N Gauge Forum

General Category => N Gauge Discussion => Topic started by: Newportnobby on March 01, 2022, 07:43:06 PM

Title: Due from Dapol March/April
Post by: Newportnobby on March 01, 2022, 07:43:06 PM
Note - other emporiums are available.......


No M7s as Dapol were waiting, as at last December, for a production slot and I've no idea if they got one
Title: Re: Due from Dapol March/April
Post by: Adam1701D on March 01, 2022, 08:34:30 PM
I quite fancy an Orange 156 but will wait until they are in the shops before ordering.
Title: Re: Due from Dapol March/April
Post by: Graham on March 01, 2022, 11:23:35 PM
wonder if the Gaugemaster collection pride 66 will be in this shipment, my gay daughter bought this for me Christmas 20 and is hanging out for it to be delivered.
Title: Re: Due from Dapol March/April
Post by: tunneroner61 on March 01, 2022, 11:42:27 PM
Well I'm still waiting for my Sir Tom Moore ordered in May 2020. I am actually disgusted with Dapol regarding this. They have totally lost the point of producing the model in a reasonable time frame. I only keep the order going to ensure the donation goes to the NHS and that Sir Tom is remembered.

I hope someone from Dapol reads this and realises they must DO BETTER. Perhaps this should be in the angry thread?

Grrrr Norman
Title: Re: Due from Dapol March/April
Post by: Chris Morris on March 02, 2022, 06:31:50 AM
I have no inside information but logic says the Captain Tom 66s will have been made in this batch and will therefore arrive at the same time. I completely agree that Dapol should have stated that the Captain Tom model will be one of the versions in the next batch of 66s. I think many of us got the impression it would be a special run but that was rather naïve of us; there is no way such a small batch production run could have been made at a reasonable price even if a production slot could have been found. I'm sure Covid didn't help. I was somewhat vexed about the long delivery time for a while but now I accept the realities of manufacturing. I will treasure my Captain Tom when it arrives but I doubt it will get much running as it doesn't fit with the rest of my stock or layout.....or I might just buy a rake of JNA wagons for him to pull.

Two things worth noticing - the reasonable prices (comparatively) and the bracket signals arriving. The class 66 is still under £100 and the 156 £127. I know the B set coaches aren't anywhere near as well detailed as some other coaches but a pair of coaches for less than £30 can't be bad! I use these coaches on my layout and, whilst they aren't up to the best standards on close inspection, they look absolutely fine when running on the layout. I consider these coaches to be on a par with the Mk1 suburbans that will be £26 each when the next batch arrives. I congratulate Dapol on keeping their prices reasonable.
Title: Re: Due from Dapol March/April
Post by: Chris Morris on March 02, 2022, 06:41:40 AM
Quote from: Graham on March 01, 2022, 11:23:35 PM
wonder if the Gaugemaster collection pride 66 will be in this shipment, my gay daughter bought this for me Christmas 20 and is hanging out for it to be delivered.

There doesn't seem to be any new information on this version but it would seem reasonable to expect it to have been made as part of the current production batch.
Title: Re: Due from Dapol March/April
Post by: njee20 on March 02, 2022, 07:44:57 AM
Quote from: Graham on March 01, 2022, 11:23:35 PM
wonder if the Gaugemaster collection pride 66 will be in this shipment, my gay daughter bought this for me Christmas 20 and is hanging out for it to be delivered.

There was a painted sample of it at Gaugemaster last year, it looked excellent. Dapol have fixed the colours, so it's not purple like 66737 was. One would certainly hope it's in this run.
Title: Re: Due from Dapol March/April
Post by: Bob G on March 02, 2022, 10:19:44 AM
Am I the only modeller who wants high window Maunsell coaches in BR (S) Green (and/or Crimson/Cream).
This was a nice set of coaches made to modellers requests and they have only done one run in lined SR olive green, so great for the pre-WW2 modeller but what about us who do the transition era? It is not like they don't have the moulds.

Was this another case of bad choice of original livery, like their BR Maroon Gresleys, and the lined SR stock has not shifted?

Title: Re: Due from Dapol March/April
Post by: martyn on March 02, 2022, 11:06:35 AM
I think that Southerngooner is also hoping for BR liveried high window Maunsells.

So that's at least two of you.........

