Happy thread

Started by Deleted Member, March 30, 2011, 06:08:29 PM

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Well, you take your wins where you can...

We went shopping yesterday and being a throwback where paying for parking is concerned, I paid in coins. I put in £1.50, but the machine told me I had only put in £1.40. Not being prepared to allow a mere machine to tell me to pay another 10p, I pressed cancel... and got £1.80 back! Result!

You would never get that if you paid by card.




I had my first cataract operation Tuesday afternoon, hence the reason there were no jokes for a couple of days, (I'll make up for it later  ;)). I drove to the hospital with the lovely Louisa and a neighbour who drove us back in my car. The operation itself was about 30 minutes, but I was in the hospital for nearly four hours, most of which was just waiting ... and waiting. Anyway, nice staff who made me feel like a person, not just a number and the afternoon finished with tea and toast.  :). Once I could bear to open my right eye - I could not for a few hours due to the amount of blindingly white light - I was amazed, nay astonished, at the difference inserting a bit of plastic in my eye has made!  :o. Everuthing is so clear and, even though I have only had one eye done, (next in 5 or 6 weeks), I can watch the television without glasses. I have driven the car just up to the lane and back, (about 500 yards each way), a couple of times, my brain is not yet computing what it is seeing correctly. I was told I should wait about five days before driving!  :-X. I have just telephoned the dealer and he has the new car and I should be able to collect it next week.  :claphappy: so apart from a slightly confused brain, everything is looking rosy, (literally). If anybody is waiting or thinking about a cataract operation, go for it. No pain as such, just a bit of discomfort, but the difference in vision is something else!
I used to be indecisive - now I'm not - I don't think.
If a friend seems distant, catch up with them.


That's great news, David :claphappy:
But please, don't feel you have to catch up on the jokes :no: :D


Top news, David. :thumbsup:

But like Mick says, no hurry with the jokes!
Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


I nearly posted in the unhappy thread after receiving my car and home insurance renewal after I saw they quoted me £803 for next year for 2 cars and B&C insurance when the 2022 cost was £608. I know all costs are going up but an increase of 30+% is madness in my mind. So I called them and spoke to what sounded like a nice young Welsh girl who in reality is probably a 50 year old 3 times divorced ugly munter with 6 illegitimate children from 4 different men. Anyway, after sweet talking her she got the cost down to £620 with the only change being made was for me to lower my annual mileage. I can put up with a £12 increase for the the year and budget accordingly.

It's the age old question though isn't it. Why can't they offer this price in the first place? Even if I hadn't changed my annual mileage the cost came down to £680 through phoning them. I think it may have been @Newportnobby who said previously that he still wouldn't renew with them because they initially send you an inflated cost but I just couldn't be bothered to try hunting down another quote for the sake of a £12 increase.

I'll stop there or this post will also end up in the unhappy/angry/I hate insurance companies thread.

To follow the construction of my layout "Longcroft" from day 1, you'll have to catch the fish below first by clicking on it which isn't difficult right now as it's frozen!


port perran

I agree entirely.
The same is true across multiple organisations. They rely on gullible, trusting people simply accepting ridiculous quotes without question.
I challenge virtually every renewal quote I receive.
Most large organisations are to my mind immoral and un-caring and simply don't deserve our business.

I'm sure I'll get used to cream first soon.



I have sounded off more than once in here about the same thing, and I am gearing up for the annual car insurance renewal myself.

Having said that, initial quote from my current provider (AXA) isn't unreasonable and they have been rather good considering we picked up a claim just over a year back.



A few weeks before the car, (Dec'), and house, (Jan'), insurances are due, I start getting quotes from other companies. Once the renewal comes, I am on the telephone telling the companies that I want to pay less. The company usually offers a lower premium  which, provided it is an increase that makes me feel that it is not worth the bother of changing, I accept.  Otherwise, I tell them "thanks but no thanks". I have not had to change the house insurance company in the last 23 years, but the car insurance was changed to a new company two years ago. as the company would not come down enough. Companies in general, but especially insurance companies, like Martin ( @port perran ) says, rely on gullible, trusting people to just accept without question.
I used to be indecisive - now I'm not - I don't think.
If a friend seems distant, catch up with them.


I switched from LV to AXA for £300 less, but even so with the mileage I do nowadays I'm paying over a pound per mile, with LV it was considerably more per mile, I usually do well under 1,000 miles a year since Covid, Groceries delivered, quite a bit of other stuff from Amazon, all equals less reason to go out.
Cheers MIKE
[smg id=6583]

How many roads must a man walk down ... ... ... ... ... before he knows he's lost!


The fact remains, John, they tried to rip you off to the tune of almost £200 and were hoping you'd just accept it
They're just thieving  :censored: who, if you have an accident, will try and wriggle out of paying.

joe cassidy

Quote from: Trainfish on May 26, 2023, 06:17:14 PM
spoke to what sounded like a nice young Welsh girl who in reality is probably a 50 year old 3 times divorced ugly munter with 6 illegitimate children from 4 different men.

I know that you recently changed jobs but with your gift/intuition/imagination for interpreting telephone conversations maybe you should become a profiler for Wiltshire police ?


A big shout out to the NHS went to the Doctors on the 16th about my colitis he referred me to my consultant got a call off her on the 22
I now have a CT scan booked for Monday and the Camera on Wednesday



Just curious as to which way the camera goes as I'm not sure what part of the digestive tract colitis affects.
The years have been good to me, it was the weekends that did the damage.


  i  don't  think  i  want  to  know
whatever  way  hope  all  goes  well   and  hope  they  clean  it  before  next  patient  gets  it



Maybe @JBQFC should post the video when it has been filmed?  :doh:

To follow the construction of my layout "Longcroft" from day 1, you'll have to catch the fish below first by clicking on it which isn't difficult right now as it's frozen!


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