The angry thread

Started by findus, March 29, 2011, 09:42:45 PM

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Quote from: red_death on November 28, 2011, 04:12:01 PM
Quote from: Zwilnik on November 28, 2011, 03:54:16 PM
take everything greenpeace says with a serious pinch of salt. They're not an environmental group any more, just a money raising group. <snip> they just don't bother filling in greenpeace's 'reports'.

Oh I do take with a large pinch of salt what any of the "green" groups say, though I think there was more than an element of truth in what GP were saying on this one.  Any large scale campaigning organisation costs alot of money - I think you could throw that accusation at many campaigning groups. but I am not sure it really helps get anyone anywhere.

The green electronics reports was also based on information disclosed by manufacturers (either product information or environmental/safety reports) - if a manufacturer can not be bothered to disclose what hazardous components may or may not be in their products then forgive me for being sceptical for not believing their marketing!  I don't doubt that Apple are much better (both in production and communications) now.

Quote from: Zwilnik on November 28, 2011, 03:54:16 PM
My money goes to Sea Shepherd anyway, they actually save whales rather than raising money while pretending to ;)

And on that note we will definitely have to agree to disagree...

Apple's not beholden to Greenpeace, just to their customers. So rather than waste time with a survey that focussed on components that Apple didn't use and out of date practices, they just got on with making better products and waiting for the other manufacturers to keep on trying to copy them.

Greenpeace has done *nothing* in the last half decade to save whales. In fact they've been trying to prevent Sea Shepherd from doing just that by helping the Japanese government and even publicly eating whale meat. They even have their chuggers out in the street collecting money under false pretences by showing photos of Sea Shepherd ships stopping illegal whalers and pretending they're Greenpeace ships when Greenpeace hasn't sent a ship to the Antarctic (or any other illegal fishing or whaling operation) since 2006.

(Greenpeace did illegally blockage a Mediterranean fishing port this year, managing to set back the legal anti poaching of bluefin tuna campaign by aggravating legitimate fishermen) and they have spent $30 million on a publicity yacht though.

As far as Apple repair's concerned, you call Applecare if it's under warranty for free repairs (either take it into a local Apple store if you have one nearby or they'll send someone out) or for user servicable parts such as hard drives and RAM, just swap them out yourself.


It's alright for you lot to larf. Your mouse wheel finger isn't dark blue!  >:(


"user servicable parts such as hard drives and RAM" Q. Can I upgrade my MacBook Air Ram from 2G to 4G after I purchase 2G Ram ? "A. No. That computer's RAM is soldered to the motherboard and not upgradable."


Quote from: Zwilnik on November 28, 2011, 04:51:29 PM
Apple's not beholden to Greenpeace, just to their customers. So rather than waste time with a survey that focussed on components that Apple didn't use and out of date practices, they just got on with making better products and waiting for the other manufacturers to keep on trying to copy them.

Did you actually read what I wrote (or any of the GP material)? Why keep banging on about surveys?  When GP started their campaign on consumer electricals Apple's products contained exactly some of the chemicals that you are saying they didn't eg Brominated Flame Retardants etc.  On that Apple were distinctly behind others...

Quote from: Zwilnik on November 28, 2011, 04:51:29 PM
Greenpeace has done *nothing* in the last half decade to save whales.

Which rather misses the whole point - direct intervention in the hunting process is not the only way to save whales.


Come on, guys. Take a deep breath/time out or whatever and reduce the heat level please. Debates can be good wholesome fun but let's not let it get personal.


Apologies Newportnobby - getting too carried away with the angry theme  ;D


Quote from: poliss on November 28, 2011, 04:51:54 PM
It's alright for you lot to larf. Your mouse wheel finger isn't dark blue!  >:(

And I don't have fingerprints all over my front door! ;D
I'm a personality prototype... you can tell, can't you.


