what are people doing on their layout right now

Started by B1 61126, August 16, 2011, 07:59:35 PM

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Well that's annoying. The aluminium L strips I've got are ideal when fixed to the plastic L strip, but for some reason they come coated in something non-conductive that takes extreme sanding to remove :(


Not really been doing anything to my n gauge layout recently, have done a bit to my children's oo gauge one however.

Today I picked up a box of n gauge bits from my parents, an Aladdin's cave of wonders. I had forgotten that, among other things, I had several cockrobin 4 aspect signals and 2 aspect signal heads, 9 unopened metcalf models and 11 working street lights.

At my parents I also discovered a layout I had totally forgotten about. Could not really see it and still don't have much memory of it, I wonder what it is like?? Something to investigate at Christmas.   


Today, I stated on my (removable) hillside - the first real piece of scenery I've ever created. In the past I've made Metcalfe and SuperQuick buildings and other kits, but never 'countryside' I am going to borrow a static applicator from the club to try this out with guidance/advice from the experts at the club. I can take the whole hillside off the layout as track runs under it (and needs to be maintained) and take it into the club.
I am much happier with electrical wiring and controls, building mimic panels, and laying track!
Cheers :beers:
Finally, after waiting over 55 years I am building a permanent layout in a purpose built shed!

The Q

N gauge, interboard wiring, must put some more wire / solder sleeves in the car for tomorrow.
H0e, baseboard building just a few days of a couple of hours each left on that
EM gauge not a lot. As it's in a shed outside I doubt much will be done till springtime.


Still building a bridge

It looks really wide in the pictures but from memory I think it's 64mm wide.

To see my layout "Longcroft" which is currently under construction, you'll have to click on the dead fish below


See my latest video (if I've updated the link)   >> here <<   >> or a random video here <<   >> even more random here <<


Today I have been mostly wiring things up on one of my n gauge layouts.


Today whilst hiding from the rain I have been spending time tweaking some track for some hopefully better running.


Today I replaced a tiny reed switch between the rails (below sleeper height) which went open circuit yesterday. Because it operates the relay which puts the signal (WL92) back to 'danger' it was potentially 'dangerous' but trains ran all day (layout open day) yesterday without colliding(!). Today I also replaced 2 subminiature toggle switches on the control panel which had gone a bit 'high resistance' over the 40 years they've been there...


Last Sunday Phil Parker visited my layout to take pictures for BRM , should be in the mag middle of 2024.

Tony .H


Well done.  :thumbsup: . I look forward to reading the article.
I used to be indecisive - now I'm not - I don't think.
If a friend seems distant, catch up with them.


When I made a short vid of my EFE Clayton with 20 or so coal wagons hangng off it,

I noticed I had a couple of very 'wobbly' wagons so this afternoon I've erected the trusty test oval and, very carefully and diligently, gone through the 48 I own and found the problem pair by pulling them all around behind a 56xx (not all at once). They are now rewheeled and wobble free :)



To see my layout "Longcroft" which is currently under construction, you'll have to click on the dead fish below


See my latest video (if I've updated the link)   >> here <<   >> or a random video here <<   >> even more random here <<


Just finished splicing some video together taken over the last week or so, running to about 25 minutes of 'train watching'.

If it looks difficult it probably is, but might as well get on with it anyway!

Layout :- West Coast (Southern Section)

Full story and pics at:-


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