An Eventful Christmas at Trevelver Castle

Started by Chris in Prague, December 28, 2023, 08:50:31 AM

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Chris in Prague

His friend continues, "Sylvia considers that Eli might be subconsciously scared of history repeating itself. She believes that Eli worries that the strong man she finds appealing could end up being another bitter, domineering bully, much like her father. This fear, this dread of the past haunting her present, might be the reason why Eli is reluctant to completely give herself—body, heart, and soul—to a strong man, specifically to you, Giles." His voice, filled with empathy and understanding, echoes softly in the Great Library, a testament to their shared concern for Eli.

Hearing this, Giles is taken aback. He sits in silence for a moment, processing the information. His mind races, piecing together the fragments of Eli's behaviour that now make more sense in light of this new information.

His initial shock slowly gives way to a deep sense of empathy for Eli. He realises the magnitude of her struggles and the courage it must have taken for her to overcome them. He feels a stab of sadness for the fear that Eli carries within her, a fear born out of her past experiences.

However, this revelation also strengthens his resolve. He understands now more than ever the importance of proving to Eli that he is not like the men from her past. He is determined to show her that strength does not equate to dominance or bitterness but rather kindness, respect, and understanding.

After a moment of silence, Giles responds, "Jeremy, I appreciate you sharing this with me. It helps me understand Eli on a deeper level. Her strength and resilience are truly admirable, and it's heartbreaking to know the struggles she's had to endure." His voice is steady and resolute, reflecting his deep feelings for Eli.

He continues, "It's a lot to take in, but I'm glad I know. As Sylvie and you know well, I care deeply about Eli, and I want to be there for her. I want to show her that I'm not like her father. I'll do whatever it takes to earn her trust and make her feel safe."

His words hang in the air, a solemn promise echoing in the quiet room. His determination is palpable, reflecting his commitment to be a supportive partner for Eli. This moment of revelation strengthens his resolve to stand by Eli, offering her the safety and understanding she deserves.

He pauses, gathering his thoughts, then continues, "I can see now why Eli might be apprehensive, especially given her past experiences. But I want to assure Sylvie and you, and more importantly, assure Eli, that I am not like the men from her past. I want to show her that being strong doesn't mean being domineering or bitter. I want to be someone she can trust, someone who respects and values her."

His voice is firm, his resolve clear. "I care deeply for Eli, Jeremy. And I'm committed to being a supportive partner for her, to help her overcome her fears. I hope, in time, she'll see that with me; she has nothing to fear." His words, filled with sincerity and determination, echo in the room, a testament to his feelings for Eli.

Jeremy, hearing Giles' heartfelt words, feels a sense of admiration for his friend. He sees the sincerity in Giles' eyes and the determination in his voice. He nods, a smile slowly spreading across his face.

"Your resolve is commendable, Giles", Jeremy responds, his voice filled with respect. "Eli is very fortunate to have someone who cares for her so deeply. Your understanding and patience might be exactly what she needs to overcome her fears. I believe in you, Giles, and I'm confident that with time, Eli will see the kind, strong man that you truly are."

His words, filled with encouragement and faith, resonate in the room, reinforcing Giles' determination to be a supportive partner for Eli. Jeremy's reaction not only acknowledges Giles' feelings but also offers him the reassurance he needs to continue on his chosen path.

As the conversation draws to a close, Giles is left with a deeper understanding of Eli, strengthening his resolve to be a supportive partner for her. The log fire crackles in the hearth, casting a warm glow on the two friends as they sit in thoughtful silence, each lost in their own thoughts.

Chris in Prague

On the eve of Christmas in 1962, the grandeur of Trevelver Castle was heightened by the festive spirit. In the Great Hall, the enormous fireplace crackled and danced, casting a warm, inviting glow. Sylvie and Eli were seated comfortably by the hearth, their faces illuminated by the flickering flames, their eyes reflecting anticipation. They were waiting for Jeremy and Giles, who were engaged in a meeting in the castle's Great Library.

The silence of the hall was punctuated by the distant echo of footsteps and murmured conversation as Jeremy and Giles finally arrived. Eli rose from her seat, her eyes meeting Giles'. A mutual understanding passed between them, and they departed together to view the castle's St. Petroc's Chapel. The chapel, steeped in history and sanctity, was prepared for the Carol Service, a highlight of the Christmas celebrations.