Title: Re: Due from Dapol March/April
Post by: Bingley Hall on March 02, 2022, 12:44:40 PM
[quote author=Bob G link=topic=56301.msg752022#msg752022 date=1646216384

Was this another case of bad choice of original livery, like their BR Maroon Gresleys, and the lined SR stock has not shifted?


Same strategy that Farish employs.

And yes I'm eagerly awaiting a few in BR (S)
Title: Re: Due from Dapol March/April
Post by: emjaybee on March 02, 2022, 01:25:09 PM
The bracket signals look interesting. Presumably at that price they come with a genuine signalman to operate them.
Title: Re: Due from Dapol March/April
Post by: GAD on March 02, 2022, 01:51:55 PM
Quote from: tunneroner61 on March 01, 2022, 11:42:27 PM
Well I'm still waiting for my Sir Tom Moore ordered in May 2020. I am actually disgusted with Dapol regarding this. They have totally lost the point of producing the model in a reasonable time frame. I only keep the order going to ensure the donation goes to the NHS and that Sir Tom is remembered.

I hope someone from Dapol reads this and realises they must DO BETTER. Perhaps this should be in the angry thread?

Grrrr Norman

Absolutely! I too would happily cancel my Tom Moore 66 if it weren't for the donation. I've absolutely no faith in Dapol and will never, ever pre-order a Dapol product again. Too many promise, too little delivery.
Title: Re: Due from Dapol March/April
Post by: honk843 on March 02, 2022, 03:26:14 PM
I agree about the Maunsell B.R. green High Window. I would but a rake at the same sort of price as the southern lined versions and a rake of Thompson B.R. Maroon from Bachman. It cannot cost a terrific amount to do these rakes and make the most of the recently produced mouldings?
I also had a dig at Dapol about the class 59 if their timings are anything to go by then Revolution will beat them to the market and delay both the M7 and West Country/ Battle of Britain still further. It may be a bit off subject but as Dapol seem to be having so much trouble doing an unrebuilt model why don't they, to keep interest alive, do a rebuilt one as an interim measure based on existing technology as per their Britannias.?
Sorry if my rant goes a bit off subject but I just don't fathom out either Bachman or Dapol.
Title: Re: Due from Dapol March/April
Post by: Bob G on March 02, 2022, 04:12:05 PM
Quote from: honk843 on March 02, 2022, 03:26:14 PM
I also had a dig at Dapol about the class 59 if their timings are anything to go by then Revolution will beat them to the market and delay both the M7 and West Country/ Battle of Britain still further. It may be a bit off subject but as Dapol seem to be having so much trouble doing an unrebuilt model why don't they, to keep interest alive, do a rebuilt one as an interim measure based on existing technology as per their Britannias.?
Sorry if my rant goes a bit off subject but I just don't fathom out either Bachman or Dapol.

With Dapol "bagging" the streamlined WC/BB (and with very little likelihood of the mechanism being designed to accomodate a rebuilt body, because they said they are putting the motor into a diecast body) (just like Farish did 40 years ago...) it is unlikely that the rebuilt Bullieds will ever see the light of day. Huge shame. I know of at least one new entrant who had considered the Spam Can was do-able - especially as there are so many preserved examples.
Title: Re: Due from Dapol March/April
Post by: Bingley Hall on March 03, 2022, 12:42:30 AM
Oh dear another Dapol bashing thread on the NGF - quel surprise? Almost up there with the bloke who accused them of 'lying' a while back.

Angry old men jumping up out of their armchairs and yelling at clouds.

The world had been in turmoil for the last two years, supply chains across the world totally disrupted, factories short of workers because of sickness and lockdowns, and even without the shenanigans that comes with dealing with Chinese factories and agents. Obviously some businesses cope with it better than others, that's just the way of the world.

Every week 25% of my usually online grocery list isn't available because of supply chain disruptions, I might be moderately pee'd off by my supermarket chain, but I'm not 'disgusted' by them, nor do I run around like a headless chook screaming "I'm never going to purchase from" them again.

Fine, don't buy from Dapol again. More for us, and who exactly are you going to buy from in the future?

How do you think a hard working Dapol employee would feel if they saw your comments? Do you seriously think they are doing this deliberately to upset you? You wouldn't have the cahones to say it to their face, but because its the Internet you think you can say what you like. 