Quote from: poliss on November 28, 2011, 04:58:02 PM
"user servicable parts such as hard drives and RAM" Q. Can I upgrade my MacBook Air Ram from 2G to 4G after I purchase 2G Ram ? "A. No. That computer's RAM is soldered to the motherboard and not upgradable."

true, but you don't buy a Mac Book Air to upgrade the RAM later, you buy it because it's the lightest and cheapest full laptop available (the RAM's soldered onto the motherboard to make it smaller and more reliable). If you want a Mac laptop you can upgrade the RAM on, or with a big hard drive, you buy a MacBook Pro. If you want a computer you build yourself, then you're not an Apple customer.

As for Greenpeace's Apple report, they put Apple to the top of their list a year or so later when Apple put the full details on their website. The brominates etc. were only in the older screens and such that Apple phased out years ago and Greenpeace didn't consider any factors such as Macs staying in active use for up to 10 years vs a year or so before a typical PC gets dumped.

So far Greenpeace's 'be nice' approach has only encouraged the illegal whaling fleet to carry on, despite having a huge stock of unsold whalemeat in warehouses and talking up Sea Shepherd as 'terrorists' when they're a charitable non violent organisation (with no record of arrest or conviction, which Greenpeace can't claim) whose ships are welcome in ports around the world, while the whaling ships are banned outside of Japan.


Take the Greenpeace discussion to PM's or elsewhere please lads if you want to continue it.  Thank you


I'd like to let off some steam about:  :thumbsdown:

I bought something from them on Tuesday and didn't get any word from them to say the purchase had gone through/been accepted/been shipped - nothing. I left it until today to email them to ask whether it had gone through and if so where it was. I got a very short email with no greeting or signature saying that it had been posted and he'd send me the tracking no. later. I thought it was a touch rude. He just phoned me and got stroppy that in my email I'd quoted my billing not shipping address and abbruptly told me that it had arrived today. He said "if I sent out confirmation emails for every purchase I'd get no work done!" Can you believe that? Confirmation email ARE work, it's standard internet practice, what 'company' doesn't send out an email saying they've shipped/you've bought something AND then be rude on the phone! It wasn't even like it was quick postage (6 days) so I'd have had it before emailing. I politely suggested that he maybe added something to his website saying the type of postage (so I know what time frame to wait before contacting) that is used by standard. He said if there was a problem then our telephone and email address are clearly stated... But that's exactly what I did! Email him. He got annoyed and hung up.

Terrible, terrible service and completely unprofessional.

Rant over - now where are those bunnies and flowers?
Askham Battersby MKII - NE/Midland Modular Layout

"We don't stop playing because we get old, we get old because we stop playing."



Sorry to hear that - from reports on other forums I would steer well clear of Ray Mansfield.  I wouldn't take any excuses of attempts to palm you off with excuses and mis-information.

Good luck, Mike


Quote from: red_death on November 28, 2011, 08:27:00 PM

Sorry to hear that - from reports on other forums I would steer well clear of Ray Mansfield.  I wouldn't take any excuses of attempts to palm you off with excuses and mis-information.

Good luck, Mike

Thanks Mike, it's comforting to know that it wasn't just me! :) I'll stick with my local for now I think - Rails.
Askham Battersby MKII - NE/Midland Modular Layout

"We don't stop playing because we get old, we get old because we stop playing."


Wow!  That is rude.  Hattons were as nice as can be when I queried the late arrival of my HST.  Rails and Kernow were very efficient and polite when I used them, and queried orders with both.  Osborn's have been very helpful too when I had a problem ordering online.

It's funny, but being in the US now, you really get a sense of what customer service should be like.   A business here wouldn't stay viable without being prompt and polite.
I'm a personality prototype... you can tell, can't you.


If only they were all like that. As bad as it is, I'd pay a little extra for good service.
Askham Battersby MKII - NE/Midland Modular Layout

"We don't stop playing because we get old, we get old because we stop playing."


Quote from: Mustermark on November 28, 2011, 09:21:10 PM

It's funny, but being in the US now, you really get a sense of what customer service should be like.   A business here wouldn't stay viable without being prompt and polite.

Crikey Mark I wish they were like that in Australia, most of the staff in hobby shops here treat customers like trash, we have two near to where I live both leave you standing like a stale bottle of P, no wonder nearly every railway modeller that I know buy online.
Keep on Smiling

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