Meanwhile, Sylvie turned to Jeremy, her voice soft yet clear in the vastness of the Great Hall. She informed him that she had arranged for a fire to be lit in the Turret Library. It was a more private space, ideal for their quick meeting before they, too, would join the others at the Chapel. The night was young, and the castle was alive with the spirit of Christmas and the anticipation of the celebrations to come.

As they nestled in the Turret Library, a quaint circular room nestled in the northwest tower of the castle, Jeremy relayed his prior exchange with Giles to Sylvie. The Turret Library, adorned with a stunning wood-panelled ceiling and an intriguing assortment of books and artefacts tied to the Trevelver lineage, offered a secluded and intimate backdrop for their dialogue. The room was bathed in a soft, otherworldly glow, a blend of moonlight seeping through the four deeply embedded windows and the reflected light bouncing off the freshly fallen snow outside the castle. This gentle illumination, coupled with the tranquil ambience of the night and the clear sky, painted a serene picture, with the moon reigning as the solitary beacon of light.

Sylvie turned to Jeremy, her big, brown eyes reflecting the soft glow of the room. Her voice, gentle yet firm, broke the silence of the Turret Library. "Jeremy", she began, her tone carrying a hint of curiosity and concern. "How did your conversation with Giles in the Great Library go?" Her question hung in the air, a soft echo against the wood-paneled walls, as she awaited his response. The tranquility of the room seemed to deepen, the only sounds being the crackling fire and the distant whispers of the castle at night.

Jeremy replied, "Sylvie, when, as we agreed, I related something of Eli's family history, Giles was filled with a profound sense of empathy for her. He understands the trials she endured and the toll they have taken on her. This understanding has intensified his affection for her and fortified his commitment to be a pillar of support."

He continued, "Giles is resolute in demonstrating to Eli that he is unlike her father. He wants to illustrate to her that true strength does not inevitably result in resentment or intimidation. Rather, he believes that genuine strength is rooted in kindness, comprehension, and respect for others. He is endeavouring to embody these attributes in his interactions with Eli, aspiring to offer her the love and support she is worthy of. His actions are steered by his deep fondness for Eli and his wish to see her content and serene. He hopes that, in time, Eli will recognise his sincere intentions and feel secure and cherished in his company. Being aware of Eli's history has made Giles patient with her reservations and apprehensions. He understands that she needs time to build trust and open up."

Jeremy's voice filled with emotion as he added, "Giles feels a sense of sorrow knowing that Eli had been bearing such a substantial burden. He wishes he could have been there to lend her support."

Jeremy turned his gaze towards Sylvie, the soft light in the room casting a gentle glow on his face. He cleared his throat slightly before speaking, his voice steady and calm in the quiet library. "Sylvie", he began, his tone carrying a note of genuine interest. "How did your conversation with Eli in the Great Hall go?" His words echoed softly in the room, a quiet inquiry amidst the hushed ambience. The room fell silent again, save for the crackling fire, as he patiently awaited Sylvie's response.

After listening to Jeremy, Sylvie replies, "Eli recognizes that his reactions show Giles' character depth and his authentic concern for her. She sees how he responds with empathy, determination, patience, and a hint of sadness, expressing his understanding of her past."

"Indeed, that would be affirmative, wouldn't it, Sylvie?"

"Jeremy, it's clear that Giles truly cares for Eli. His empathy, determination, and patience show his depth of character. It's heartening to see how he's willing to support Eli and help her navigate through her past. His sorrow at her past struggles shows his genuine concern for her. And Eli's recognition of Giles' reactions indicates the deep connection they share. It's a complex situation, but it's clear that they both care deeply for each other."

Jeremy, having listened attentively to Sylvie, responded after a thoughtful pause. "Indeed, Sylvie," he began, his voice carrying a note of agreement. "Giles' actions are a testament to his character. His willingness to stand by Eli is commendable. The fact that Eli recognises Giles' reactions speaks volumes about their connection. Their mutual care for each other, despite the complexity of the situation, is undeniable." His words resonated in the quiet room, reflecting the intricate relationships within the castle walls.

