The angry thread

Started by findus, March 29, 2011, 09:42:45 PM

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Quote from: ReBeginner on April 18, 2013, 09:20:37 PM
Doctor says avoid knee ops if at all possible,

I sympathise greatly with anyone suffering from pain in the knees.

In 2007 I was getting around on crutches, gave up work, couldn't sleep etc. from the pain of Arthritis in both knees.

I do not know what the cause of your agony is but I can onlty say that anyone contemplating having total knee replacement, "GO FOR IT!" 

I had both replaced in 2008 and am now working again, I walk a dog a couple of miles each day, ride a bicycle and have started dancing again, it is only astanding in one place that gives me pain but it doesn't last long.

I sincerely hope that you can get some relief, it can be VERY dispiriting!

Regards, Peter.
Each can do but little, BUT if each did that little, ALL would be done!

Life is like a new sewer pipe, what you get out of it depends on what you put into it!

A day without laughter is a day wasted!


I agree with Peter, many of my friends and one exWife had knee replacements and are now mobile, pain free and getting on with life, sounds to me as though British Doctors are told to say stupid things like that to save the National Health money, might be time to get a second opinion.
Keep on Smiling


Quote from: ReBeginner on April 18, 2013, 09:20:37 PM
Still very annoyed with the pain in my knees - and that! Doctor says avoid knee ops if at all possible, but won't prescribe opium or that green plant stuff as a painkiller - pah!

Ask your doctor to refer you to a hospital for an orthopedic surgeon to look at you problem,if not see if you can change doctors.
From what I've been told by my orthopedic surgeon,they don't like doing knee replacements under a certain patients age because there's a chance it will wear out and need another op which can be a bit tricky.

I've been needing a new knee for a few years now,but about three years ago I mentioned it to my chiropractor and she manipulated my knee and apart from a slight twinge occasionally it's been pain free ever since.

I'm not a complete idiot..some bits are missing.


I don't believe it! Two phlebos had a go today (after I had been knocking back water all morning), and they still couldn't get any blood out. Got to wait until next Tuesday (for the scars to heal), before they will try again. If they fail, I will have to go to the hospital and let them have a go at my ankle veins. By the time I have some results on the blood I will either be dead or cured!


By the time I have some results on the blood I will either be dead or cured!

Very much the latter, if you don't mind Kipper!

I know how painful it can be. Really hope they can get things sorted for you.

Try and take it easy.

Dave G


The vampires phlebos at my docs are no better. I always end up with an arm like a dartboard when they've finished ::)


Quote from: newportnobby on April 19, 2013, 08:54:25 PM
The vampires phlebos at my docs are no better. I always end up with an arm like a dartboard when they've finished ::)

So would that be double tops or onnnnnnnne hundred and eighty  :smiley-laughing:  :smiley-laughing:  :smiley-laughing:

Phil Hendry

Life is so flippin' unfair sometimes.  Was looking forward, yesterday, to playing with my new a/b today.  Woke up at 05:00 feeling like death - everything aching, guts churning and feeling as though I was going to throw up.  :sick: Didn't throw up, but still feel awful.  :sick2: Have had half an hour's play with the a/b, with help from the missus and my lad to get things set up. 

It's bloomin' good, but going to take me a fair while to learn to use.  So far just tried ink on paper.  Can produce a line <1mm wide, without me having learnt, at all, what pressure's best, and it'll splurge a 2" wide, er, splurge, too.

And I need a 'hanger'.  My old Aztek would, with care, sit upright on the worktop with bottle or cup attached.  Not this one though, 'cos the air-hose comes out underneath rather than at the back.  So, at the moment, I can't put it down with anything in the cup.

But I'm bloomin' fed up.  im hardly ever ill.  :veryangry: :veryangry2: :headbutt: :sick2:
I am not a complete lunatic - there are pieces missing!

Pete Mc

Am I the only one here who doesn't know what an a/b is?

:Class31: :Class37: :NGaugersRule:
Its my train set and I'll run worra want!

Pete sadly passed away on the 27th November 2013 -

Pete Mc

Bloomin heck,never thought of that.Lifes so full of anachronisms these days,I am looking at changing my car soon and only thought they applied to car ads.All I see these days is ABS,TCS,MFSW,PSM,VGC and T&T.

Thanks Mick.   :thumbsup:

:Class31: :Class37: :NGaugersRule:
Its my train set and I'll run worra want!

Pete sadly passed away on the 27th November 2013 -


Quote from: Pete Mc on April 20, 2013, 09:30:53 PM
Bloomin heck,never thought of that.Lifes so full of anachronisms these days,I am looking at changing my car soon and only thought they applied to car ads.All I see these days is ABS,TCS,MFSW,PSM,VGC and T&T.

Thanks Mick.   :thumbsup:

:Class31: :Class37: :NGaugersRule:

I think you mean acronyms, Pete, but your statement "Life's so full of anachronisms" is still perfectly true :thumbsup:


You are not alone Pete, it took me a while before the penny dropped  ::)

It would be nice if the full name was used once then abbreviated afterwards to help out people like myself who can never work them out, this is one of my pet hates so I am going to stop typing now  :veryangry:

Phil Hendry

Sorry chaps - was (and still am) feeling too grotty to feel like typing the whole words out.  At least the diahorrea has subsided now, but all the achiness, weakness and general malaise is still plaguing me.  We were supposed to be going out this evening...  The other three have gone, leaving me to fester here on me own.  :'( :sick2:
I am not a complete lunatic - there are pieces missing!


Hope it's just a 24hr bug of some sort and you feel better soon, Phil :thumbsup:

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