N Gauge Forum

General Category => N Gauge Discussion => Topic started by: exmouthcraig on November 16, 2018, 07:26:05 AM

Title: Gem Fleetline (as was) Ransome Rapier 45T crane
Post by: exmouthcraig on November 16, 2018, 07:26:05 AM

Morning all, while im waiting for a few materials to allow the finishing of the shed on the layout i went routing through the kit box.

I found the Gem crane kit which is a bit crude by today's standards but with a few tweaks and modifications to improve it i thought I'd have a go.

My issue is with the buffer size and height on the load relieving bodies compared to the peco wagon jib carrier.

Can anyone recommend a good sized set of buffers that i can cut off all of them including the jib carrier and replacing them with a better matched set?

I've dragged  loads of photos off the 'Watercress Line' website and all that makes me realise is how much work might get done to tidy her up lots.

Any recommendations that anyone else has done would be much appreciated


Title: Re: Gem Fleetline (as was) Ransome Rapier 45T crane
Post by: Bealman on November 16, 2018, 07:31:41 AM
I'm know of that old kit, and look forward to your build!  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Gem Fleetline (as was) Ransome Rapier 45T crane
Post by: BR Signalman on November 16, 2018, 10:41:06 PM
Looking on line, they appear to be 18inch self contained buffers. If that is the case, PM me and let me know how many you need and I can send you some. 
Title: Re: Gem Fleetline (as was) Ransome Rapier 45T crane
Post by: Jerry Howlett on November 17, 2018, 02:19:59 PM
No advice re buffers but... It is one hell of a beast..  The only things that will pull mine are Union Mills locos. 

Of course I haven't had it on the rails since my latest Diesel addiction, but until the next generation , Osborne's or there is another I saw under developement at TINGs last year, its all we have.

I did a Googlesearch and my own picture turned up!!

http://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd518/JerryHowlett/PC020171.jpg (http://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd518/JerryHowlett/PC020171.jpg)

Watch out as when I clicked on the link  Susan Boyle apperead, not for the feint hearted.
Title: Re: Gem Fleetline (as was) Ransome Rapier 45T crane
Post by: exmouthcraig on November 17, 2018, 02:30:24 PM
Well a few hours this morning enabled me to cut all the white metal out of the jib arms. This has all been filed flat and marking out ready to fit all new bracing inbetween.

Kev (BR Signalman) came up trumps with the correct sized buffers so huge thanks to him for that. (One of the very best things about the forum is the vast pool of knowledge on the other side of this screen).

My next issue with the kit is the bogies for the relievers. I'm struggling to find anything in the spares box to hack around so I'm thinking plastruct and top hat bearings to make my own impression of.

I should spare a few hours over tomorrow so might find something worth photographing!!!

Title: Re: Gem Fleetline (as was) Ransome Rapier 45T crane
Post by: CliveH on November 18, 2018, 12:59:30 PM
One I made earlier!
Like you, I cut out the solid centre of the jib and replaced the struts with plastic strip. Not the right number, but it looks OK.
I also cut a slot in the match truck for the hook, which isn't attached to the crane.
The top pulley on the jib has been moved back so that the derricking tackle sits properly, and the decking on the relieving bogies are cut down from an OD lorry loading area.
I've also replaced the inner 'chassis' with strips of plasticard on which the axles run more freely, and I've only fitted the outer axles. It still requires something a bit more pokey than a light shunter to move, but it's much better than it was!
Zebra stripes are printed on paper and stuck on. The other transfers are more or less random for effect.

For oodles of information, pictures and detailed plans of the R&R 45T crane, treat yourself to Railway Breakdown Cranes Vol 2 Peter Tatlow.
ISBN 978-1-906419-97-4
(Vol 3 has just been released. All three are wonderful reading for anoraks like us!)

(http://www.ngaugeforum.co.uk/SMFN/gallery/71/3453-181118123740.jpeg) (http://www.ngaugeforum.co.uk/SMFN/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view&id=71609)
Title: Re: Gem Fleetline (as was) Ransome Rapier 45T crane
Post by: exmouthcraig on November 18, 2018, 04:22:34 PM
Looks very good Clive👍

Peter Tatlow books have been much consulted through this hack about. The only problem is the only books I've lent my dad in 5years and a currently sat 100miles away. Thankfully with phones as good as they are a quick phone call, 5photos later their sat on my phone for working out!!

I've got the relieving bogies shrunk in height over the axles and got them both rolling again. I quite fancy NEM sockets to close couple it all up.

New buffers are on their way, thanks Kev, logos seem to be coming along nicely.

Have now chopped about to make a 16ft wheelbase match truck with the floor amended for the hook well.

Bracing has started on the jib arm and all derricks have had the solid metal wheels filed off to allow for spoked wheels to be added.

The load relieving bogies in the kit are the later version to what we need so I've hacked a good load of metal out of these to enable them to be made as close to the original as i can get them.

A new airbrush is on order so 🤞 a few hours this week she will be in primer and allowed to be seen in her modified state.

Is it time to now shift this to My Workbench section as we've wandered away from the original question???


Title: Re: Gem Fleetline (as was) Ransome Rapier 45T crane
Post by: CliveH on November 19, 2018, 07:23:20 AM
Hi Craig,

Methinks your crane will look much smarter than mine!
I look forward to seeing it, which will almost certainly encourage me to make improvements.

Mine's painted in Revell 330 Fiery Red which is a very good match to the RTR colour (Stove R etc).
On a practical note, I haven't had any problems with the cast pin couplings between the crane and the relieving trucks, other than filing a smidge off of the underside of the truck part to ensure it didn't sit on the crane chassis.

Best Wishes


Title: Re: Gem Fleetline (as was) Ransome Rapier 45T crane
Post by: exmouthcraig on November 19, 2018, 06:12:32 PM
 :hmmm: i wouldn't jump to conclusions Colin!, hopefully in primer she will be good enough to be revealed prior to painting and logos.

She will be black as first built and I'm pretty sure it would always of been kept immaculate with no nasty leaks or dirt on her so pristine Matt black me thinks.

The metal pin couplings work perfectly but am changing relieving bogies coupling on 1 end to short hook types. If im not wrong (Mrs EC always says i am) the crane ALWAYS travelled in the same direction and therefore 1 coup ling will be standard  to allow uncoupling from the tender and the other will be short hook to match adjoining breakdown vans.

Hopefully pics this week!!!

:thankyousign: craig