Sylvie listened to Jeremy's response, her expression thoughtful. A soft smile played on her lips, reflecting her appreciation for his understanding and insight. She nodded slightly, her dark brown eyes conveying a sense of agreement and respect for his perspective. The complexity of the situation was undeniable, but Sylvie seemed reassured by Jeremy's words, finding comfort in their shared understanding of the deep connection between Giles and Eli. Her silence spoke volumes, a quiet acknowledgement of the depth and intricacy of the relationships within the castle walls. She finally broke the silence, her voice echoing softly in the room, "Indeed, Jeremy. It's a testament to their strength and the bond they share." Her words, filled with empathy and understanding, added another layer to their conversation, reflecting the depth of their shared insights.

Outside, heavy snow fell steadily and relentlessly, each flake a silent whisper against the castle's stone facade. The world seemed to be wrapped in a thick, white blanket, the snowflakes dancing in the moonlight before settling softly on the ground. Inside the Turret Library, their conversation, filled with empathy and understanding, echoed through the quiet room.

Jeremy's gaze shifted to the Rolex Submariner on his wrist, its gold casing gleaming in the soft light. The watch face, protected by a crystal-clear sapphire glass, displayed Roman numerals, and the hands moved with a precision that spoke of its Swiss origins. A small but elegant date window at the three o'clock position added to its charm.

"Seeing that Giles and Lisa have arrived, along with Jim", Jeremy began, his eyes still on the watch, "we must now await what transpires at the Christmas Eve-Day Ball." He paused, lifting his gaze to meet Sylvie's. "But for now", he continued, a sense of urgency creeping into his voice, "we really must make our way to the chapel to join the others." His words hung in the air, a gentle reminder of the festivities that awaited them. With a final glance at his watch, he rose from his seat, ready to navigate the castle's corridors towards the chapel.

As Sylvie rose from her seat, she added a light-hearted comment to their conversation. "You know, Jeremy", she began, a playful smile on her face, "if my mother hadn't asked Chronos, the Greek god of time, to slow down time in Trevelver Castle, we wouldn't have been able to accomplish so much today!" Her words, filled with a mix of amusement and gratitude, added a touch of humour to their serious discussion, reminding them of the remarkable day they had spent in the castle.


Quote from: Chris in Prague on April 21, 2024, 07:07:16 AM"if my mother hadn't asked Chronos, the Greek god of time, to slow down time in Trevelver Castle, we wouldn't have been able to accomplish so much today!"

So that is how it's done - very clever.  :thumbsup:
I used to be indecisive - now I'm not - I don't think.
If a friend seems distant, catch up with them.

Chris in Prague

Quote from: dannyboy on April 21, 2024, 10:15:52 AM
Quote from: Chris in Prague on April 21, 2024, 07:07:16 AM"if my mother hadn't asked Chronos, the Greek god of time, to slow down time in Trevelver Castle, we wouldn't have been able to accomplish so much today!"

So that is how it's done - very clever.  :thumbsup:

Thanks, David.

Chris in Prague

Chris in Prague

In companionable silence, Jeremy and Sylvie, hand in hand, navigated the labyrinth of passages and staircases of Trevelver Castle. Their winter coats, scarves, and hats were draped over the arm of their free hand, a testament to the chill of the winter night outside. After dressing warmly, they emerged into the Castle Courtyard, where the freshly fallen snow painted a serene, white landscape under the moonlight. Together, gloved hand in gloved hand, they embarked on the short walk to St. Petroc's Chapel, their footprints leaving a trail in the pristine snow.

As they walked, Sylvie's mind drifted back to her earlier meeting with her mother. Her mother's words echoed in her mind, "Some things, my dear, need to be kept between us women." The conversation had been a profound one, revolving, yet again, around the complex dynamics between Giles and Eli.

They agreed that Giles unquestionably harboured a deep love for Eli. His actions, patience, and understanding demonstrated his deep affection. His love was as clear as day, as undeniable as the moonlight that bathed the castle grounds.

Eli, they agreed, however, was at a crossroads. She yearned to reciprocate Giles' love, to surrender to the comforting embrace of his affection. Yet, she was held back by the chains of her past. The ghosts of her childhood, the bitter memories of her father's bullying, cast a long shadow over her heart.

She wanted to love Giles, to give him all the love he deserved and more. But the fear of history repeating itself, of being left alone to face the aftermath of a strong man's downfall, kept her from taking that leap. It was a delicate dance between desire and fear, between the past and the present.

