Unhappy Thread

Started by Caz, August 26, 2015, 10:11:20 PM

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Thanks, Mike.
I need to be nice to him as I want him to get me a chest X ray as I'm not sure my 'zipper' is healing properly and there may also be some residual nerve end damage. If he does get the X ray I'd also like him to run it past an oncologist as, up until the op, I had smoked for 50 years and it would be good to know if all is OK in that respect.


Sounds like a good plan for Thursday Mick - "be insistent" is my motto when I see the Docs and anything is worrying me.

Sufferin' succotash!


@newportnobby  Good luck on Thursday Mick. Now I can not complain over the way I have been treated by the Irish 'elf service, apart from the time things have taken. However,, when I got the "we can't see anything obviously wrong" speech last November, (after 3 years of tests and waiting), I was told to return this May and to take the results of a recent PSA test with me. A lady in the Doctors surgery rang me four weeks ago to arrange a blood test in April! Anyway, I have to take the results with me to see the specialist in May and a thought struck me  :ouch:. Why do I have to make a 200 mile round journey to take the results with me, so the specialist can say that the new tablets are doing their job, or not as maybe, when everything could be done over the 'phone  ???. Apart from the specialists time and my time and, as I work nights, I will have to take 2 days off work, the appointment could be allocated to someone who is at the begininng of their treatment.
I used to be indecisive - now I'm not - I don't think.
If a friend seems distant, catch up with them.

Ian Bowden

Quote from: Jimbo on February 14, 2017, 12:29:08 PM
He wasn't the one who did the op then? Mind you, wouldn't surprise me if he was! There are some good ones around though. There doesn't seem to be a personal touch anymore sadly, i'm sorry to hear that, good luck on Thursday  :thumbsup:.....try and stay calm!  :uneasy:
they wear masks so you don't recognise them.

Jerry Howlett

Hope all went well today Mick @newportnobby .

Had a trip to Lucca Hospital today to pick up results for Mrs "H"'s latest scan, now all we need is someone with a degree in Astro Physics to decipher it all. Decided to open a bottle of wine instead...

Some days its just not worth gnawing through the straps.


Great decision Jerry.  :thumbsup:

Here's hoping there's good news hidden in those galactic scribbles.

All the best to you both.

Dave G


Quote from: Jerry Howlett on February 16, 2017, 03:15:06 PM
Hope all went well today Mick @newportnobby .

And the same from me!

Jerry - hope 'Mrs H' gets the news she wants - as Dave G says "All the best to you both".  :beers:
I used to be indecisive - now I'm not - I don't think.
If a friend seems distant, catch up with them.


Had my 2nd redundancy consolation yesterday and now the Flipping boss's are moving the goal posts. It now seems i may and will have to work 10 weeks after the day they give there are now two of us earmarked for redundancy, the other guy still only has to do 30 days which equates to 3 weeks 3 days to work, i will need to carry on until beginning of June.

They never mentioned anything about 10 weeks to me in the 1st consolation, only 30 days, it seems now that i have been with them for 10 years they can evoke this rule, it is so they don't have to pay me any redundancy pay for which they cant claim back any tax and while i now will have to pay tax on the pay, i will end up worse off. Heart is not in the job anymore, seems i won't get any management perks like a lot i hear about.

Ten years and you are thought less of nowadays......  :very angry:   

I think i may have put this in the wrong Thread...... :( :(


Are you gonna look for another job or retire Steamie?
If you look for another job then you can use the 10 weeks to go to interviews etc. That'll give you a chance to look around while your still getting paid.
If you're gonna retire then more time to do the N gauge stuff.
Hope everything works out ok for you.
Size matters - especially if you don't have a lot of space - and N gauge is the answer!

Bob Austin


I'm very sorry to hear that Steamie  :(......keep a stout heart, I hope you find some way of dealing with this and hopefully there will be a satisfactory outcome for you.
'Keep it country!'

'Head in the clouds, feet in the mud!'

Bob Tidbury

 :sorrysign: to hear your news Steamie this happened to me a few years ago but they paid me from Dec to Feb .I signed on the first week in Feb and and my son asked me o drive him down to our local retail park ,we noticed a poster in one of the unocupied shops it was for Argos I asked my wife to call in to the Argos in town and pick up a form filled it in popped it down to the shop ,nexr day had a phone call went for interview got the job ,in the mean time recieved a cheque from job center phoned and said I have found a new job so sign me of .The following week I got a letter saying as I had now got a job can I return the money that they sent .
I sent the letter back with something I cant repeat on here written in big black felt tip ,never heard another word from them .I worked at Argos for five years before I retired ,and it was the first time in my working life I had a really nice leaving present.


Sorry to hear this Steamie. Has the other guy worked for less years than you. I am wondering why you will be worse off as the company will have to pay you Statutory Redundancy Pay as well as for the 10 weeks work period.

Or am I misunderstanding your situation?

Full details about redundancy on the .Gov website here:

Whatever happens, look forward to the next big adventure if you can.

Sufferin' succotash!


 :thumbsdown: I think very few employers these days have any soul, few see employees as anything more than just numbers.

I hope you find a positive outcome @Steamie+ and can look back on this with a wry smile soon.


Quote from: Bob Tidbury on February 23, 2017, 09:15:32 AM
I worked at Argos for five years before I retired ,and it was the first time in my working life I had a really nice leaving present.

@Bob Tidbury
Did you have to wait 3 minutes and collect it from Counter B? ;D

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