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Quote from: crewearpley40 on August 02, 2020, 02:29:05 PM
Stay safe and an excellent project adam. Just need a load for the wagons

Thank you and you are quite right, this rake is on the "to be loaded" list  :thumbsup:



Quote from: Skyline2uk on August 02, 2020, 02:47:07 PM
Quote from: crewearpley40 on August 02, 2020, 02:29:05 PM
Stay safe and an excellent project adam. Just need a load for the wagons

Thank you and you are quite right, this rake is on the "to be loaded" list  :thumbsup:

ten commandments product or real material Adam?


I am planning on making my own and using a magnet to make the loads easily removable.

Got plenty of material available so it should be another cheap project for me.



Quote from: Skyline2uk on August 02, 2020, 04:11:55 PM
I am planning on making my own and using a magnet to make the loads easily removable.

Got plenty of material available so it should be another cheap project for me.

look forward to hearing more all in good time


I am quite pleased with myself!  :). I have been smoking cigarettes for over 50 years, (I know, I know, think of all the railway stuff I could have bought with the money  :goggleeyes:), and have tried stopping on a few occasions, but failed miserably.  :(. The cigarettes I smoke cost me €12 a packet and I have been smoking in the region of 25 cigarettes daily for as long as I can remember, so say 9 packets a week, which, as we all know, equals €108 per week, or just over €5.5k a year :o. I have never thought much about the spend, as I have no other vices, (well, none I will admit to apart from n gauge  :)) - I can not go to the pub for an evening as the nearest is about 5 miles away on unlit roads so I would have to drive and therefore can not drink more than a pint, (hence the 'Isle of Jura' at home  ;D). What is the point of this post I hear you ask. Well a couple of weeks ago, on our first trip to Enniskillen since March, I was in 'B & M' when I saw an e-cig priced at £5, plus refills at £1 a bottle, so I bought some. The upshot is that since then, I have spent about £20, (€23), on e-cig stuff, (and have enough liquid in hand to keep me going for 3 or 4 weeks), and smoked about 100 cigarettes. So that is at least 13 packets of cigarettes saved, (€156), and taking into account the money spent on e-cig stuff, I have saved over €120 in two weeks, with even more saved on average over the next few weeks. And what is more gratifying, I am not coughing half as much as I was just 2 weeks ago!.  :claphappy:

So please accept my apologies for the self-congratulatory tone of the post, but ............ I am self-congratulating myself! I know it is not for all smokers, but if there are any smokers reading this who are thinking of trying to stop smoking, do give e-cigs a go.  :thumbsup:
I used to be indecisive - now I'm not - I don't think.
If a friend seems distant, catch up with them.

port perran

Well done David.
I have never been a smoker but I realise that giving up or cutting down is no easy matter.
Is it your aim to cut down even mote?

Malt Whisky is my major vice so enjoy that Jura.

I'm sure I'll get used to cream first soon.


Thanks Martin @port perran . Yes, I intend to stop completely and the way I am going, it should be sooner rather than later. I have found an app' for the 'phone which is basically just a counter, but, so far today, I have only had three. I know I will probably have another two tonight, but that is only five all day.  :claphappy:

As for the Jura - might buy myself some more at the weekend.  ;)
I used to be indecisive - now I'm not - I don't think.
If a friend seems distant, catch up with them.


I, too, smoked for 50 years, My mate Dave Amos used to buy them as he was taller than me and we'd get 5 Park Drive and sit under the railway bridge in Wolverton to smoke them with gloves on so we didn't get nicotine stains on our fingers. Over the years I went through all sorts of ciggies (including menthol :sick: and herbal, which just smelt like a garden bonfire), pipes and the only thing that stopped me was a triple bypass op. My last smoke was the night before the op.
When I emerged from hospital I never even considered having a smoke, probably 'cos I was still off my face on drugs and the residual anaesthetic. That was 4½ years ago. Sometimes I could just murder someone for a ciggie, other times I think how awful it smells like when you emerge from the supermarket and someone is stood outside with one.
No one seems to know exactly how 'healthy' e cigs are but if it helps anyone give up then I'm all for them. Well done, David. Keep up the good work :claphappy:
(If I hear of any relapse you'll be getting a visit from the Leyland Massive >:D)


I can remember buying packs of 5 Park Drive Mick, in fact, there was one shopkeeper who would sell us single cigarettes - he probably made a fortune on a packet of twenty! I am glad you managed to stop smoking, even though it took a triple bypass.  ;).  I once asked a colleague who had stopped smoking about five years earlier if he ever fancied a cigarette and he replied, "I could smoke one now".  But he never did have another. There are various reports about how healthy or not e-cigs are, but I am working on the theory that they are healthier than 'proper' cigarettes - I might be right, I might be wrong, but as I said in the earlier post, I am definitely not coughing as much and the cough I still have sounds better than it did. As for the Leyland Massive - that is enough threat in itself to keep one on the straight and narrow!  ;)
I used to be indecisive - now I'm not - I don't think.
If a friend seems distant, catch up with them.


Very well done David! :claphappy: Really pleased for you.

