N Gauge Forum

Notices, Help With Problems and Your Forum Ideas... => Forum Ideas and Problems. => Topic started by: Sprintex on March 13, 2013, 07:29:05 AM

Title: Forum column widths?
Post by: Sprintex on March 13, 2013, 07:29:05 AM
Has anything changed in the last week or so with regard to the forum layout, especially the left column in threads that contains the poster's username and details?

Reason I ask is I am finding in certain threads that the centre column containing the text/pictures/etc has been squashed meaning I have to keep scrolling left and right to read each sentence :worried: Now I know I use an old non-widescreen laptop, but the same is also happening on the Blackberry where it never used to so it's not my computer? Even my signature pic doesn't fit where there was no problem before?

Title: Re: Forum column widths?
Post by: scotsoft on March 13, 2013, 07:36:51 AM
Hi Paul,

Everything is hunkydory on my screen including your signature  ???

Could you have accidently changed your screen resolution by mistake?

Unsure why your Blackberry should be affected as well though, it does sound a bit strange.
I did see Pengy was online earlier and she has not reported anything amis in the mods section.

Try my favourite solution for things like this reboot both machines  ;)

cheers John.
Title: Re: Forum column widths?
Post by: Sprintex on March 13, 2013, 07:48:22 AM
Thanks for the reply John :)

Both the laptop and phone get turned off at night, so effectively reboot every day. This problem has been happening for at least a week so that's 5 or 6 reboots. It's as if the left column (usernames and details) and right column (forum advertisers) are fixed width and the central area (thread text) is expand-to-fit, but the left column width has been widened meaning the central area now doesn't fit and results in a scrollbar?

It doesn't affect all threads either, maybe because text automatically wraps around? Threads with pictures result in a left-right scrollbar though :confused2:

Title: Re: Forum column widths?
Post by: scotsoft on March 13, 2013, 07:56:03 AM
This is what I am seeing Paul, I do have a widescreen monitor which will probably make a difference.


cheers John.
Title: Re: Forum column widths?
Post by: Sprintex on March 13, 2013, 08:03:49 AM
Can't take a screenshot at the moment as I'm not at home, but it does confirm what I thought about the central text area expanding to fit the screen size ;) Even viewing this thread now the right-hand Power Car on my signature pic is cut in half!

Left column definitely looks like it's been widened :hmmm:

Title: Re: Forum column widths?
Post by: swisstony on March 13, 2013, 08:33:09 AM
I too get this, but only on my Iphone, it's perfectly ok at work on Firefox and home on IE.
Title: Re: Forum column widths?
Post by: daveg on March 13, 2013, 09:42:02 AM
No problem here. I have the same as John's sample screen shot.

Most odd.

I do however get a message saying that I've attempted a second post (from my IP) in the last 5 seconds, which can't be true as I'm not able to type that fast altho I can make several posts per visit to the forum.

Hitting the back button I then attempt to post the message (more than 5 seconds later) to be told it's already been posted, but it hasn't!

This has only started happening over the last few days and not every time.

Dave G
Title: Re: Forum column widths?
Post by: Tank on March 13, 2013, 09:46:46 AM
There was some work that went on to sort out the main text area, as sometimes it 'broke' and was very wide (usually when eBay links were posted).  Maybe this has something to do with it?

If you can post what browser you use that it's broken in please, and possibly a screen shot.  Thanks!
Title: Re: Forum column widths?
Post by: scotsoft on March 13, 2013, 09:52:32 AM
Quote from: daveg on March 13, 2013, 09:42:02 AM
I do however get a message saying that I've attempted a second post (from my IP) in the last 5 seconds, which can't be true as I'm not able to type that fast altho I can make several posts per visit to the forum.

Dave G

I have had that message once a couple of days ago but I just put it down to a glitch  :doh:

cheers John.
Title: Re: Forum column widths?
Post by: Sprintex on March 13, 2013, 10:00:19 AM
Quote from: Tank on March 13, 2013, 09:46:46 AM
There was some work that went on to sort out the main text area, as sometimes it 'broke' and was very wide (usually when eBay links were posted).  Maybe this has something to do with it?

If you can post what browser you use that it's broken in please, and possibly a screen shot.  Thanks!

Thanks Chris :thumbsup:

Will try to do so when I get home ;)

Title: Re: Forum column widths?
Post by: Sprintex on March 13, 2013, 02:19:31 PM
Here goes!

First a screenshot of the above post. Note the cut-off HST and the scrollbar underneath. That image is only 530 pixels wide.

(http://www.ngaugeforum.co.uk/SMFN/gallery/60/thumb_4051.JPG) (http://www.ngaugeforum.co.uk/SMFN/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=4051)

And a screenshot taken from Geoff's layout thread to illustrate what happens with pictures. Scrollbar again, and the image is only 600x450.

