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Notices, Help With Problems and Your Forum Ideas... => Forum Ideas and Problems. => Topic started by: zwilnik on September 14, 2014, 11:45:25 PM

Title: Odd new problem today. Login required every time
Post by: zwilnik on September 14, 2014, 11:45:25 PM
Had an odd occurrence today at TINGS. Was helping Bob post photos to the forum from his iPad tethered to the net via my phone and when he popped up the site, it required him to login, which was an odd one for him as he's got it set to stay logged in forever like most of us. Thinking it was just an oddity of the tethering I thought nothing of it until I tried to login on my iPhone and it did the same.

Once I got home, I've found it's the same on my Mac and iPad. Is there something funny that's changed with the forum that it's logging out users after a while?
Title: Re: Odd new problem today. Login required every time
Post by: Bealman on September 15, 2014, 12:53:01 AM
Not that I know of. I too stay logged on 24/7, and I'm out and about on my phone here in Australia at the moment and all seems OK. I'll check my computer at home when I get back, and the other mods will no doubt investigate.

As an aside, I have had minor problems uploading pics recently, but I'm told it is an update problem with my machine, not a forum issue.

Title: Re: Odd new problem today. Login required every time
Post by: davieb on September 15, 2014, 01:01:24 AM
I am logged in as always on my pc
But if i log on to the forum to check on something on my mobile if i then logoff on my mobile i have to log in on my pc
But if I let my session on my mobile
Time out i dont have to log in next time i go onto my pc
If that makes any sense
Title: Re: Odd new problem today. Login required every time
Post by: Bealman on September 15, 2014, 01:11:31 AM
Yes, it does... I would expect that logging out on the phone means you are logged out regardless of where or how you access the forum. When I delete emails on my phone they have gone on my home machine too.

Title: Re: Odd new problem today. Login required every time
Post by: Sprintex on September 15, 2014, 04:40:05 AM
All fine here, not had to log in on laptop or phone ;)

Title: Re: Odd new problem today. Login required every time
Post by: Bob Tidbury on September 15, 2014, 08:42:40 AM
Hi Zwilnik when I got home my Ipad worked as normal so I hope by helping me put pictures on the forum you haven't nackered your settings ,Have a look and see if your instructions sunk into the grey mush in my head, I think I've got it right.
Title: Re: Odd new problem today. Login required every time
Post by: Sprintex on September 15, 2014, 09:02:14 AM
You uploaded the pictures correctly Bob :thumbsup:

All you need to do now is copy the link for each one that looks something like this:-


. . . and then paste it into a reply in your Stonehouse layout thread :)

Title: Re: Odd new problem today. Login required every time
Post by: Bob Tidbury on September 15, 2014, 09:11:40 AM
Will try to do that , But can other members go to my album and see my pictures you obviously did but then you knew that I'd tried to put them on?.
Title: Re: Odd new problem today. Login required every time
Post by: zwilnik on September 15, 2014, 09:21:58 AM
Everything seems to be working normally for me today too. Looks like it was just a glitch in the matrix :)
Title: Re: Odd new problem today. Login required every time
Post by: Bealman on September 15, 2014, 09:39:28 AM
Good to hear. The problem I had with pic uploads that I mentioned earlier has resolved itself too.

Ah, cyberspace. Don't ya love it. :thumbsup: