The angry thread

Started by findus, March 29, 2011, 09:42:45 PM

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Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.

ozzie Bill.

8 years free of the bloody C, 8 years. Now I have an abscess on my jaw and been told that it's a new tumour. Back through the whole bloody charade again. Last time was 12 hours in surgery, this time, who knows. Complete removal of the reconstructed jaw and some of my "native" jaw and then some form of reconstruction. They are not even sure they can do a complete rebuild I may well end up with only part of a jaw. That would be a bit irksome as it would mean all my meals would have to be liquid. Where's the fun in that!
To say I was upset would be a mild understatement.
Sorry, rant over.
Anyway, a few weeks (3-4) before surgery so at least I can keep busy now with work and I will have time afterwards for some modelling, which will be good. I have a few buildings and things in the drawer that I can pull out and start on once I am back home from the operation.
You know, funny thing is, just sharing with you blokes has already made me feel less upset, so thank you for being here, even in cyberspace.
One of the upsetting things is that my poor wife works away from home most weeks and I have not had the heart to tell her yet. I'll wait until tomorrow when she gets home. I think that I am dreading her reaction more than anything. I am OK with it, but I know she will struggle.
Off to do useful things now. Cheers, Bill.


It'll be fine mate.  :thumbsup:

Aussie saying.... no worries, mate.

Good luck with the upcoming procedure.  :beers:

Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


Sorry to hear your news Bill. Let's hope they can work a miracle with preserving your jaw. We'll be thinking of you.

Membre AFAN 0196


After 8 years that must have come as a shock, Bill (understatement no doubt).
Please remember, we are all here for you. When I had a triple bypass which went slightly awry I just could not believe the support I received from the guys and gals on the forum which, 18 months later, still brings a tear to my legseyes when I recall it. All best wishes to you and your wife.

Bob Tidbury

I wish you all the best Bill Im sure everything out in the end you beat it once you can again.
Bob Tidbury


My very best wishes to you Bill. I can hardly begin to imagine how you must be feeling, but know that your wife will be your greatest support through whatever lies ahead.

Sufferin' succotash!

ozzie Bill.

Thanks to all. Yes, I know I will be fine just miffed it happened twice. Ah, well, still got some teef and my motorbikes so life still has some good things eh. Cheers guys and thanks again


Just caught your post Bill.

Commiserations - (as if that helps!) - but I do wish you and yours the very best.

Dave G


Sorry to hear that Bill. One thing to bear in mind - when they say they may not be able to fully reconstruct, push them harder and/or get a second opinion. These days they are doing miracles with 3D printing parts for reconstruction.


Sorry to hear, hope all goes well with the procedure. as you say look at it from the up side at least you will have some time afterwards to do some modelling.


Sorry to read your news Bill. Best wishes to you. :heart:

ozzie Bill.

Thanks all. Yes, I am actually looking forward to the enforced time out so I can get back to the trains. I have missed out on them big time recently and want to have fun with it.
Cheers, Bill.


Yesterday Royal Mail attempted to deliver a parcel while I was out so left a card asking me to go to the parcels office next day to collect. All well and good so far, but looking at the card it stated collect from the Chorley parcels office which is 5 miles further away from the Leyland parcels office, which is only 1½ miles from where I live. My first reaction was I'd call the number on the card and make them redeliver the parcel but, being in th'area this morning I called into the Leyland office and asked why the card said collect from Chorley, whereupon I was informed the postie concerned was not the sharpest tool in the box and that Leyland had my parcel. When I asked what would have happened if I'd gone to Chorley and the parcel wasn't there, I just got a shrug of the shoulders. My postie is also the sort who folds every envelope in half before leaving them half in/half out of the letter box, so perhaps he is half sharp ::)
End of rant.


 :laughabovepost: :laughabovepost:

At least your letterboxes are in the front door.... I have to walk up the driveway!
Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.

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