Sylvie's thoughts were interrupted by the memory of her mother's words. Lady Penelope had mused, her voice filled with wisdom and understanding, "What we need is a pivotal moment. A moment that could help Eli overcome her fear, a profound demonstration of Giles' love and commitment." Her words hung in the air, a beacon of hope amidst the uncertainty. It was a thought-provoking perspective, one that added another layer to the intricate tapestry of relationships within the castle walls. As they approached the ancient chapel, Sylvie wondered what this pivotal moment could be and how it would unfold in the days to come.

Chris in Prague

Entrance, St. Petroc's Chapel, in the snow

Chris in Prague

As Sylvie and Jeremy settled into the oak chapel pew next to Eli and Giles, Eli turned her head slightly. Her bright blue cornflower eyes met Sylvie's big, brown ones in a silent greeting. A soft smile played on her full lips, a quiet acknowledgement of their shared understanding. Giles, on the other hand, offered a nod to Jeremy, his expression one of respect and camaraderie.

The words exchanged were few, yet meaningful. "Sylvie, Jeremy", Eli began, her voice barely above a whisper, "it's good to have you here". Giles echoed her sentiment, adding, "Indeed, you're just in time for the service".

The glances they shared spoke volumes. Eli's eyes were filled with gratitude as she met Sylvie's gaze, a silent thank you for their trust and openness. Jeremy's sea-green eyes held a similar warmth as he looked to Giles, a mutual understanding passing between them.

As the Carol Service began, the four of them sat in companionable silence, each lost in their own thoughts yet united by the shared experience.

The chapel, its grey granite walls bathed in the soft glow of candlelight, seemed to echo their sentiments, creating an atmosphere of peace and introspection. Sylvie's mind was a whirl of thoughts. Her mother's wise words echoed in her mind, each possibility presenting a different path towards happiness for Giles and Eli.

She recalled her mother suggesting a Moment of Vulnerability: Giles could reveal a personal struggle, demonstrating to Eli that even the strongest individuals have their vulnerable moments. This could help Eli understand that strength does not equate to bullying, and vulnerability does not signify weakness.

Her mother had also proposed a Test of Character: A situation might arise where Giles could misuse his strength, but chooses not to. This would reassure Eli that Giles is not like her father, and that he uses his strength in a positive, protective manner.

Another possibility was a Promise of Patience and Understanding: Giles could assure Eli of his patience and understanding, promising not to pressure her until she feels ready. He could acknowledge her fears and assure her that he is different from her father.

Lastly, her mother had mentioned an Act of Love: Giles could make a grand gesture, a clear demonstration of his love for Eli and his commitment to their relationship. This act could provide Eli with the reassurance she needs to overcome her fear and take a leap of faith.

As the Carol Service began, Sylvie found herself hoping for these possibilities, for a future where Eli could overcome her fears and embrace the love that Giles so clearly had for her. The chapel provided a serene setting for her anxious thoughts.

The moving service over, as each member of the congregation leaves the chapel, they pass by the icon-like painting of St. Petroc. The painting, a masterpiece of Byzantine artistry, is encased in a frame of pure gold. Its vibrant and lively colours seem as if they are imbued with divinity. The frame's simplicity and elegance serve to accentuate the painting, rather than detract from its beauty. The saint's eyes, painted in a deep, soulful brown, seem to follow each person, his gaze benevolent and full of grace. It is as if St. Petroc himself is there, blessing each individual with his heavenly presence.

The Sixth-Century painting is a symphony of colours. The background and the saint's robe are rich, royal blue, symbolising the heavens and divine grace. His halo is radiant gold, symbolising the divine light of God, while the saint's face and hands are painted in realistic tones, giving him a human touch amidst his divine aura.

But to Eli, the painting seems to come alive. As she passes by, she feels St. Petroc's gaze upon her, filled with infinite blessing and calming reassurance. It is as if the saint himself is smiling at her, his painted lips curving up in a subtle smile that seems to radiate warmth and comfort. To her, the colours of the painting seem even more vibrant, the blues deeper and the golds brighter. It is a moment of divine connection, a silent communication between her and the saint, a moment she would cherish forever.

