flunkus moritati

My layout thread - Hambleside East:
My workbench thread:


Quotefrom the BBC: Many fans have travelled despite warnings they should not go to London unless they have a match ticket.

Sorry but I have absolutely no time for people like this. Deliberately flouting rules and guidance and endangering others. If I had my way they would be rounded up, fined and sent home in cattle wagons behind an 08 shunter.

I should add that this is not intended to turn political, just an observation of mindless idiots in my opinion.

Image linked courtesy of the BBC web pages.

Link to BBC article here

To follow the construction of my layout "Longcroft" from day 1, you'll have to catch the fish below first by clicking on it which isn't difficult right now as it's frozen!


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