(http://www.ngaugeforum.co.uk/SMFN/gallery/60/thumb_4052.JPG) (http://www.ngaugeforum.co.uk/SMFN/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=4052)

Browser is IE8 :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Forum column widths?
Post by: Tank on March 13, 2013, 02:46:53 PM
Seems to be working fine from what I can see.  If the screen itself isn't wide enough then it will make the images scrollable.
Title: Re: Forum column widths?
Post by: Sprintex on March 14, 2013, 05:19:23 AM
Yes I realise that, my point was that the screen WAS wide enough until a week or two ago? ;)

Title: Re: Forum column widths?
Post by: daveg on March 14, 2013, 08:42:46 AM
So frustrating when a weird glitch appears.

I'm running IE9 and with a 17" WS laptop and it looks OK. Have you thought of moving to IE9 to see if that makes any diff?

I'm trying to think why it should occur on both your devices and odd that nobody else seems to have raised the issue. Have you tried viewing on another PC/laptop (e.g. at work or a mates) to see if the problem shows up there?

Tank, has the CSS been changed recently? I'm told that could possibly be a cause. Other than that, could a personal preference in settings have been inadvertantly changed that would cause the problem?

Dave G
Title: Re: Forum column widths?
Post by: MJKERR on March 14, 2013, 08:54:52 AM
Mine has always done that, but I only recently returned
Personally, I have never liked the layout and format of this layout, but that is a sacrafice I am willing to make for the community feeling and information available...

Part of the problem comes from the advert column on the far right hand side, as it remains in place even for long pages with many posts, and this appears to be new since I first used the website
Personally, these would be better in horizontal format between posts, or repositioned to the left

Equally, a long time ago I reported the main image does not have a place holder, and that is still the case
As a result the image jumps and moves until it has loaded
Title: Re: Forum column widths?
Post by: Geoff on March 14, 2013, 09:13:54 AM
Have you tried pressing Ctrl and turn your mouse wheel that will alter the size of the page. might make your text smaller though.
Title: Re: Forum column widths?
Post by: daveg on March 14, 2013, 10:55:25 AM
Re Geoff's suggestion; It's an idea to try but I have my 'zoom' set at 110% as default for all web based viewing and have no problems.

Dave G
Title: Re: Forum column widths?
Post by: Sprintex on March 15, 2013, 05:04:36 AM
Dave, yes I tried IE9 and my laptop slowed to a stop, had to revert to V8 ;)

I would guess it would be OK on a widescreen laptop, sadly can't afford to replace mine at the moment! Tried last night changing the zoom to 90% so it all fits, some of the smilies go a bit fuzzy at that resolution though :goggleeyes:

Title: Re: Forum column widths?
Post by: Geoff on March 15, 2013, 07:28:45 AM
I honestly find internet explorer hard work I have had lots of trouble with it, I have tried numerous different internet programs and the best that works for me is Google Chrome, I have adapted it to the way I like it, not sure what it would be like on an old conventional laptop.

Hope you can get satisfaction out of your laptop nothing worse when they do not do as they are told.
Title: Re: Forum column widths?
Post by: daveg on March 15, 2013, 07:29:45 AM
Hi Paul

A real pain and sorry I can't think of a solution for you. I have no idea why you should suddenly have the problem.

Guess you could ask a real PC 'expert' who may advise or go online and see if there's a fix. Is the problem purely with the forum site or do you get it when viewing others with similar layouts?

I get mixed up with frames and tables on website design as it's been too long since I was involved in such but I know certain bits can cause problems with some browsers.

Best of luck and hope you get it sorted.

Dave G
Title: Re: Forum column widths?
Post by: Sprintex on March 15, 2013, 09:05:24 AM
Thanks for your help Geoff and Dave :thumbsup:

I'm guessing a real PC 'expert' would tell me to bin it and get a new one :D This is the only forum I use so can't compare to others either. Oh well, have to live with it I suppose. I still reckon that left column has got wider though! ;)

Title: Re: Forum column widths?
Post by: Tank on March 15, 2013, 09:35:17 AM
Well, I've always said the this isn't Internet Explorer friendly.   :firefox:  Not that is doesn't work, as I use IE8 at work with no problems on the forum.

I'm not sure exactly what Emanuele did, but he fixed an issue with large URL links and large pictures 'breaking out' of the area that is designated for posts.  Nothing has changed visually on the four screens that I use daily, and it doesn't seem to be a major problem for anyone else. :-\  Hopefully we can figure something out, but in the meantime please save your money for a new laptop/PC! :P :D
Title: Re: Forum column widths?
Post by: swisstony on March 15, 2013, 09:48:20 AM
If using IE8, try setting the site to run in compatability mode and see what happens ?

Tools -->
Compatability Mode Settings -->
Add http://www.ngaugeforum.co.uk (http://www.ngaugeforum.co.uk)
Click Close.
Title: Re: Forum column widths?
Post by: Sprintex on March 15, 2013, 10:46:41 PM
Quote from: swisstony on March 15, 2013, 09:48:20 AM
If using IE8, try setting the site to run in compatability mode and see what happens ?

A: Nothing  :laugh: Thanks for trying though.

Quote from: Tank on March 15, 2013, 09:35:17 AM
. . .  but in the meantime please save your money for a new laptop/PC! :P :D

I try but Dapol/Farish keep taking my Laptop fund away  :D

Title: Re: Forum column widths?
Post by: Tank on March 15, 2013, 10:48:24 PM
 :laughabovepost:  I know the feeling!