The angry thread

Started by findus, March 29, 2011, 09:42:45 PM

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Bob Tidbury

RailGooner go and ask if you can have it, nothing ventured nothing gained younever know your luck.
Bob Tidbury



"Today I took about £800 worth of stuff and the offer was £140. I almost laughed then then said max would be £200."

Is that £800 at your prices or new prices ? Most people vastly estimate the value of their second hand equipment


Quote from: Bob Tidbury on October 11, 2017, 12:34:06 PM
RailGooner go and ask if you can have it, nothing ventured nothing gained younever know your luck.
Bob Tidbury

Bob, I asked my line manager if any refurbishment projects in the foreseeable future called for a new cabinet, and relayed what I'd found in the skip. He was very interested and went to have a look. He returned nearly as angry as I was. He'd ordered it for a future refurb' project and had 'stored' it until needed. Along came the building manager who decided since he didn't know anything about it, he'd throw it out.  :smiley-laughing:

I work at a world famous university in Oxford, which ought really to be infamous as an example of the worst mismanagement known to mankind. :'( >:( :veryangry: :censored: :help:

The Q

I arrived at tescos one morning 15 years ago, where i was the in store technician to see  them throwing 20 lengths of aluminum angle into the skip. It had arrived after I left for work the day before addressed to me. The instore manager decided he didn't want it cluttering up his store so ordered it thrown away when he arrived in the morning.

No one thought to put in the ISTs room... I had to order another lot, I wasn't clambering around in a skip. I also told my technical boss what had happended and he reordered as well, so I had two lots.... handy that , it's not long ago I've finished using it all


Marketing. Apologies to anyone involved in marketing who knows their stuff, but have been involved in some conversations recently which go along the lines "if you want to release product X by arbitrary date Y, please feel free to do the grunt work yourself, and while you're at it stick your 'marketing story' where the sun don't shine, 'cos while I have a verifiable track record of going the extra unit length if necessary, from now on I will refuse to jump just because it makes your Gantt charts look good." :veryangry:


Not only agree with you @railsquid , but have been banjaxed sever times like that myself. I quoted to build a TV studio in Wales. It was a 6 week build. When we turned up on site, the customer said that they had got Tom Jones to open the studio, but it would be in 3 weeks, not 6. I had to get extra hands in and worked 12 hour days, but we did it. When we billed the customer for the extras, he complained. We still made him pay because I kept good records.
The years have been good to me, it was the weekends that did the damage.


Quote from: railsquid on October 12, 2017, 04:30:35 PM
... just because it makes your Gantt charts look good." :veryangry:
Don't get me started on Gantt charts.

Particularly when a certain box shifter can't even be bothered to start packing my order of Tuesday night, when they took the money immediately.  :censored: :censored: :censored:

I need the stuff on Saturday. Chances of getting it?  >:( :veryangry:

'...things are not done by those who sit down to count the cost of every thought and act.' - Sir Daniel Gooch of IKB


Don't get me started on people being reasonable in the angry thread, either. I'M HERE TO BE ANGRY!

Otherwise, what's the point?

'...things are not done by those who sit down to count the cost of every thought and act.' - Sir Daniel Gooch of IKB


Quote from: Malc on October 12, 2017, 04:40:42 PM
We still made him pay because I kept good records.

Presumably they were Tom Jones records, Malc. It's not unusual. :-X

The Q

I need a certain piece of TEST equipment to calibrate a unit that they want out today,

Ian Bowden

A parcel of coffee was delivered to me last week while I just nipped out. I found it on the doorstep in full view. I have one of these doorbell where I can talk to the caller over the internet. Looking at the footage of the delivery he stood at the door ignored the doorbell and tapped once on the glass looked round and put the parcel on the step.


But you have got the coffee?
Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


You order something for a specific day and then you get that dreaded email, your parcel has been delayed. They delivered it too the wrong local depot! Only 70 miles apart. I know these things happen, but I wanted and needed it today cos Im home  :( and finally why oh why do they put really expensive items which need my signature in the recycling box!
OK rant over, time to mope all day.

The Q

You get the phone call from the white Van man, I'm Just coming out of********** where are you.

To which I reply 40 miles away, you've got the wrong *********.

The parcel has to go back to his depot Kings Lynn, transfered to the Norwich depot , then sent out on a round from there....
I get the parcel to find someone had crossed out the first three letters of my post code and substituted the code for the other*********

Bob Tidbury

I agree with you Evans I am going to arrange a very special delivery for my Pendolino as like you I have had a supposed signed for parcel put in the recycling bin and I dont want that recycled.
Bob Tidbury

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