Train Waiting

Excellent+++++, David.  That's really terrific.  Please stay off them - one day at a time.

Easy for me to say - I've never smoked.  The smell of an ashtray has always given me the dry boak!

Well done.

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'Why does the Disney Castle work so well?  Because it borrows from reality without ever slipping into it.'

(Acknowledgement: John Goodall Esq, Architectural Editor, 'Country Life'.)

The Table-Top Railway is an attempt to create, in British 'N' gauge,  a 'semi-scenic' railway in the old-fashioned style, reminiscent of the layouts of the 1930s to the 1950s.

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gave up smoking when I came home from the Gulf in 1970, 17/6p for 200 out there, more than that for 20 here  :'(

mind you a double spirits in the provost bar was 2/-, don't ask what the barman said when I put two bob down for a double here   :-[

luckily I took to sweets instead, and didn't put on weight. :)

did at one time dabble with a pipe, sans tobacco, but that was only because smokers got a smoke break, and non smokers didn't, so my mate and I used to disappear off down to the smoking area with our pipes.

keep up the good work.


Good luck David, but stay away from other smokers if you can, until it has really bedded in, and stick to your guns - some seem to resent others giving up and seem to delight in smoking around them and keep offering them one to try and sabotage giving up.

I am lucky enough to have never started, but my father smoked 20 a day for years. He gave up and didn't smoke for a long time, but then when he was stressed by having to tell people that they were being made redundant, someone offered him a cigarette and he was back on them. Over 20 years ago, I gave him a pack of patches on father's day. I don't think he actually used them, but he's never smoked since and is now very fit and well for an 83 year-old.

My wife quit when we planned to have children. She did smoke again for a short while between children, but has not touched them for about 15 years now. She gave a very old pack that she found in a cupboard to a cousin when we were over your way a couple of years ago and he phoned up after to complain that he'd lit one and it was so dry it went up in his face and he lost an eyebrow  :D


Quote from: dannyboy on August 11, 2020, 07:21:31 PM
I am quite pleased with myself!  :). I have been smoking cigarettes for over 50 years, (I know, I know, think of all the railway stuff I could have bought with the money  :goggleeyes:), and have tried stopping on a few occasions, but failed miserably.  :(. The cigarettes I smoke cost me €12 a packet and I have been smoking in the region of 25 cigarettes daily for as long as I can remember, so say 9 packets a week, which, as we all know, equals €108 per week, or just over €5.5k a year :o. I have never thought much about the spend, as I have no other vices, (well, none I will admit to apart from n gauge  :)) - I can not go to the pub for an evening as the nearest is about 5 miles away on unlit roads so I would have to drive and therefore can not drink more than a pint, (hence the 'Isle of Jura' at home  ;D). What is the point of this post I hear you ask. Well a couple of weeks ago, on our first trip to Enniskillen since March, I was in 'B & M' when I saw an e-cig priced at £5, plus refills at £1 a bottle, so I bought some. The upshot is that since then, I have spent about £20, (€23), on e-cig stuff, (and have enough liquid in hand to keep me going for 3 or 4 weeks), and smoked about 100 cigarettes. So that is at least 13 packets of cigarettes saved, (€156), and taking into account the money spent on e-cig stuff, I have saved over €120 in two weeks, with even more saved on average over the next few weeks. And what is more gratifying, I am not coughing half as much as I was just 2 weeks ago!.  :claphappy:

So please accept my apologies for the self-congratulatory tone of the post, but ............ I am self-congratulating myself! I know it is not for all smokers, but if there are any smokers reading this who are thinking of trying to stop smoking, do give e-cigs a go.  :thumbsup:

Good on you David. I gave up 6.5 years ago and went on to e-cigs, I'm still on them now. I no longer have a smoker's cough and I'm not gasping for air after climbing the stairs. I kept a spreadsheet to work out the cost for around 5 years and it worked out that including everything to do with vaping, the equipment, liquids, replacement batteries etc it costs me around £1.20 per day. I used to smoke 25 - 30 Embassy No.1 each day which is probably about £15 per day now. I also never had a single cigarette for the first 3 or 4 years and even now I sometimes have 1 or 2 every other Saturday when my mate Kev comes round. I don't see that as an issue as I don't feel the need for one when he's not around. The only advice I ever give is to buy a decent vape kit. Mine cost around £50 but the equivalent is probably cheaper now. I tried the cheaper kits at the beginning but they's not a patch (no pun intended) on a decent one. Keep at it and like me I reckon you'll prefer vaping to smoking eventually if not already  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

This is what I currently use, I have 3 of them and some spare batteries too:


To follow the construction of my layout "Longcroft" from day 1, you'll have to catch the fish below first by clicking on it which isn't difficult right now as it's frozen!



I stopped smoking after 25 years when the smoking ban came in, in 2007, I used the Stop Smoking service from the Doctors and went on the patches.

I also started on the Extra Strong mints and found myself going through 2 or 3 packs a day, mind you I was driving lorries at the time so needed something to do  :D :D :D

But well done @dannyboy keep it up matey  :claphappy: :claphappy: :claphappy:



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