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Started by petercharlesfagg, March 03, 2016, 05:25:43 PM

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In my present state of health, travel is literally a pain and I avoid going anywhere.

Therefore it was a wonderful surprise to have (2) members of our band turn up on my doorstep!

Malc and Daveg came down yesterday to visit me and for my part it was really great to talk trains and other things plus a good many laughs!

Thank you my friends for making my life even more enjoyable.

Each can do but little, BUT if each did that little, ALL would be done!

Life is like a new sewer pipe, what you get out of it depends on what you put into it!

A day without laughter is a day wasted!


What a really nice surprise to get. I can imagine being able to chat away would help take you mind of things for a while. It just goes to show you can make good friends here and at least you are on the same wavelength.


Cheers John.

Dock Shunter

Nice to hear you had a great day with Malc and Daveg,Peter...... :thumbsup:
I remember meeting you down at TINGS a few years ago and thinking what a larger than life character you are,so i'm sure the two fellas
had a great day too....Take care.

                                 Regards...D.S................ :NGaugersRule:

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