Seriously people, it's just model trains - Get a grip! 
Title: Re: Due from Dapol March/April
Post by: honk843 on March 03, 2022, 09:02:12 AM
I hope you are not thinking that I was having a bash at Dapol.

The wagons/coaches that they have produced are excellent and I can live with the cardon shaft in the Britannia hence my suggestion, However I have loads of all the existing models I want and will not be racing off to get a 59 (too much like 66s).

It would be nice for Dapol to produce something else I want. Since they announced that the high window B.R. version of their excellent Maunsell coaches ( I have about 15 of the existing ones) would follow. I am just disappointed that they seem to have gone the way of so many other of their promised products.

You see I have been doing N gauge for too long to get excited about anything!
Title: Re: Due from Dapol March/April
Post by: Bob G on March 03, 2022, 09:24:00 AM
Ditto me.
But I have been forced to start in OO to get the models I actually want to collect :), rather than the ones that Bachfar/Dapol choose to supply.
Tongue firmly in cheek.
Title: Re: Due from Dapol March/April
Post by: devonjames on March 03, 2022, 01:31:38 PM
The updated Dapol Class 153 DMUs are also due in March.  I have two of these on pre-order and checked with Hattons yesterday and they told me they are still expecting delivery before the end of this month.

By the way Bingly Hall, if my supermarket delivery had 25% unavailable or substituted then I would certainly be switching supermarkets. I have a Tesco delivery every week and they are very good. No subs at all for the last 3 weeks and never more than one or two items. They have been very good for the last two years.
Title: Re: Due from Dapol March/April
Post by: Bob G on March 03, 2022, 01:39:53 PM
Quote from: devonjames on March 03, 2022, 01:31:38 PM
By the way Bingly Hall, if my supermarket delivery had 25% unavailable or substituted then I would certainly be switching supermarkets. I have a Tesco delivery every week and they are very good. No subs at all for the last 3 weeks and never more than one or two items. They have been very good for the last two years.

Another vote for Tesco on-line shopping. They took us on two years ago in the depths of Covid when Sainsburys and the other majors would not. Never felt I have missed out on anything. 

Title: Re: Due from Dapol March/April
Post by: tunneroner61 on March 03, 2022, 04:08:00 PM
@Bingley Hall (https://www.ngaugeforum.co.uk/SMFN/index.php?action=profile;u=4983) . Let me explain why I am 'disgusted' with Dapol over the delays to the Sir Tom Moore 66. I don't know how much you know about the man but during April 2020 he determined to raise £1000 for the NHS walking 100 lengths of his garden in time for his 100th birthday. In the event he raised over £30million, becoming a national hero. His efforts inspired many others to also raise money for the health service. GB Railfreight honoured him by naming a loco, on the day he turned 100.

When Dapol announced they were to produce a model of the loco with £40 per sale going to the NHS it seemed a win win for all. My criticism of Dapol is that they did not make the effort to deliver the model in 2020 keeping Sir Tom's efforts in the public eye. They missed the boat completely and here we are nearly 2 years later and no sign of the model. I have been in contact with them, but have not had any positive response as to a delivery date. I understand and accept all the issues about getting 'slots' in factories and coping with the pandemic. However it's easy to trot that out as an excuse.

I do not consider my remarks as Dapol bashing as you put it, but justified criticism of a poorly managed project . Oh and by the way I am not an angry old man, thank you, nor do I yell at clouds, whatever that means.
Title: Re: Due from Dapol March/April
Post by: Chris Morris on March 03, 2022, 04:45:24 PM
Quote from: tunneroner61 on March 03, 2022, 04:08:00 PM
@Bingley Hall (https://www.ngaugeforum.co.uk/SMFN/index.php?action=profile;u=4983) . Let me explain why I am 'disgusted' with Dapol over the delays to the Sir Tom Moore 66. I don't know how much you know about the man but during April 2020 he determined to raise £1000 for the NHS walking 100 lengths of his garden in time for his 100th birthday. In the event he raised over £30million, becoming a national hero. His efforts inspired many others to also raise money for the health service. GB Railfreight honoured him by naming a loco, on the day he turned 100.

When Dapol announced they were to produce a model of the loco with £40 per sale going to the NHS it seemed a win win for all. My criticism of Dapol is that they did not make the effort to deliver the model in 2020 keeping Sir Tom's efforts in the public eye. They missed the boat completely and here we are nearly 2 years later and no sign of the model. I have been in contact with them, but have not had any positive response as to a delivery date. I understand and accept all the issues about getting 'slots' in factories and coping with the pandemic. However it's easy to trot that out as an excuse.