Chris in Prague

The Sixth-Century Byzantine painting of St. Petroc

Chris in Prague

11 guests at once! I am flattered. Thank you for reading.

Chris in Prague

After the Carol Service, as they exited the ancient Chapel together, Giles was drawn into a conversation with Eli in the Castle Courtyard.

"Giles", Eli began, her voice barely above a whisper, "you always seem so strong, so self-reliant. Have you ever faced a struggle that made you feel vulnerable?"

Giles looked at Eli, his ice-blue eyes—sharp and assessing—reflecting the moonlit snow. He took a deep breath before responding, "Eli, my dear, even the strongest of us have our moments of vulnerability. I may not show it, but I've had my share of struggles."

Eli looked up at Giles, her blue eyes softening in the moonlight. She reached out, gently touching his arm, and said, "Giles, your strength is not diminished by your struggles. Our struggles shape us. It's okay to let those who care about you see your vulnerabilities." She smiled gently at him, the depth in her eyes reflecting his own. "Giles, would you be willing to share more about these struggles?"

As they walked across the Castle Courtyard, the snow crunching under their feet, Giles turned to Eli, sighed and began to speak. "You know, Eli", he started, his voice steady against the quiet conversation of those around them, "after I left the Army, I took over my late father's wine and spirits importing business. I was eager to continue the family legacy, but filling my father's shoes was no easy task."

He paused, his breath visible in the cold air. "Just a few months into my new role, we were hit by a severe financial crisis. The future of the company was uncertain, and I found myself steering the ship through a rising storm."

Giles continued, "The pressure was immense, but I was determined to rise to the challenge. I worked tirelessly, often until the early hours of the morning, examining every possible solution to save the business. There were moments of doubt and despair, times when I felt vulnerable and overwhelmed."

"But", he added, a note of steely determination in his voice, "I didn't let these moments of vulnerability deter me. Instead, I used them as fuel, driving me to work harder and smarter. I learned to negotiate tough deals, make difficult decisions, and confidently stand my ground even when the odds were against me."

"After many months of struggle", Giles concluded, "I managed to steer the business out of the crisis and back to stability. This experience was a significant challenge that tested my strength and resilience, but it also shaped me into the person I am today. It taught me that strength is not just about power, but also about perseverance, patience, and the courage to face one's vulnerabilities."

Giles paused for a moment, his gaze distant as he recalled the past. "You know, Eli", he continued, his voice softer now, "when I took over the business, I knew absolutely nothing about it. I was a soldier, not a businessman. I had to learn everything from scratch."

He sighed again, a hint of sorrow in his eyes. "And the worst part was, I couldn't turn to my father for help or advice. His untimely death due to a massive stress-related heart attack left me on my own. I had to navigate the storm without a compass, without any guidance."

His words hung in the snowy air, a poignant reminder of the struggles he had faced. For Eli, it was a testament to his character, a demonstration of his determination, and a profound moment of vulnerability that brought him closer to her.

Eli listened intently, her bright blue eyes reflecting surprise and newfound understanding.

Chris in Prague

"Thank you, Giles, for sharing your challenging times. I want to know how you handled this crisis and made your business stable again. Can you tell me what steps you took? I think your experience can teach us a lot if our business has similar problems."

"As I've said, Eli, steering my wine and spirits importing business out of the crisis wasn't easy, but I've managed to find my way back to stability and, now, even profitable growth. To answer your question, I've made customer service my top priority. My small staff, led by your housemate, Amanda Morgan, is well-versed in our offerings, and she ensures that every customer inquiry or complaint is handled promptly and effectively. Thanks to Sylvie's marketing expertise, I've even introduced loyalty programs to keep our customers coming back."

Eli nodded appreciatively. "You've certainly proved your dedication to customer service by ensuring that the Trevelvers and their local friends all had their fine Italian wines delivered before Christmas Day!"

Giles smiled. "I've also been very selective about the products we import and sell. I focus on items that allow me to make a significant markup, and I've secured some exclusive deals for unique products that you won't find anywhere else, such as Riccardo Bianchi's special wines.

"I didn't just guess what would sell, though, Eli. I've done my homework, conducting market research to understand which wines and spirits are in demand among my target customers, again suggested by Sylvie, and which ones will give me the most profit, as recommended by another of your housemates, Angela Evans, when she was my PA and before she, very deservedly, became your Finance Director", he smiled warmly.

"And while I'm committed to delivering top-quality products and services, I've also been mindful of my costs. I've negotiated better deals with my suppliers, optimised my logistics and storage, helped by Jim, and, again, thanks to Angela, found ways to reduce my overheads.

"Plus, thanks to your and Sylvie's agency, I've increased the visibility of my business. I've invested in your very effective print advertising and have been hosting tasting events, such as the one Lisa Silverwood attended, where she first met Riccardo Bianchi. I've also partnered with upmarket local restaurants, bars, and cafés, like the 'Café Bohème' on Carnaby Street, where another one of your housemates, Jenny Davies, works, to reach more customers."

"Very good, Giles. Sylvie and I love that café, and Riccardo Bianchi's special wines served there."

"Finally, I've diversified my product range to include French and Italian fine cheeses and cured and smoked meats to cater to a wider audience and reduce my dependence on a few products."

"That makes good sense, Giles."

"Thank you, Eli. So, these are the strategies that have helped me navigate through the crisis and put the business on the right track. I'll continue to adapt and innovate to ensure its continued success."

As Giles finished his story, the silence of the night seemed to deepen, as the snowflakes fell around them. For Eli, it was a moment of vulnerability, a testament to his strength, and a glimpse into the successful businessman he had become. His openness to help and advice from those around him, including young women, showed his respect for others and his willingness to learn and grow. This quality made him not just a successful businessman, but also a great leader and mentor. And, she whispered to herself, a great client, friend and, maybe, more.

Chris in Prague

After listening to Giles' story, a smile slowly spread across Eli's face. Her blue eyes sparkled with her appreciation for his accomplishments and pride in her agency's work. She nodded in approval, her posture relaxed yet confident, delighted with the boost she and Sylvie had given to her friend's business.

"Giles", she began, her voice filled with warmth, "it's wonderful to hear that our advertising agency has been able to contribute to the image and awareness of your business. It's great to know that the print advertising and tasting events have been successful. The partnerships with local restaurants and bars are a great strategy to reach more customers. Sylvie and I are delighted to be part of your business' progress towards stability and growth." She grinned. "Let's continue our successful collaboration!"

Giles, on the other hand, exuded a sense of relief and satisfaction. His shoulders, which had been tense at the start of the conversation, seemed to relax. His clear blue eyes met Eli's with a look of gratitude, and he gave a small, appreciative nod. The corners of his mouth turned upwards into a subtle contented smile.

"Giles, as I listened to you, I saw something in you that I didn't see before. Your strength is not about being bossy or controlling. It's about being tough, determined, and brave to face problems directly. The vulnerabilities you showed me don't mean you are weak. In fact, they show your strength."

"I am further impressed by how you listen and use advice from Sylvie, me, and our young female friends. You didn't just listen to Sylvie but also to Angela. And making Amanda the office manager? That was a great move. It shows you respect their skills and are open to new ideas, no matter who they come from. Giles, this shows you are a real leader. Your actions tell a lot about your character and the values in your business."

Upon hearing Eli's observation, Giles was visibly moved. His pale blue eyes widened slightly in surprise, then softened as he absorbed her words. A moment of silence passed as he let the compliment sink in. Then, he smiled a genuine, warm smile that reached his eyes. He nodded in appreciation, acknowledging the truth in her words. His response was humble and sincere, "Eli, your words mean a lot to me. I've always believed in the strength of resilience, determination, and facing challenges head-on. And yes, Sylvie, Angela, and Amanda have been very important in my success. I'm glad I could see Angela and Amanda's potential and involve them in my business. Thank you." His gratitude was evident in his voice, and his appreciation for Eli deepened. It was a significant moment in their relationship.


Knowing how accurate you like to be Chris, I just thought I would point this out -

Quote from: Chris in Prague on April 23, 2024, 06:04:34 PMThe partnerships with local restaurants and bars sound are a great strategy to reach more customers.

(Hope you do not mind - and do not worry, I will not tell anybody else.  ;) ).

Your way with words and story telling is something I look forward to.  :thumbsup: 
I used to be indecisive - now I'm not - I don't think.
If a friend seems distant, catch up with them.

Chris in Prague

Thanks, David. Please do point out any mistakes. I'm very rushed these days.

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