I do not consider my remarks as Dapol bashing as you put it, but justified criticism of a poorly managed project . Oh and by the way I am not an angry old man, thank you, nor do I yell at clouds, whatever that means.

I do not have sufficient knowledge of Dapol to say whether it was a badly managed project or not, clearly you must have. Like I said earlier, this loco could only be part of the next batch of 66s and could not have been made as a separate batch. I'm sure Dapol would have got the whole batch made earlier of it had been possible
Title: Re: Due from Dapol March/April
Post by: tunneroner61 on March 03, 2022, 05:23:12 PM
I have no inside knowledge of how Dapol manage projects. I don't seem to be able to make my point clearly, so I'll try again.
Sir Tom the man came to prominence in spring 2020. Dapol announced a model of the loco named after him in May 2020. Given how he had become a celebrity it would have been appropriate to deliver the model in 2020 whilst the pandemic was uppermost in our minds. What I am trying to get across is frustration that they didn't deliver the model  in a timely fashion during the year.
Title: Re: Due from Dapol March/April
Post by: njee20 on March 03, 2022, 10:31:16 PM
I'm sure they'd have wanted to as well. But it didn't work out, as said, it was always going to have to be included in the next batch of 66s. Those are all over a year later than announced. Disgusted by that? Ridiculous. You may not like comments about waiting for factory slots, but it's the reality.

You act like they sat in Chirk rubbing their hands going "I know, let's take 2 years to deliver this". Yes they've missed the boat somewhat, but I'm sure they're annoyed by that as it'll inevitably lead to cancellations from 'disgusted' buyers.
Title: Re: Due from Dapol March/April
Post by: PLD on March 03, 2022, 10:57:21 PM
Quote from: tunneroner61 on March 03, 2022, 05:23:12 PM
I have no inside knowledge of how Dapol manage projects. I don't seem to be able to make my point clearly, so I'll try again.
Sir Tom the man came to prominence in spring 2020. Dapol announced a model of the loco named after him in May 2020. Given how he had become a celebrity it would have been appropriate to deliver the model in 2020 whilst the pandemic was uppermost in our minds. What I am trying to get across is frustration that they didn't deliver the model  in a timely fashion during the year.
If Dapol had delivered any Class 66s in other liveries in the interim, you would have a justifiable case to argue the should have prioritised 'Sir Tom'; however as far as is understood from the information available, it WILL be in the first batch of the type produced since the announcement.
It may be there were reasons it couldn't be brought any further forward (possibly tied to a specific factory that holds the tooling, and other models that have come in the interim are from other facilities). It may be the Dapol have actually brought forward plans for a new run of 66s sooner than originally planned to expidite Sir Tom as much as they could... By your own admission you've no more knowledge than the rest of us on that score...
Title: Re: Due from Dapol March/April
Post by: tunneroner61 on March 03, 2022, 11:11:17 PM
Quote from: njee20 on March 03, 2022, 10:31:16 PM
You act like they sat in Chirk rubbing their hands going "I know, let's take 2 years to deliver this". Yes they've missed the boat somewhat, but I'm sure they're annoyed by that as it'll inevitably lead to cancellations from 'disgusted' buyers.
You are putting words in my mouth that I never said or implied. I still think Dapol should have made every effort to deliver the model in 2020 while it was pertinent. If they did it was sadly to no avail, how can I tell?

Why can't I be disgusted about something - it's only a personal opinion to which I am entitled.

I can see I am virtually alone in my thinking on the subject of the Sir Tom loco timescale, so I think it's time for me to bow out from this thread.
Title: Re: Due from Dapol March/April
Post by: njee20 on March 03, 2022, 11:59:16 PM
But they likely did make every effort. It just wasn't practical or achievable. I think everyone agrees with you that the timescale rather detracts from the item, but i personally find your reaction and continued insinuation that they somehow didn't try a bit excessive.

I doubt I'll buy one. It's certainly lost it's relevance for me, plus it's a Dapol 66, so performance will be grossly underwhelming! I think the Pride of GBRf is a far more striking livery, or the Cemex one, although I'm nervous they've never shown it without Wipac lights, even if they say they realise they're wrong...